Everyone on the boat only saw a flash of light from the sword. The person who rushed towards Ji Lingyun had his head separated from his body, and the blood was spilled on the ground, which shocked the other prisoners who were about to move.

It turned out that before the man rushed to Ji Lingyun, Ji Lingyun took the lead. He not only snatched his sword, but also killed him instantly. The speed was very fast. When the man died, the expression on his face was all Too late to change.

Ji Lingyun threw away the blood-stained sword in his hand, glaring coldly across the faces of all the prisoners, and said coldly: "If anyone dares to talk nonsense, this is the end."

Although Conqueror's Haki was not released, the amazing momentum still made many people breathless.

Suddenly, a prisoner exclaimed, "I see, he is the person Marine just mentioned, Shinigami, Edward Ji Lingyun, the pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the big man with a billion in rewards."

"What? He is Shinigami. I have heard of him. He is an undefeated man in the fight against Marine Admiral."

"What's this? I also know that at the scene where Roger was executed 22 years ago, it was this man who made a noise in Logue town and snatched Roger's body. You must know that he was a ten-year-old boy at that time."

As soon as someone talked about the identity of Ji Lingyun, more than 800 people recognized him. After all, Ji Lingyun's name back then went straight to the Four Emperors. He was called the most terrifying newcomer, even Marine. Given a bounty of one billion, this is a big pirate second only to the Four Emperors level.

"I also remembered. That's right, it's him, a big man, he really is a big man."

"It turns out that such a big man has also been imprisoned in Impel down. Now the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine Headquarters are at war. No wonder he must go to Malin Vandor."

"Can't resist, such a big man, even if we all add up, we won't necessarily be able to fight."

"..."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

There was constant discussion among the prisoners, but the most sure thing was that none of them dared to talk about it anymore.

Crocodile snorted coldly: "I thought there would be a riot, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so easily."

Buggy's face is constantly changing. He was originally a timid person. If he was asked to fight Ji Lingyun, he wouldn't dare to kill him, but now he wants to remain majestic in front of so many people, so he absolutely can't Lu Ji.

So Buggy yelled, "You guys shut up, isn't it the Marine headquarters? Of course we are going. There is the strongest combat power of Whitebeard and Marine. This uncle is just going to make a name for himself... …"

Hearing Buggy's words, the prisoners suddenly yelled in excitement again. Aside from anything else, Buggy's ability to pretend to be a must, deceived these impel down prisoners.

After seeing the prisoners calm down, Ji Lingyun was relieved. These guys are actually quite good. If not necessary, he doesn't want to kill them all. The situation like this is the best result.

After boarding the rotating current, the warship quickly moved towards the Marine Headquarters. At the same time, the Marine Headquarters, Marine Headquarters, the world live broadcast also slowly unfolded, and the Marine lineup was also revealed.

Malin Vando!

Starting from Impel down, the warship responsible for escorting Firefist Ace has arrived at the Marine headquarters. At this time, Ace has also disembarked and is temporarily detained, waiting to be taken to the execution platform.

Because it was a public execution, live broadcasts were conducted in many places in the world. The best signal is naturally the Chambord Islands near Malin Vatican. There are several screens showing Malin Vatican's situation at this time. Now the live broadcast is not fully open, so all you see are the Marine soldiers of Marine Vando.

On the Chambord Islands, in order to carry out this live broadcast of the world, a huge square was vacated. At this time, the square was full of people, there were tens of thousands of people, some of whom were locals from the Chambord Islands Some people come from all over the first half of the Grand Line. As for the four seas in the south, east, north and west, although live broadcasts are also carried out, it is somewhat delayed due to the distance, and the picture is not as clear as the Chambord Islands, but it is okay. Watch.

Under the gaze of everyone in the Chambord Islands, the live camera finally moved, and the camera quickly moved between Marine headquarters in Marine Vandor, allowing people to see the layout and lineup of the Marine headquarters.

Several screens are screened separately, and the largest of them is a public execution platform. Although this is only a temporary execution platform, it is conceivable how this execution platform will be in the near future. Important, because the fuse of this war will be executed here, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the focus.

Below the execution platform is a large group of Marine guards, among them there are many giant Marine soldiers, all with solemn faces.

The remaining screens reveal the military layout of the Marine headquarters. From the elbow of Marin Vando to the wings, they are filled with Marine warships. These warships are full of Marine soldiers standing upright. There, staring ahead.

These warships are Marine’s important forces, because in large-scale wars, warships and artillery will exert a huge attack power. It may be difficult for masters to hurt, but for ordinary pirates, these attacks It's still fatal.

The camera slowly shifted from the elbow and the warship to the bay. Marine was stationed on each observation deck. They acted as the eyes of Marine's headquarters, and they were able to observe the battlefield situation from a commanding height.

Among them, the most shocking thing in the bay is the densely packed and neatly standing Marine army. Just a simple look makes people scalp numb. The same costumes seem to be as many as tens of thousands of people, even if they are separated. With the big screen, I can feel an extremely heavy pressure, which makes people breathless.

This time, the Marine headquarters was desperate. The crowd in Marine Vandor was evacuated. Although many of these Marine soldiers were soldiers from Marine headquarters, many of them were transferred from Marine branches around the world, and they were all elites. The elite.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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