Ace whispered: "If this is the case, I would rather my father not come to save me. To save me, he wants all the brothers to be injured or killed. It is really hard for me to accept."

Jinbei said: "Ace, don't think so. I think everyone will want to do everything to save you. Everyone is voluntary."

Ace said: "It's voluntary, so I feel guilty. I'm just an ordinary person. It makes me feel uneasy for everyone to treat me like this."

Jinbei said, "If you feel uneasy, wait until you are rescued, and then repay everyone well."

Ace was speechless, he knew what Jinbei thought, otherwise Jinbei would not be here.

Ace suddenly remembered something. He quickly asked Jinbei: "By the way, Jinbei, do you know someone named Shinigami?"


Jinbei changed his expression and asked, "Shinigami is Lingyun, how did you know?"

Ace saw that Jinbei knew Ji Lingyun and said with a serious face: "Because I have spoken to him, he is in this Eternal Hell."

Jinbei's expression changed drastically, and he cried out unbelievably, "How is it possible to be 17? Lingyun is in this prison? How could he be in this prison, his strength can't even catch him by Marine Admiral, how could he be possible? ?"

With that, Jinbei stopped abruptly. He suddenly remembered the disappearance of Lingyun ten years ago. It is said that he disappeared after a battle with Hawkeye. However, Hawkeye said that he did not kill Lingyun. It became a tie, but Lingyun hasn't appeared for ten years. Many people think that something may have happened to him.

"Lingyun had no news ten years ago. Could it be that he was caught by Marine ten years ago? He was locked up here, so we don't have any trace of him?" Jinbei guessed in his heart.

Jinbei asked eagerly: "Where is he now?"

Ace pointed to the deepest part of Eternal Hell and said, "He is locked in the innermost cell."(Read more @

After learning about Lingyun’s news, Jinbei couldn’t bear it anymore. He suddenly shouted: "Lingyun, is that you? Are you here?"

After hearing Jinbei’s yell, Ji Lingyun in the cell’s cell suddenly smiled. He slowly raised his head. He just heard movement and felt a familiar breath entering Eternal Hell, but he didn’t. I'm sure who it is, now that he hears Jinbei's voice, he is very happy in his heart.

"Jinbei, I didn't expect that you and my brother would meet again in this dark Impel down prison."

Ten years in prison has made Lingyun's voice a little hoarse, because he hasn't been drinking water for ten years.

Hearing Ji Lingyun's voice, Jinbei suddenly showed excitement. He exclaimed excitedly: "Lingyun, it's really you, it's really you, it's really you, I thought Ace was lying to me. ."

"What is the name of the ghost, are you bothering you?"

"What's the name, it's so noisy, Shinigami, why is it always you?"

"Lingyun boy, why do you always meet acquaintances during this time? Have everyone you know been arrested?"

"Haha, reunion after a long time, it's really touching, hehehahaha..."


Listening to the screams of these prisoners, Ji Lingyun snorted and said, "Do you still want to taste my Haki?"

When Ji Lingyun said this, it surprised many people. Most of the people detained here are Demon fruit power. Now their ability is limited. It will make them very uncomfortable to bear Ji Lingyun's Conqueror's Haki. Being locked up is enough to suffer. If Ji Lingyun stuns with Conqueror's Haki, it is not a good feeling.

So for a while, Eternal Hell was quiet a lot, but there are still some people who are not afraid of Ji Lingyun's Haki, still muttering there, but it does not affect his dialogue with Jinbei.

Ji Lingyun laughed at herself and said, "After the battle with Hawkeye ten years ago, he was caught by those Marine guys. Speaking of which, he has been locked up here for ten years. I saw you were also locked in I know that the day when I go out is not far away, haha, hahahaha..."

Ji Lingyun's laugh made Jinbei full of doubts, and the other prisoners in the prison also asked curiously.

"Hey, Shinigami boy, you said that the day to go out is not far away, what do you mean?"

"Yeah, Shinigami boy, there are so many people here, but your boy is the most invisible. Can you really leave here?"

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense there. If he could get out, he would have gone out long ago. How could he be kept here for ten years."

Ji Lingyun didn't care about the barking of these people at all, but asked Jinbei: "Jinbei, since you have been locked in, then dad must have started the action, right?"

Jinbei let go of the doubts in his heart and said to Ji Lingyun: "Yes, Dad has already started the operation in 970, but I don't know how Dad is going to rescue Ace."

Ji Lingyun said: "How can I save it? Naturally, it is to hit the Marine headquarters. There is no other way. But in this case, our Whitebeard Pirates may suffer heavy losses this time, especially the old man. The old man is very old and it is difficult to conduct high-intensity wars; and what I worry most is the guy Teach. He deliberately provoked a war between Marine headquarters and our Whitebeard Pirates. He aimed at the position of the father and Ability, he will definitely attack the old man."

Jinbei was shocked when he heard this. Ace had heard Ji Lingyun say before, so he was relatively better. Jinbei asked nervously, "Does Teach really attack Dad?"

Ji Lingyun said: "As far as the matter is, what is the use of asking these questions? I must save my father, so I have to leave here, Jinbei, if I guess right, the people I stay outside will soon Arrange for someone to come in to rescue me, and I am ready, then I want you to go to the Marine headquarters with me."

Before Jinbei could speak, all the prisoners of Eternal Hell suddenly screamed.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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