Blocking in front of Whitebeard was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates Third Division, Diamond Joz. His diamond defense ability was unsolvable. Even the world's number one slash, he blocked it intact.

"Captain of the third division, Diamond Joz, very strong!"

Hawkeye also looked at Diamond Joz unexpectedly. He originally wanted Whitebeard to do it to see how Whitebeard blocked his attack, but he didn't expect that Whitebeard hadn't done it yet and his attack was blocked by Joz. .

He also saw that Joz’s defense was amazing. As long as Joz was in front of him, he couldn’t force Whitebeard to do it, unless he did it with all his strength, but he didn’t have this plan, so he didn’t plan to continue doing it, silently. Put the black sword in his hand back to his back.

Hawkeye's slash was just an episode. After the surprise, the battle between Marine and the pirate became more intense, and the two sides had come into contact directly.

The pirates roared: "Brothers, rush straight forward, rush to rescue Ace."


The Marines roared: "Face, counterattack, don't let these pirates get close to the bay."

Ace above the execution platform watched this scene in surprise, unable to calm his heart, while Sengoku sneered at the pirates' breakthrough, disdainfully said: "It's so stupid, it will only break through.

As he said, he picked up the phone worm and ordered: "The shelling is wrong, aim at the enemy's subsequent pirate boats and pirates, don't let them all go ashore, just defeat them in the sea."

Because it is occupying the home field, the turrets of Marine Headquarters are more convenient than the turrets of the Whitebeard Pirates. When attacked, the lethality is even more terrifying.

However, the pirates who followed Whitebeard this time are all well-known pirate groups in New World. Each of them is a good player of ten, and they have extremely rich combat experience. So even if Marine occupies a favorable location, the pirates still hold on. There was a slight chance to fight back, so for a while, the battle between the two sides turned out to be a tie.

"Have you started such a fierce battle just now?"

In the Chambord Islands, watching the world live broadcast on the square, many people screamed in shock when the fighting broke out instantly.

These exclamations immediately aroused some people's disdain, "Of course, we will fight when we meet. This time the Marine Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates are going to fight. If we meet, don't fight. Are you talking nonsense there?"

"It deserves to be the peak of the war. It is indeed very exciting. It has been like this at the beginning. I really don't know what it will be like in the end."(Read more @

Any war is more exciting as it goes to the end, because everyone's hole cards are forced out one by one at the end.

"I'm so excited, I'm so excited just by looking at it, I really don't know how enthusiastic the scene will be."

"This kind of war is not something that we can touch, we can only watch it through live broadcast."


The discussion in the square, wave after wave, although many people are discussing, but more people do not say a word, staring at the big screen closely, for fear of missing any wonderful part.

After the two sides fought for a while, they both suffered casualties. At this time, Marine Admiral Kizaru, who was sitting under the execution platform, could not sit still.

"Really, it's just the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. Each one is really powerful and terrifying. If you continue to fight like this, you don't know how much loss will be. Alas, in order to reduce the loss to the end, it seems the best The choice is to capture the thieves first."

Kizaru got up from the chair, looked at the direction Whitebeard was, and suddenly turned into a little golden light. The golden light moved towards the front of Whitebeard, condensed in the air, and became Kizaru's appearance again.

Coming to the top of Whitebeard, Kizaru threw out an attack on the Moby Dick where Whitebeard was located with both hands: "Hachiqiong Gouyu!"

Countless golden lights shot at Whitebeard. Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and said, "Hey, how can something dazzle the eyes!?"

A figure next to Whitebeard quickly flew towards Kizaru. All Kizaru's attacks hit the figure, making a roar, but they were all blocked.

It was a blue shadow. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a blue bird, with only the head resembling a human. The body of the bird was full of holes, but soon these holes ignited blue. The flame of color has recovered.

"Kizaru Admiral's attack was blocked."

"what is that?"

There was a scream, this kind of weird thing, many people saw it for the first time, so they were very surprised.

Except for the wings, the rest of the blue bird turned into a human appearance. It was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Marco the Phoenix.

Marco smiled and said: "You are thinking too simple, how can you disturb our king as soon as you come up?"

Kizaru squinted and said, "The blue flame, so it's you."

The Marine below also exclaimed: "I was hit by Kizaru Admiral's attack, and he recovered so quickly and was unscathed. How did he do it?"

"That's the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the undead Marco, he has the Devil Fruit abilities that are rarer than Logia, the Zoan monster species, the undead!"

"It is said that this ability can be reborn from the ashes, and can be quickly recovered after any degree of injury. I did not expect it to be true."

Marco smiled at Kizaru and said, "Your attack didn't seem to work. In that case, it's my turn."

With that said, Marco turned into a bird all over, and rushed towards Kizaru suddenly. The speed was extremely fast. Seeing this, Kizaru used his ability to attack the past again, but his attack hit Marco, and it still started. It didn't have any effect, but was deceived by Marco.

Marco kicked Kizaru fiercely. Although Kizaru blocked it with his hand, the huge power contained in that kick still kicked him and knocked him down a large building.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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