Picking up the wine on the table and taking a sip, Lin Yu said lightly: “Drought Jack under the Four Emperors Kaido, but the reason why I want to kill him is not because he offended me, but because I have something that needs to use his head!” ”

At this moment, there was no one else in the bar except Lin Yu, Renly and Xia Qi, so Lin Yu had nothing to worry about when he spoke.

“You killed Jack?”

Hearing this, Xia Qi was suddenly a little stunned, and then looked at Renly with a look of disbelief, as if he wanted to confirm with Renly again.

After all, this kind of thing is really too bizarre for her, you know, it’s Jack! Drought Jack under the Four Emperors Kaido! Although he already knew that Lin Yu was very strong, Xia Qi really didn’t expect Lin Yu to be so strong that even Jack could kill him!

Seeing this, Renly nodded slightly at the moment, indicating that this was indeed the case, but at this time, Renly was more and more puzzled, because Xia Qi just said that Lin Yu killed the highest chief of CP9 Spandam before, which in his opinion is even more shocking than Lin Yu killing Jack, to know that Spandam is the highest chief of CP9, subordinate to the world government, it is a more important chief of the world government, if Lin Yu really killed Spandam, Why is he still sitting here?

If this were normal, I am afraid that the admiral would have come forward long ago, right?

Curious, Renly finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

“Who are you?”

“Why don’t you know?”

Lin Yu had not yet answered, but Xia Qi on the side spoke first.


As soon as these words came out, it was as if the whole world was quiet.

Compared with this matter, Rayleigh found that the things he had encountered before seemed to be completely unworth mentioning, and let him calculate everything, and he didn’t calculate that Lin Yu would actually be a heavenly LONG person!

After all, in his impression, the so-called Tian Long people are all low-level creatures that are kept in captivity like pigs by the world government, although these guys are nobles in the world, but they always live in an illusory world, and they don’t know the horror in the real world, he really can’t associate Lin Yu with those Tian Long people.

Because Lin Yu doesn’t look like an NG person at all!

But it is clear that this is true!

Drinking the wine in the cup, Lin Yu looked at Reilly and Xia Qi and said: “Identity is such a thing, and I can’t decide, don’t hide from you, I even had the idea of abandoning this identity to become a pirate before, but the world is unpredictable, I finally failed to be a pirate, and even immediately became a navy, and the reason why I want to kill Jack is because I have to take Jack’s head to prove my strength to the government and the five old stars!” ”

“Why go to be a navy? Is it for the Whitebeard thing? ”

After a short silence, Renly asked again.

Xia Qi’s bamboo bar is just a bar from the outside, but it is not, it is one of the most famous intelligence places in the Chambord Islands, and what happens everywhere in the world is sent here every day, so there is something about the world government and Whitebeard, Xia Qi and Renly naturally know it for a long time.

Understanding this truth, Lin Yu did not hide it in the slightest, and said directly: “That’s right, it’s because of this matter, Whitebeard wants to go to war with the world government, as a Tianlong person, I think I should also do something, after all, I am also a member of the world government, but to be honest, in fact, I don’t hate Whitebeard, and even admire him a little, but even so, if we really meet on the battlefield, I will kill him mercilessly!” ”

“I understand!” With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Renly said: “This is the most basic position issue, and it cannot be changed!” ”

I have to say that at this moment, Reilly was really more and more impressed by Lin Yu, because he was surprised to find that Lin Yu not only had powerful power, he also had thoughts that those Tianlong people did not have, and it was this kind of thinking that doomed Lin Yu to be a figure who could change the world!

Ay! It seems that the world is really about to change!

Thinking like this, Renly sighed in his heart again, because with such changes, there were countless deaths, which were not what he wanted to see.

After drinking the second glass of wine that Xia Qi poured again, Lin Yu stood up, and then said: “Okay, the person I want to see has already seen it, and the wine has also been drunk, I won’t bother, two of you, see you later!” ”

As he spoke, he took another piece of gold from his pocket and put it on the bar.

“No money, I should have invited you to drink this wine!”

Immediately afterwards, Renly suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Xia Qi immediately shrugged at Lin Yu, and said helplessly: “Since everyone in charge said so, then forget it, this wine should be invited to you!” ”

Lin Yu was amused when he heard it, but he was not polite, and directly put away the gold again, and then said: “Since this is the case, then thank you!” ”

After saying this, he walked towards the door.

Just after walking a few steps, Lin Yu suddenly stopped again, and then looked at Rayleigh behind him and said, “By the way, I almost forgot an important thing, about this war, will you intervene?” ”

When Xia Qi heard this, his face suddenly darkened, but when he looked at Renly on the side, he didn’t have the slightest strange look.

After a moment, Reilly said slowly: “I’m old, it’s not my time anymore, all I want to do is live here in peace, as for other things, I’m not interested!” ”

When Lin Yu heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“I see, goodbye!”

After saying this, Lin Yu left without the slightest hesitation. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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