
Ji Lingyun said to Ace, "How did you get caught in?" Although he knew that Ace was caught by Blackbeard in the original book, but who knows if things will change, so he asked.

Ace said, "It's Teach. It was Teach's Pirates who defeated me and handed me over to Marine headquarters."

"Teach, it turned out to be that bastard."

Hearing Ace’s words, Ji Lingyun’s face immediately became gloomy. Although he had been looking forward to the day he went out, but when he heard that Teach had defected, his heart was still full of anger, even though he was very angry with Teach from the beginning. Opinion, but the Whitebeard Pirates is not bad to him, but even so, this guy still defected. It can be seen that this guy is born with his brother, but then Ji Lingyun thought of a very important one. thing.

"Saatchi, how is Saatchi?"

Although it is strange why Ji Lingyun asked Saatchi when he heard that Blackbeard had defected, Ace still replied: "Saatchi was attacked by Teach and was almost killed. Fortunately, his cry later attracted the attention of others, so He was not killed by Teach, but even if he saved his life, he also broke a hand."

Hearing that Saatchi had not been killed, Ji Lingyun was relieved. Teach defected. He was not surprised. Fortunately, Saatchi was not killed. It seems likely that he had saved Saatchi’s Snow-snow Fruit. In the end, Saatchi was one of the few people in the Whitebeard Pirates who had the best relationship with him.

"Teach got Dark Fruit, right?" Ji Lingyun asked Ace again.

Ace was very surprised. He heard that Ji Lingyun had been locked up here for ten years, but Blackbeard had defected some time ago. How did Ji Lingyun know that something happened to Saqi? He also knew that Blackbeard was for Dark Fruit. All made him feel very puzzled.

"How did you know that Teach got Dark Fruit?" Ace asked his doubts.

Ji Lingyun snorted coldly: "From the day Teach joined our pirate group, I knew he had a ghost in his heart. The reason why he joined our pirate group was for the Dark Fruit. Once he got the fruit, he would definitely defect. That’s why I guessed it."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Your Mera-mera Fruit is very capable, but Dark Fruit is the nemesis of the capable, so you will be defeated, which is excusable, but that guy actually handed you over to Marine. Dad started it."

"What?" Hearing Ji Lingyun's words, Ace's face changed drastically, and he asked in horror: "What did you say? Teach that bastard is going to attack Dad? How did you know?

Ji Lingyun said in a cold tone: "A person like Teach doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, he will aim for his ultimate goal, and there is only one goal for him, and that is the position of the old man."

Ace didn't believe it very much at first, but when he recalled Blackbeard's approach and his forbearing character, he felt that this possibility was very high, so he couldn't help getting very nervous, but then he was full of confidence in Whitebeard.

"Though that guy Teach is gloomy, but he wants to be against the old man, he is still too far away."

Ji Lingyun coldly snorted: "It's not as simple as you think. Why do you think Blackbeard handed you to the Marine headquarters? His purpose is to provoke a war between the Marine headquarters and our Whitebeard Pirates. I will reap the benefits of the fisherman. No one knows him better than I."

"I'm going to be publicly executed in a month, what should I do?" Ace heard that Whitebeard might be in trouble, and was extremely anxious, wishing to fly out now.

Ji Lingyun said: "There is no way, unless we can escape before you are publicly executed, there is no way at all."

He knows very well that unless he can escape, he will have a chance. Otherwise, even if he lets people talk, it will have no effect. Once Ace is executed, Whitebeard will come anyway, and he will let people bring him. If he said that, it would let Whitebeard know that he was locked up by Marine, which would be even more troublesome.

"What should I do?" If it was himself, Ace was not afraid of death, but he was very worried when he was implicated in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ji Lingyun said: "There is no other choice, but you can rest assured, I have already guessed this situation, so I already have a way to deal with it, and you will know it by then.

Eternal Hell is very mixed. If they are in the same cell, they can still speak frankly, but they are separated by several cells. If they say everything, they will be known by others, so Ji Lingyun shut up.

Ace heard Ji Lingyun's words, although he wanted to know very urgently in his heart, but Ji Lingyun couldn't help it.


In order to be able to deal with the Whitebeard pirates, Marine forcibly summoned Seven Warlords of the Sea, and also sent Marine generals to invite them.

Hydra Island is located in the first half of the Grand Line, surrounded by the Calm Belt. The natural geographical environment has kept Hydra Island in an isolated environment for hundreds of years, but this day, it has become unstable.

Marine invites Shichibukai in different ways. Shichibukai, like Rambo, who is closer to Marine, Sengoku just sent a random person to invite, while the other Shichibukai are all rebellious generations, and all of them are amazing. The people Sengoku invited were all Marine lieutenant generals.

The one who came to Nine Snake Island to invite Hancock was Marine Headquarters Lieutenant General. Flying squirrels, flying squirrels didn’t want to come, because it’s a well-known thing that Hancock doesn’t get close to Marine, and this woman is powerful and unreasonable. It takes her strength to fight and can't fight. This is completely a chore, but he can only follow Sengoku's orders.

Flying squirrels gritted their teeth and headed to Hydra Island. Because Hydra Island is located in the Calm Belt, flying squirrels need to pass through the Calm Belt to reach Hydra Island. But even with the seastone bottom, flying squirrels still dare not take it lightly. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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