"Kizaru Admiral!"

Seeing Kizaru being knocked into flight by Marco, those Marines suddenly yelled in horror, but Kizaru quickly stood up again, and looked at Marco unscathed, and said in a deep voice: "As expected of the Whitebeard Pirates. The captain of the squad is really terrifying."

After fighting Marco, Kizaru knew that Marco was not easy to deal with, and the idea of ​​attacking Whitebeard over Marco had been impossible, so he simply ordered the Marines under him to continue attacking the Whitebeard Pirates.

The number of pirates is not as good as the number of Marines, but they are not bad at all. One pirate can basically deal with two or three Marines, but even so, the situation of the pirates is not very good, because there are too many Marines. , And Marine’s mid-level power is not what the Whitebeard Pirates can compare to. Those Marine lieutenants appear one after another, and among them, they are still more able to deal with giants.

"Get out of me!"

Suddenly there was a roar on the battlefield, and the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates Third Division, Diamond Joz rushed out from behind.

As soon as they saw Joz, all the pirates retreated quickly and gave up a clearing. Then they saw Joz hit the ice with a violent blow, and the ice suddenly cracked and cracked. A huge block of ice was opened.

With a loud shout, Joz lifted a huge block of ice out of it. This block was the size of a hill and its weight was even more terrifying. But just such a big block of ice was still lifted by Joz. stand up.

When Marine saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded and said, "This guy has really strong wrist strength."

If such a large block of ice is thrown into the Marine army, let alone killing hundreds of people, under all Marine's horrified eyes, Joz threw the huge block of ice fiercely and threw it at Marine The direction of the headquarters square.

The huge ice block as big as a small hill was thrown into the air by Joz, and it flew for a long time. It only fell when he knew the square was above it. If it fell down, it would definitely cause great damage to Marine.

Akainu, who was sitting under the execution platform, finally moved. He slowly raised his head, his eyes gleaming under the brim of his hat, coldly looking at the flying ice, stood up slowly, and took his hands from his trouser pockets. Coming out, he said coldly: "Really, all of them don't make people worry, leaving their posts without permission. If we all attack, who else can guard this place?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Akainu's right hand suddenly turned red, and then the red lava appeared on his hand, and it grew more and more, and it expanded countless times in an instant. Finally, he gave a loud shout and slammed the huge ice block.


The punch thrown by Akainu quickly expanded and turned into a giant magma punch. When it hit the huge block of ice, it made a huge explosion, and then I saw the huge block of ice instantly. Was evaporated by magma.

In the end, there was nothing left of such a large ice block. Not only that, after the magma giant punch broke the ice block, it did not disappear. Instead, it rushed into the sky and turned into volcanic bombs.

"Run, this is a volcano bomb, you must not be hit!"

The pirates fled in fear, and Admiral Akainu's attack was not something they could bear.

"That is Marine Admiral Akainu. I heard that his abilities are very powerful. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It deserves to be Marine Admiral." The audience in Chambord Islands watched Akainu's eruption in surprise.

"Marine Admiral is Marine’s strongest combat power and naturally possesses strong power. However, the Whitebeard Pirate Group is not weak. I have heard that there was a young Whitebeard Pirate Group pirates many years ago. After fighting, Marine and Admiral couldn't catch him, just don't know if the pirate will appear today?"

"You're talking about the person who was executed by Roger One Piece more than twenty years ago?"

I saw a few reporters gathered on the side of the Chambord Archipelago Square, chatting in a low voice while watching the live broadcast.

One of the reporters asked another middle-aged reporter in his forties: "Senior, we know that you published the report that year, and there is a clear picture of that person. What did you do? Arrived?"

It turned out that this middle-aged reporter was the one standing next to Ji Lingyun back then. Twenty years have passed. He is also considered a prominent figure in the journalist industry. It was the Logue town incident that made him rise naturally, because he was The only person who took a photo of Ji Lingyun's frontal face caused him to become angry all at once.

Twenty years have passed. Although he is now a big man in this industry, this battle for the top has caused a sensation all over the world. As a reporter, of course he has to collect information himself.

…… …… ……

The reporter said: "Because I was lucky that I was standing next to that person. You must know that he was a young boy about ten years old. No one would have thought that he had that kind of courage, and his success rate was that of Logue. He dared to break into town. I don’t know if he will appear in this battle on the top. He was a famous figure in the world ten years ago. If he also participated in the war, it would definitely be the case for the Whitebeard Pirates. Very important combat power, but I heard that he hasn't appeared in the world for ten years. I don't know what is going on?"

"Look, I think this is just the beginning. Didn't I see that Whitebeard hasn't done anything yet? Whitebeard is known as the world's strongest man. When he does it, he will be shocked, and that means the war will be intensified."

The pirates were all embarrassed to avoid the volcanic bombs caused by Akainu, and one of the volcanic bombs rushed towards Whitebeard.

Facing the volcanic bomb falling from the air, Whitebeard raised the pheasant in his hand and struck the huge volcanic bomb. The bomb was immediately stopped. Then he opened his mouth and spit out the hot volcano Easily extinguished.

Whitebeard opened his mouth and smiled and said to Akainu, "It is so unscrupulous to set the fire, but at this level, you should go to light the candle on the birthday cake, magma kid."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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