"Lingyun, are you talking about "Shinigami"?"

Ivankov asked with a puzzled expression when he heard Jinbei's words.

Jinbei said: "Yes, Shuiyun's strength is the strongest in our level of prison, and he is also my companion and a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Group. He will definitely save Ace after he goes out."

Luffy said, "The man named Sword Demon also asked me to rescue him, so let's let him go."

Crocodile frowned and said, "That guy is a lunatic, let him out, is it really okay?"

Although Crocodile only stayed in Eternal Hell for a short time, he still knew the horror of Ji Lingyun very well, and Ji Lingyun was still a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. If Ji Lingyun was released, he might not What opportunity to assassinate Whitebeard, so he didn't want to do it himself.

The revolutionary Lightning also said, "That'Shinigami' is a very dangerous figure. Is it really okay to let him out?"

Luffy resolutely said 823: "Since I promised someone, I must do it. Where is he locked up now?"

Jinbei said, "He's in the deepest part of this level of prison. Come with me."

Jinbei took Luffy and the others to the deepest part of Eternal Hell, and saw that this was a cell that was much cleaner than other cells, and it was a bit bigger than others, but there was only one person in this cell. .

When Luffy and the others saw the figure in the cell, they were shocked, even Jinbei was shocked.


The person in the cell looked terrifying. He had long hair and he knew it hadn't been cut for a long time. However, it was not his appearance that made people scary, but the dozens of amazing iron chains bound to him.

The entire cell was covered with iron chains, and Ji Lingyun was locked from all sides. Many of the iron chains passed through the person’s body. One end of the iron chain was fixed on the wall of the cell, and the other end was This person's body.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)


Ivankov also looked at this scene in amazement, and said: "How much vigilance and fear is it necessary to be able to do this? It's all like this, how did he live until now?"

Being restrained in this way, it is difficult to move even if it is even moved. If it is replaced by an average person, it can't bear this level, let alone it can last for ten years.

"This guy." Crocodile's pupils also shrank, like Shichibukai was locked here, but they were only tied with their hands and feet, but Ji Lingyun's situation was more than a few dozen times more miserable.

"It's hard to imagine what kind of belief and endurance it is to be stuck here for ten years."

After hearing Jinbei’s voice, Ji Lingyun in the cell slowly raised his head. The first thing that appeared in everyone’s eyes were those eyes that looked like bright stars. Luffy and others saw these eyes, somehow, they were in their hearts. It trembled, as if seeing the deep darkness.

"After waiting for ten years, it's finally time to leave, Jinbei, it's been a long time since I saw you."

When Jinbei saw these eyes and heard the voice again, he immediately said happily: "Sure enough, it is you, Lingyun, you are really alive. If you know, Dad will be very happy."

Ji Lingyun said, "It's me, so let's not say so much. I have been trapped here for ten years and my bones have rusted. Hurry up and open it for me. Let me feel the breath of freedom."

Jinbei said to Luffy and them: "Luffy, I also ask you for help."

The ladyboy king Ivankov nodded to Lightning, and then Lightning used his ability to cut Ji Lingyun’s cell open, and then helped Ji Lingyun’s iron chains to be cut one by one. It took a few minutes to remove All the chains on Ji Lingyun's body were cut.

As soon as the chain was cut, Ji Lingyun's body fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jinbei's eyesight was quick and he held Ji Lingyun with his arm, and asked with concern: "Lingyun, are you okay."

The revolutionary lightning said: "The bones on his body are misplaced, and they are connected to the iron chain. I can't help him, because if all the iron chains are taken out, his bones will also be damaged, so those The iron chain fragments are still in his body, unless it is an operation, it will not be completely clear."

Speaking of this, Lightning said with emotion: "It's really hard to imagine, being wounded like this, I can still live."

Ji Lingyun was held by Jinbei and twisted his ten fingers a few times. Then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He laughed at himself: "I haven't moved for ten years. My body is really rusty. It is so difficult to control it."

Crocodile said coldly: "It's not easy for you to be alive. You still want to stand up."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Crocodile, if you think so, then you look down on me too much. Do you really think that after ten years of detention, I just spent it in despair?"

"What do you mean?" Crocodile looked at Ji Lingyun puzzled.

Ji Lingyun gently pushed Jinbei away, and then stood there alone, listening to the slight bending of his body, and suddenly shouted under the surprised eyes of several people.

With Ji Lingyun’s savage drink, only one Iron Body quickly flew out of his body, along with the flying out of the iron chain, there were countless bloodlines on his body in just a few seconds. It's already covered with blood.

Lightning cried out in disbelief: "How is it possible? How painful it is to use your own power to blast away the Iron Body and debris in your body."


A mouthful of blood was spit out from Ji Lingyun's mouth, and then he half-kneeled on the ground again, but he smiled and said, "It's a lot more comfortable now. It's really troublesome to keep these things inside."

Slowly stood up. Although Ji Lingyun's condition was not very good, his eyes became brighter.

"Everyone, if it's convenient, can you find me a new dress, this dress has been worn for so many years, I have had enough, and it looks so crippled."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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