Facing the unfriendly attitude of Sengoku, Rafit did not get too nervous, but continued: "Marshal Sengoku, you misunderstood. I know Shichibukai is a very important position, so in order to express our sincerity, we will be here Soon, I personally send a certificate of approval, I believe Marshal Sengoku will be satisfied."

Sengoku snorted coldly, "Then wait until that time. You are not welcome here now."

"Ha ha."

Rafete laughed and said, "Marshal Sengoku is really good at joking, but I have already taken the next words, and I hope you will think about it. Then, everyone, I will leave first."

As he said, Rafit jumped down from the window. At the moment he jumped down, a pair of wings suddenly appeared on his back, then he flew up quickly, and soon disappeared in front of everyone.

"It's no wonder that being able to enter the Marine Headquarters turned out to be a person with the ability to fly."

Seeing that Rafit can actually fly, the people present finally knew why Rafit could come here. After all, Marine is still not so advanced in air defense.

Doflamingo asked Sengoku, "Sengoku, would you really let that Blackbeard join Shichibukai?"

Sengoku hadn't spoken yet, but Lieutenant Crane on the side snorted coldly: "Doflamingo, what kind of choice our Marine makes, it is not your turn to comment. I asked you not to let you talk nonsense."

Doflamingo chuckled and said, "Well, then you guys, what is the purpose of today's meeting?"

A total of dead people came from Shichibukai. Except for Crocodile who was captured, neither the empress of Nine Snake Island nor the seaman Jinbei of The fish men island came, but Sengoku did not care, but started his own meeting.

Sengoku said: "The reason why you gathered everyone here today, I think you already know it. Not long ago, there was news from New World that the Four Emperors red hair and Four Emperors Whitebeard seemed to be getting in touch."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Furfurfur." ​​Doflamingo smiled and said, "Marine's information is really accurate. It's just that the news that just came out has already been known to you. What, what do you want to do?"

Sengoku said: "We Marine are always ready, but you, as Shichibukai, if something happens, you must also show your strength and stand on the same line as our Marine."

Hawkeye suddenly said: "All of the New World Four Emperors are powerful and rebellious, so there is no possibility that they will unite at all, and it is even more impossible for Red Hair and Whitebeard."

Sengoku said: "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, so I just want you to prepare, not let you start to act."

"Speaking of the Whitebeard Pirates, furfurfur, I think of someone."

Doflamingo suddenly thought of something, then looked at Hawkeye, and said, "I remember that the Whitebeard Pirates had a very amazing man many years ago,'Shinigami, Hawkeye, I heard you were in a certain seat. There was a duel with him on the island. Since that duel, he has disappeared. I’m very surprised. A man like him can’t be without news unless he is dead. He shouldn’t be killed by you. Come on, Hawkeye?"

After being pitted by Ji Lingyun once that year, Doflamingo hated Ji Lingyun. Since then, he has been investigating Ji Lingyun's intelligence, but all the intelligence has been lost after that duel. He hadn't encountered Hawkeye in these years, so he didn't have the opportunity to ask. Until now, he was in the same room with Hawkeye and asked.

Hawkeye said coldly: "He is much better than you, and I naturally have no ability to kill him."


A haze flashed in Doflamingo's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Hawkeye, listening to your tone, it seems that I know my strength very well? How about, do you want to try it on the spot?"

Hawkeye said lightly: "I am not interested in you, you are not a swordsman."

"But I am very interested in you." Doflamingo said.

"Okay, don't quarrel, it's not for you to quarrel for you to come here, just keep me quiet." Sengoku said angrily.

Seeing that both of them had calmed down, Sengoku continued: "In addition to telling you about this, there are two other things. Crocodile, who is also one of the Shichibukai with you, was defeated by Luffy the Pirate Straw Hat because it was in Allah What Bastan did, so Marine has decided to deprive him of his rights and put him in custody."

"The loss of Crocodile means the loss of a Shichibukai, so in order to maintain balance, one must be re-selected. Does any of you recommend a good candidate?"

Doflamingo chuckled and said, "You probably don’t like the pirates in the sea who are willing to join, and those big pirates are definitely not willing to join, so it’s not that simple to find a suitable candidate, I think. How about choosing one from my hands?"

Lieutenant General Crane said coldly: "If there is no good candidate, don't talk nonsense, Doflamingo."

Rambo said: "Most of the famous pirates in the sea have either joined the Four Emperors pirate group, or stand on their own. It is basically impossible to make them Shichibukai, but the sea is so big that the hidden powerhouses must be too. Many, I think I can start from this aspect."

Rambo’s words made Marine nodded uncontrollably. Speaking of which, among the Shichibukai present, the only thing that can reassure Marine, I’m afraid Rambo is the only one, because Rambo’s actions in recent years are nothing like Marine. On the contrary, he kills some pirates from time to time, so even Sengoku is very friendly when facing him.

Sengoku said: "Mr. Rambo is right. There are many strong people in the world, but it is not easy to find them. However, this matter is not very urgent. You can look for it slowly. On the contrary, it is another matter. Crocodile is one of Shichibukai no matter what, and we must severely punish the pirate who defeated him."

"You should be talking about Straw Hat Luffy." Hawkeye said suddenly.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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