“What an amazing guy! It seems that the world is about to change again! ”

As if talking to himself, Renly said this sentence again.

“Hey, is what you just said true? You really don’t meddle in things between Whitebeard and the World Government? ”

Xia Qi was lying on the bar counter and asked very intriguingly.

“Not going!”

Renly said lightly: “The era that belongs to us has passed, and what kind of changes will happen in this world in the future has nothing to do with us, and we have nothing to do!” ”

“Just so you understand!”

When Xia Qi heard this, he was relieved in his heart, and then poured a glass of wine for Reilly.

On the other side, after leaving the bar, Lin Yu went straight to the direction of Mary Joya, and he couldn’t wait to prove his strength.

Ten years later, the battle on the top took place on the island ‘Marin Fandor’, where the headquarters of the Navy is located, there is a huge military fortress and a large town where the families of the soldiers live, as well as countless heavy guns and many naval warships, the front of the fortress has a striking ‘navy’ giant Chinese character and a naval symbol in the middle, and above the fortress there are marshals, generals, vice admirals’ offices and conference rooms, etc., in the world of One Piece, it is almost the most relaxed island.

Originally, Lin Yu thought that even if there was to be a war, it should definitely be at the naval headquarters, but through the previous conversation with Dema Saints, Lin Yu found that he thought more, because the location of this war was not the naval headquarters at all, but the world government headquarters, that is, the Holy Land Mary Joya!

This is why the seven martial arts, the three admirals, and all the naval forces are concentrated in the headquarters of the world government.

Sure enough, ten years later, the battle at the top was not only advanced, but also changed like never before, even the location changed!

Although he was a little surprised by such a change, Lin Yu quickly accepted this fact, and the next thing he had to consider was naturally how to help the world government win.

He is a heavenly long person, a world nobleman, naturally needs to stand on the side of the world government, and there is no doubt that Whitebeard and other pirates are his enemies, so if he really meets Whitebeard on the battlefield in the future, Lin Yu will still kill Whitebeard unceremoniously, not because he hates Whitebeard, it’s just a matter of pure position!

Because he knew in his heart that Whitebeard came with the idea of destroying the world government and killing him, if this is the case, then let him die!

Tian Long people are the moths of the world, this Lin Yu absolutely admits, can not deny the importance of the world government and navy, without the navy, what would the world look like?

The Sky LONG people are just domineering in the Holy Land and Mary Joa, except for these two places, they generally don’t go anywhere else, but what about the pirates, all the seas and lands in the realm are full of indiscriminate killing innocents and domineering pirates, everywhere is full of fear, and the pirates kill much more people than the Sky LONG people.

Whitebeard wants to destroy the world government and navy, then it is equivalent to letting all pirates burn, kill and rob, without the world government to maintain order, the world will eventually be destroyed!

And Lin Yu would definitely not allow such a thing to happen!

Not long after, Lin Yu finally came to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

Although with the identity of the Tianlong person, Lin Yu could enter the world government headquarters without hindrance, but in order not to cause some unnecessary trouble, Lin Yu directly turned into a thunder and flew towards the location of the world government headquarters.

This kind of thing is better to solve quickly.

At the same time, in a huge office of the World Government headquarters, an unprecedented Supreme Meeting of World Government is taking place at this moment.

Attending this meeting were the five old stars, the highest power controller of the world government, the commander of the world government, the marshal of the navy headquarters, the warring countries, the admiral Qinghe, the red dog, the yellow ape, the vice admiral of the navy staff, and six vice admirals including Karp and Zefa, of course, naturally there is also the king Qi Wuhai summoned from all over the world before the world government!

However, because Jinping refused to help the World Government Headquarters deal with Whitebeard, he had been stripped of his identity as Qiwuhai, so only six Qiwuhai came here.

These six are Jorakor Mihawk, Don Quixote Doflamingo, Bassolomi Bear, Boja Hancock, Moonlight Moria, and Sha Klockdar, they are the six sea pirates recognized by the world government, with catastrophic destructive power and huge combat power comparable to the country, among all the pirates, only pirates with high visibility or combat power high enough to shock everyone are eligible to be selected as His Majesty the Seven Wu Sea.

Because they were summoned by the world government, all of them gathered at the world government headquarters.

But to be honest, the Seven Wuhai are still a little surprised at the moment, after all, the previous meeting has not seen the five old stars, the highest power controller of the world government, come forward, it seems that the world government is really in big trouble this time, otherwise they don’t have to invite them to the world government headquarters.

In the conference room, the five old stars sat in the most conspicuous place at the top, followed by the commander of the world headquarters and the three major generals of the Warring States and the Navy, while the seven martial arts were deliberately sitting at the other end, it was obvious that as pirates, they still did not like to be too close to the world government and navy.

In general, almost all the forces that the world government can mobilize have gathered here, and so many big people gathered here, making the entire meeting look extremely solemn and dull.

But immediately after, the commander of the world government still spoke.

“First of all, thank you all for coming, especially the six people on the other side, I am honestly surprised that you can come! But to get back to business, I won’t say anything polite, let’s go straight to the point! As we all know, some time ago, Whitebeard suddenly and inexplicably launched an attack on several naval divisions we set up in the New World, not only destroyed our naval divisions set up in the New World, but also killed more than a thousand of our navies, including a vice admiral and three rear admirals, we no longer have any tolerance for Whitebeard, so we want to declare war on Whitebeard! All in all, it will be an unprecedented war! ”

When they heard this, everyone’s eyes looked into the sky. _

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