Hancock snorted coldly, "I don't care who you are, I just want to know a little bit, is it true?"

Rambo's face was straightened, and he said solemnly: "Of course it is true. My purpose is the same as yours. I want to rescue him."

Hancock asked, "What is your relationship with him?"

Rambo said: "He is the savior of our family, and I can have the current cultivation base, but it is because of his suggestions."

Hancock said coldly, "Why should I trust you?"

Rambo said: "I don't know how to make you believe me, but I have met Big Brother Lingyun and he told me that this year is when he escaped from Impel down, but he couldn't do it himself. He had to rely on our help. can."

"Have you seen Brother Lingyun? In Impel down?" Hancock asked with his eyes lit up.

Rambo nodded and said, "Well, I have met him. He told me that this person is the key to his escape. After four years of investigation and research, I finally determined that this person is the Straw Hat Pirate The group’s straw hat Luffy."

Hancock frowned and said, "Four years? And who is Luffy in the straw hat?"

Rambo said: "I joined Shichibukai four years ago to rescue Lingyun, because only Shichibukai can allow me to enter Impel down and meet him, but because it is Marine's territory after all, so many things are inconvenient to say. ; But Brother Lingyun gave me a reminder that in four years there will be a person who will be the key person who helped him escape Impel down. I spent four years investigating and finally locked the target on Luffy, the straw hat. Although I haven't found anything special about this person so far, I believe Brother Lingyun will not aimlessly."

When Rambo was speaking, Hancock had been listening carefully. He felt that Rambo was not lying.

"Brother Lingyun really said that?" Hancock asked.

Rambo said: "Yes."

Hancock thought, hesitated for a moment before asking, "Then what do you want to do?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Rambo said: "I don't know exactly how to do it. This will be determined after I see the straw hat Luffy."

"You don't have a plan?" Hancock's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard that Rambo had no plan, and an astonishing power radiated from her, giving Rambo a strong pressure.

Rambo didn’t expect Hancock to change his face so quickly. It was just fine, and it turned into a cloud in an instant. Although he didn’t like Hancock’s attitude, he explained: “It’s not completely without a plan. I already have a backup plan, but I don’t think Lingyun will lie to me, so I want to see this straw hat Luffy. If this straw hat Luffy doesn’t work, then I can only use the backup plan."

Hancock's eyes lit up and asked, "What is the backup plan?"

Rambo said: "You should also know that Marine has captured the second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, "Fire Fist" Ace, and will be publicly executed. This will inevitably usher in the rescue of the Whitebeard Pirates. By then, the Marine headquarters and There must be a battle between the Whitebeard Pirates."

Hancock nodded. This is what she thought, but she asked, "Even so, what do you do?"

Rambo said: "We are Shichibukai. Once the war may break out, we will become Marine's allies. The most unfavorable strategy is that when Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates are fighting fiercely, we use our identity to enter Impel down and force a rescue, but do so. Love is too risky, and Lingyun probably wouldn’t agree. After all, he is also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. I think he doesn’t like this approach, and it’s very risky, and he may not be able to save it. After all, Impel Down is the so-called copper wall and iron wall."

Hancock said: "I have considered this, but as you said, the place of Impel down is too mysterious. I have been investigating these years, but there is no result."

Rambo said, "There is no way, but Lingyun said that unless he finds his Shinigami blade, he is not allowed to take risks."

Rambo is very aware of the effect of Shinigami's blade on Ji Lingyun, so he would never rescue him without Shinigami's blade. Not only would he not be able to save it, but he might also lose himself.

Hancock asked, "Since you are looking for that straw hat Luffy, why come to Nine Snake Island?"

Rambo said: "Because he will appear on the island of Nine Snakes soon, I'm here to wait for him."

Hancock and the others were very surprised, and Sonda Sonia couldn't help asking: "What do you mean by that straw hat, Luffy, will appear on our Nine Snake Island soon, what does this mean?"

"That's it." Rambo said patiently in the future.

Hancock said, "What you mean is that he was shot flying by the bear with his ability, and he is about to land on the island of Hydra."

"Yes." Rambo nodded.

Hancock said, "Okay, I see, you can go."

"What did you say." Rambo didn't react.

Hancock said coldly: "I said let you leave. We don't welcome men in Nine Snake Island. You just go and stay outside. There happens to be a warship there. As for the straw hat Luffy, if he appears, I will catch him. inform you."

Rambo was full of helplessness. This woman was really as cold as the legend. She had just talked about it well, and she turned her face off as soon as she finished speaking, I'm afraid there is no one else in this skill.

But now he wanted to ask others, Rambo only obeyed, so he left silently again.

After Rambo left, Hancock's face immediately darkened, and said: "Our Nine Snake Island's defenses are so bad that people broke in silently."

Hancock's two younger sisters, as well as Guro Liosa, also looked ugly.

Guroliosa said: "This kid is also Shichibukai. His strength is amazing. That's why he was able to break into the island of Nine Snakes. However, our defense does have a problem and we must take a good look.

Hancock said coldly: "Not only that, but he knew that the other party was on the island, but he still easily entered here. What do our guards do for food, and the Marine gang, now they can enter Calm freely. Belt, it means that we are no longer safe here and there is no good defense. What should we do in the future?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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