"Blubru, Blubru..."

At this moment, suddenly there was a phone worm sound from the warship. Everyone in the city changed their expressions. They were on a warship, and they did not have a phone worm. Now that the phone worm is thinking about it, it is undoubtedly the phone on the warship. insect.

After listening carefully, Ji Lingyun stood up, and everyone walked towards the place where the phone bug rang.

I saw a phone bug lying in the middle of the ship, ringing non-stop, and Luffy answered it without thinking.


His answer immediately shocked many people, after all, they are still fugitives now, and now they have received a call from Marine, which is obviously not right.

Ji Lingyun smiled when he saw Luffy's movements. Of course he knew it was a call from Marine headquarters.

There was a voice from the phone worm.

"This is Marine headquarters!"

Luffy said frankly: "I'm Luffy." The people around were speechless. They were already familiar with Luffy's recklessness, but now that the call was answered, Luffy could only let him talk.

"Your ship was hijacked by a prison escape. We have received news from the warship from the Impel down prison. According to the situation in the prison before the communication was interrupted, there were three principal offenders in this escape."

Hearing that there are three main criminals, many people are looking at Jinbei. Crocodile is already the three of Luffy. From their perspectives, these three should be the most famous, and although Ji Lingyun has the highest reward, he knows him here. There are not many people.

However, Marine’s answer was obviously disappointing. He only heard from the phone bug: “Luffy the Pirate Straw Hat, Buggy the Pirate Clown, and Shinigami the Pirate, Edward Ji Lingyun!”

Upon hearing this, the prisoners on the warship showed incredible colors. Most of them looked at Buggy and Luffy. They didn’t know the identity of Ji Lingyun; especially Buggy, It has attracted countless eyes.

"Captain Buggy unexpectedly surpassed Shichibukai and became the main criminal, Captain Buggy, what is your origin?"

"Also, Shinigami Edward Ji Lingyun, I know, he is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Ten years ago, he was a big pirate with a billion bounty. He is also in our team?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun is okay, but Buggy is full of stunned face, he can't think that he will become the main criminal.

Marine's report is still going on, they said: "Naturally the straw hat boy, needless to say, the new generation of pirate supernova is your escape from prison;'Shinigami' Edward Ji Lingyun, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, is offering a reward of billion Great pirate, I didn’t expect a big man like you to be imprisoned in Impel down, and you escaped. The purpose of you and the straw hat boy is naturally self-evident."

"Joker Buggy, we originally despised you as an unknown pirate, but we didn't expect you to be a crew member of Gol·D·Roger, the one piece king."

Buggy was taken aback and exclaimed, "Why is it exposed?"

When the pirate prisoners heard that Buggy was actually one of Roger's crew members, they were shocked and speechless.

"What? Captain Buggy turned out to be a crew member of One Piece?"


But they were still more shocked. They just listened to Marine continuing to say: "Also, you and New World Four Emperors red-haired Shanks called brothers, we have also found out clearly that a man like you can survive until now. Kieshi, keep a low profile, but now I finally can't help showing the fox tail. Although I don't know what your specific purpose is, it must be the same as the straw hat boy to rescue Ace Huoquan."

The pirates on the ship were shocked and speechless. No one thought that Buggy had such a big origin, not only a crew member of One Piece, but also red-haired brothers and sisters to the Four Emperors.

"We have found that Jinbei, Crocodile, Ivankov, etc., on your ship, there are more than two hundred fugitives. I warn you, as long as we don’t open the gate of justice, you will not only not be able to reach Malin Vandor, but you will also not be able to get rid of the rotating currents. All of you not only have nowhere to escape, but there is also no possibility of surviving, so make yourself aware."

Just when Marine was about to turn off the phone, Luffy suddenly shouted: "I will definitely rescue Ace."


Luffy hung up the phone fiercely, and the prisoners around him were shocked.

These prisoners yelled and yelled, "Captain Buggy, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. It turns out that the crew of One Pirate is also called brothers and sisters with red hair. Our savior is really different. From now on we I'll follow you."

"That's right, Captain Buggy, we want to follow you, and go wherever you let us go."

A large group of criminals surrounded Buggy, preparing to take refuge in Buggy, and many people shouted: "Captain Buggy, let us take this ship back from the group of guys who want to go to Marine headquarters, you give me an order."

"Yes, Captain Buggy, with a big man like you here, we can definitely seize this ship. I don't want to go to Marine headquarters to die with fools like Luffy in the straw hat."

"Captain Buggy, please give your orders."

These prisoners all took up their weapons, staring at Luffy Jinbei and them fiercely, and they were even ready to do it.

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and everyone looked over, and saw Ji Lingyun standing on the bow of the boat, looking at them with cold eyes.

"Who are you guys? You dare to talk to Captain Buggy like that, do you want to die?" someone shouted.

Ji Lingyun's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Buggy, take care of these guys, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

Buggy looked at Ji Lingyun, and his heart trembled. But he knew this man's method. When he first met, he was very impressed. More importantly, he knew that this was a billion yuan bounty. The big pirate is not something he can deal with.

"How dare you talk to Captain Buggy like this, and die!"

Some prisoner couldn't understand Ji Lingyun's tone, so he rushed towards him with a sword. Buggy was too late to stop him.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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