Hancock was indeed very angry, but Nine Snake Island was her base camp, and it was unacceptable for her to enter and leave at will.

Both Sanda Sonia and Mary Grud bowed their heads and said guiltily: "Sister, we didn't do a good job, we will immediately rearrange people and implement a defense system without dead ends."

Hancock said coldly, "I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

Guro Liosa said: "Hancock, it's not the time to talk about these things. Are you really going to cooperate with that Sword Demon Rambo? Although you are all Shichibukai, it is still too much for Marine headquarters Too small, you have no chance at all."

Hancock looked at Guro Liosa coldly, and said coldly: "If you have a chance, it's not up to you. If you talk nonsense, don't blame your concubine for being rude to you."

Ji Lingyun, Hancock must be saved. After he was rescued by Ji Lingyun from Mary Geoise, she identified Ji Lingyun, so Ji Lingyun must help.

"Sanda Sonia, Mary Groud, you two have been searching on Hydra Island with all your strength these days. That Rambo should not lie. The person he said will probably come to 127 soon."

After Rambo left Hydra Island, he returned to the Marine warship.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was not surprised to see Rambo come back alone. He asked, "How about? Didn't you move?"

If the Pirate Empress had been persuaded so easily, they wouldn't stay here for that long. Even their Marine couldn't do it. He didn't think Rambo had this ability.

However, Rambo’s answer was beyond his expectation. Rambo said, “Then you are wrong. The Pirate Empress has loosened a bit. Three days later, I will go there again and I will definitely be able to invite her come out."

Rambo's words made Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel full of astonishment, and he cried out incredibly, "How is it possible?"

Rambo said: "The Pirate Empress said that she needs three days to prepare. After three days, she will let me go again, and then will go back to the Marine headquarters with us."

The expression of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel changed. He looked at Rambo in surprise. He really didn't know what method Rambo used to get the Pirate Empress who was so difficult to get out.

So he couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Rambo, I want to ask, how did you do it?"

Rambo said lightly: "Everyone has weaknesses. As long as she finds her weaknesses, she will naturally have to submit."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The flying squirrel understood what he said. He knew that Rambo was definitely not talking in a good manner, but what threats he used, but he was very curious about what method Rambo used to make the Pirate Empress do this. The people are all justified.

"Three days later, are you sure?" Flying Squirrel confirmed again.

Rambo said: "After three days, you will see the result. Now we just have to wait patiently for three days."

Although he is not absolutely sure, but at this time, he must be confident.

Three days later, Nine Snake Island sent someone to invite Rambo, which made Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and the Marine soldiers startled their eyes. As three days passed, they thought Rambo was bragging. , I found out now that there was a problem with what they thought.

Rambo’s people in the Pirates of the Nine Snakes brought Hancock to Hancock’s palace. Hancock was still sitting there. When she saw Rambo came, she immediately said, “You’re right. , A person fell from the sky and landed in the concubine's palace. Because of your words, the concubine was always on guard. The first time he appeared, people caught him.

"Really? Does he wear a straw hat?" Rambo asked happily.

Hancock said, "Yes, he is indeed wearing a straw hat, but his strength is sparse and ordinary. Is it really like you said, can he rescue Lingyun brother from Impel down?"

Rambo said: "I'm not sure about this, let me see him first."

"it is good."

Hancock immediately sent someone to bring the straw hat Luffy over. When Rambo saw Luffy, he recognized him at a glance.

"Let go of me, let me go, I really have no ill will, I just fell here accidentally, I was beaten here by someone, not what I wanted to come."

Luffy was escorted by the female fighters of Nine Snake Island and walked in, complaining with a gloomy face. He found that the women on this island were really terrible. Since he just fell, he has been bullied, and these women have also been bullied. It was too powerful, everyone hit him so painfully, the fruit ability was completely useless.


Screaming, Luffy suddenly saw Rambo and screamed: "Look, you see, I am not the only man here, he is also a man, why don't you arrest him."

Seeing that the call was too happy, Hancock suddenly snorted uncomfortably: "Shut up, if you call again, you will be cut off."

Upon hearing this, Luffy didn't dare to speak, but his eyes were still grunting at Rambo.

After seeing Luffy, Rambo walked up to him with a smile and asked, "You are Luffy in the straw hat. It is really difficult to see you."

Luffy asked puzzledly: "Who are you? Why do you want to see me?"

Rambo said, "I want to see you because I want you to do me a favor. If you want, I can let them let you go. What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, then you let them let me go, I'm going to starve to death." Luffy called.

Rambo said: "Don't worry about this, I will explain the matter to you first, and then you can decide whether to help or not."

Luffy said helplessly: "Well, then you can tell."

Rambo said, "Actually, I want you to go to Marine's prison to help me save someone."

Luffy didn't pay much attention to what Rambo said about Marine Prison, but curiously asked, "Who is it."

Rambo said: "His name is Edward Ji Lingyun, nicknamed'Shinigami'. He is now locked up in the Marine’s deep sea prison Impel down, where the guards are very tight and can only break through from the inside, so I want you to enter Inside the prison, help us save people."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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