"Really? Hey, Shinigami, will someone really come to rescue you?"

"Yeah, Shinigami, we have all heard your words, will anyone really come to save you?"

"Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've heard since I entered Eternal Hell. Someone will break in to save you? Lingyun boy, I think you are talking about dreams, right?"

"Laozi also thinks that his brain is broken. Impel down is guarded by Magellan, and there are warships around him. Apart from the Marine warship, it is impossible for other ships to come in. Who will save it?"

"I think this kid has been imprisoned for too long and his head is broken. If he can escape from here, I will immediately show it to you."


The prisoners of Eternal Hell couldn’t help but ridiculed them. They have been locked up here for a long time. They usually refuse to speak because they are a waste of energy, but they are awakened by Ji Lingyun and Jinbei. After listening to their conversation, they couldn't help talking one by one.

These prisoners all think that Ji Lingyun is bragging, but Jinbei doesn't think so. The Ji Lingyun he knows has always been full of confidence. Since Ji Lingyun said it, even if he thinks that there is little hope, he still believes in Ji Lingyun. .

Jinbei said, "Lingyun, but Ace will be publicly executed in a few days."

Ji Lingyun said, "I know it will be too late."

New World!

Because the whole world is watching the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates, but just a few days before the execution, the Whitebeard Pirates disappeared. No matter how other forces probed, they could not find the Whitebeard Pirates' whereabouts. .(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

As for the Whitebeard Pirates group, they have already started from New World to move towards the first half of the Grand Line. Because The fish men island is the site of the Whitebeard Pirates group, there is the help of The fish men island. It is difficult to detect the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard pirates are now waiting near The fish men island, because they are still waiting, only at the moment when Marine is publicly executed, they can really see Ace, otherwise it will only be against them if they go to war at other times; As for the way to get to the Marine headquarters, Whitebeard had already thought of it, that is, the coating enters from the bottom of the sea.

Whitebeard knows very well that the Marine headquarters will definitely set up traps waiting for him, so if you want to get the upper hand, you must be surprised and attack it. Entering Malin Vatican from the bottom of the sea will definitely have a very good effect.

"Father, there are three days left, and Ace will be publicly executed in three days."

On the Mobile, Marco looked at Whitebeard standing above the bow, and said with a heavy face.

Whitebeard nodded and said, "I know, three days later, when we are fighting Marine to the death, Marco, are you scared?"

Marco smiled and said, "Father, you look down on people. Since I have been with you for so many years, when have I been afraid? Isn't it the Marine headquarters? The kid Lingyun can break into the World government Mary Geoise. You go to Marin Vando together, that's nothing."

After speaking, Marco immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he quickly said: "Sorry, father, I didn't mention Lingyun on purpose, I just, I just..."

"All right."

Whitebeard waved his hand and said, "I know what you are thinking. You are afraid that mentioning Lingyun will make me sad, but ten years have passed. I have long been used to it. Although he has not heard from him for ten years, I firmly believe that he still Alive, and I have faintly guessed where he might be."

Marco asked in surprise: "What? Daddy, did you guess where Lingyun is?"

Although he also felt that Ji Lingyun couldn't just die like this, he didn't have the confidence. He didn't expect Whitebeard to say such things. He could feel that Whitebeard was more confident when speaking.

Whitebeard said in a deep voice, "Lingyun disappeared after a sword fight with Hawkeye. Although Hawkeye said that it had nothing to do with him, I have always asked you to send someone to follow him. Ten years have passed, and I have some guesses. ."

"Father, what did you think of?" Marco asked eagerly. Among the Whitebeard Pirates, he has the best relationship with Ji Lingyun, so he is also the one who wants to know the whereabouts of Ji Lingyun most.

Whitebeard said: "In these years, every year, Hawkeye will go to a place, Marine headquarters. With the personality of Hawkeye, he can't go to Marine headquarters every year for no reason. There must be something important, but I don’t think Hawkeye will do anything for Marine, so I thought about it and thought it was possible that Hawkeye was going to see someone."

"Lingyun." Marco exclaimed, "Father, you mean, Hawkeye went to Marine headquarters to find Lingyun?"

Whitebeard nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I think. When we questioned Hawkeye, he told us very positively that Lingyun is okay. If he can be so sure, it means that he must know Lingyun's situation. , I think he always goes to Marine headquarters, so I guess Lingyun is likely to be caught by Marine. After all, he can hide the news so deeply, and let us investigate less than the slightest trace, except for the World government. The forces are very difficult to do."

Marco said in shock: "Father, when Lingyun and Hawkeye were fighting swords, Marine took the opportunity to catch him, so Hawkeye knew Lingyun's whereabouts, but he didn't tell us, that is to say. , Lingyun must have not been killed by Marine?"

Whitebeard said: "If our guess is correct, then Lingyun must have not died. Otherwise, it is impossible for Hawkeye to go to the Marine headquarters every year. His purpose must be to determine Lingyun's life and death. After all, Lingyun is likely to be compared with him. The sword will only be caught. Eagle Eye has a clear sense of grievances, and he must have guilt in his heart, that's why he did this."

Marco’s eyes got brighter and brighter, and finally he said, “In other words, Lingyun was really caught by Marine, but he was not killed. Instead, he was imprisoned somewhere in Marine’s headquarters, so Hawkeye Will you go to Marine headquarters every year?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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