"Sister, it's time for Marine's compulsory summoning. They have dispatched Lieutenant General Marine Flying Squirrel, waiting for you outside. Are you going?"

In Nine Snake Island, Hancock's sister, Sonda Sonia asked Hancock.

Hancock sat on the throne, underneath her two younger sisters, and a short old woman sitting next to him, who was the former emperor, Guro Liosa, whom Ji Lingyun had met.

Hancock hasn’t answered yet. Guro Liosa hurriedly said: “Hancock, this time it’s Marine’s mandatory call. If you don’t go, it is likely to cause Marine’s unhappiness, which will be very unfavorable to our Nine Snake Island. No matter what it is for once, you must go."


Hancock snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "What's the fear? I accept Shichibukai's position only because of helplessness. I want me to serve them. What I think is beautiful. Tell that lieutenant general. Say that I am not well, so I won't go."


Seeing Hancock's refusal without hesitation, Guro Liosa's face changed suddenly, but before she could say something to persuade her, Hancock suddenly rushed to her and kicked her into the air with great force, directly. Kick her out of the palace.

"It's really annoying, 740. I want my concubine to help Marine, delusional, unless they release Lingyun brother, no, even if Lingyun brother is released, I will never help them, except for Lingyun brother. Others make the concubine feel sick."

For Marine, Hancock didn't have the slightest affection, let alone they arrested Ji Lingyun, so she never went to Marine's call. No matter who Marine sent, she didn't give any face.

"Sonia, go and tell the Marine where he comes from and where to go back." Hancock told her sister.

Although Sonda Sonia was also a little worried, she had always followed Hancock's orders the most, so she did not hesitate to execute Hancock's orders.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Sonda Sonia led someone to see the flying squirrel and directly stated the purpose.

"Sorry, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, my sister is unwell, not suitable for long journeys, so I won't go this time."

It’s just because I’m feeling unwell, I just believe it, and the tone of Sanda Sonia’s tone doesn’t seem to be embarrassing at all. On the contrary, it’s a triumphant expression. .

When Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel heard these words, his mind was immediately depressed. As a result, he was not surprised at all. But he knew that the Marines who had been invited before were all directly beaten back by the Nine Snakes and Pirates. This time It can be regarded as a calm refusal, and it has been regarded as very face-to-face.

If it’s normal, it’s fine, but this time it’s a big deal. Sengoku gave him a death order, so the flying squirrel will naturally not back down. He said in a deep voice, “This time it’s a big deal. If you don’t follow, you will be deprived of Shichibukai’s position directly."

Sanda Sonia snorted coldly and said, "Want to threaten us? Don't waste your effort, you think we are."

"and many more."

Just when Sonda Sonia was about to speak rudely, an old voice suddenly sounded. Sunder Sonia looked behind her in astonishment, and saw the old Guro Liosa approaching. She suddenly frowned and said: "Why are you here? Up?"

Guro Liosa coldly snorted: "If I'm not coming, will you bring disaster to Nine Snake Island?"

Hancock can punch and kick Guro Liosa, very disrespectful, but Sonda Sonia and the others do not have the courage. She frowned and said, "But sister's order."

Guroliosa waved his hand and said, "Well, this matter is well known in the body and mind."

Guroliosa asked Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, right? The old man is the elder of Nine Snake Island. If you have anything to say to the old man, what do you Marine want to do this time?"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at Guroliosa and the people around the Hydra Pirates. He knew that this old woman was not easy, so he said, "We Marine is doing a major business, and Shichibukai must be in place. , This is an order issued by Marshal Sengoku himself. If anyone fails, he will be deprived of the title of Shichibukai, and he will become an enemy of Marine and be conquered by Marine."

Guro Liosa heard what the flying squirrel meant, and was very determined, with no room for negotiation at all. She replied: "Well, let us give us a while. Then, we will definitely go, how?"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, but I'm waiting for you for half a month at most. If you still don't agree after half a month, then I can only leave."

"Has half a month? Enough." Guroliosa nodded and said affirmatively.

In addition to Hancock, Hawkeye and others also received Marine’s order. Hawkeye didn’t say anything and nodded in agreement. However, he did not follow Marine’s people, but said that he would arrive at the specified time, Bartholemew Kuma also agreed, and Blackbeard would naturally not object, because he planned this matter.

Doflamingo teased the Marine who came to invite him, but still agreed to go. After learning everything, Jinbei was very angry and prepared to go to Marine headquarters to persuade him.

Since then, except for Hancock's undecided decision, the rest of Shichibukai are heading towards Marine headquarters.

Rambo was the first to arrive at Marine's headquarters. The reason why he chose to come early was to express his attitude, and secondly, because Marine is now in trouble and it is right for him to investigate Shinigami Blade; he thinks he is so. Positive, Sengoku and others will definitely not doubt, let alone restrict his actions. It is the best time for him to look for the Shinigami Blade.

When I came to the Marine headquarters again, Lambert felt that the atmosphere was very wrong. The ordinary people on the Marine Vatican had begun to retreat quickly. The ferry was full of ships, carrying groups of people. At the same time, the Marine of the Marine headquarters The soldier's aura is also much more serious than before. Although his popularity is less, his aura has become more dignified.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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