"Damn, I can't get out, what should I do?"

Luffy looked at the road that had been completely blocked, and shouted angrily. Ace was just above him, very close, but he couldn't catch up, which made his mood very irritable.

Ivankov said solemnly, "It seems that they are trying to trap us here."

Just when Luffy and the others were eager, an arrogant smile suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha, hahaha, hehehehe..."

Hearing this laughter, Luffy's expression suddenly changed, and he said to himself: "This voice is so familiar, isn't it?"

"If you want to leave here, then take me. I can make a hole in the ceiling, how about?"

There was a sound of chain ringing, and then I saw someone in a cell very close to Luffy and the others walked to the prison door, wearing a prison uniform, looking at them with deep eyes.

"Crocodile." Luffy exclaimed.

Crocodile looked at Luffy with a dark smile, and said, "Luffy in the straw hat, it's been a long time since I saw him. I didn't expect to meet again here, ha ha ha.

"It turned out to be you." Ivankov and Lightning are naturally Crocodile, but they didn't expect to meet Crocodile here.

Crocodile smiled and said, "I thought it would make no sense even if I escaped, but I didn't expect that the old man Whitebeard would go to war with Marine headquarters. In this way, he would have a chance to take down his head; I I am very interested in that war. As long as there is my strength, you can escape from here, how about? This is a proposal for both."

Luffy yelled: "You have done so badly to Vivi's country and want to come out. I would never agree."

Crocodile sneered and was about to speak again, but at this moment, Ivankov walked over and said to Luffy, "Let him come out. He can't do anything with me."

Luffy said: "Little Ivan, he is..."

Ivankov said: "Let him join in is a powerful combat force. Don’t forget that we are going to the Marine headquarters. With just a few of us, it’s not so easy to get to the Marine headquarters. As for you, you are worried that he will go back. Don't worry about that, I have one of his secrets."

Luffy asked curiously: "Secret, what secret?"

Ivankov said, "I met him a long time ago. When he was a rookie pirate, he..."

"Shut up." Crocodile shouted furiously.

Ivankov chuckled and said, "No problem, Luffy, he won't betray us, as long as I grasp his weakness, he won't be able to overcome any storms."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then he said to Crocodile: "If you are willing to help us, then we can let you out, but if you dare to betray us, I will tell your secret."

Crocodile stared at Ivankov with fire-breathing eyes. If his eyes could kill, Ivankov would have died hundreds of times.

At this time, the prisoners of Eternal Hell finally understood Luffy's purpose of coming here, so they all called out.

"I also have a grudge against Whitebeard, let me out too, and I will go with you."

"Yes, I also have a grudge against Marine Headquarters. I want to seek revenge from Marine Headquarters."

"Me too, me too."

"Let me go, as long as you let me go, let me do anything."


"To shut up."

Listening to the surrounding noise, Ivankov snorted coldly, but how could these prisoners listen to him? He just heard him roar, and immediately used his power to attack these prisoners. These prisoners were locked inside, and there was What kind of power, so I was easily knocked down by Ivankov.

"Please, let me out too."

Suddenly Jinbei yelled, and he said solemnly: "Take me there, I will definitely be able to help you. We met when Ace just joined the Whitebeard Pirates. Our relationship is very good. He and me Having said about you, the reason why I am locked here is because I oppose this war, and I also want to save Ace."

Luffy and the others stared at Jinbei in surprise. They didn't expect Jinbei to say this, especially Ivankov. He knew Jinbei's identity, so he was even more surprised.

Luffy stared at Jinbei for a long time before he said, "Okay, I can let you out."

After Jinbei suddenly revealed a surprise, he said, "I'm so grateful."

The revolutionary army on the side frowned and looked very uneasy, but Ivankov had no objection, so he could only follow Luffy's choice.

Because of their lightning ability, Crocodile and Jinbei were quickly released, and the five stood together.

The Revolutionary Army Lightning said: "In this way, besides us, two Seven Warlords of the Sea joined."

Luffy asked curiously: "Shichibukai? Isn't there only one?"

Ivankov said, "Jinbei is also one of Shichibukai."

Luffy looked at Jinbei in surprise. He didn't expect Jinbei to be such a powerful character.

Crocodile said, "My goal is to take Whitebeard's first rank."

Jinbei said, "I won't let you hurt Daddy Whitebeard."

Crocodile said: "Then it depends on whether you have the ability to stop me, or should we compete now?"

Ivankov snorted coldly, "Crocodile, don't forget your past."

Upon hearing Ivankov's threat, Crocodile dared not speak. The biggest secret in his heart was grasped, so he could only let Ivankov manipulate.

Ivankov smiled and said, "If this is the case, then we should set off."

Luffy also yelled in excitement, but Jinbei said, "No, we have one more thing."

Ivankov asked puzzledly, "What else?"

Jinbei said: "We have to rescue Lingyun. With him, we can leave here more confidently."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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