One Piece: Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern Opens In Sabaody Archipelago

Chapter 15 Licking Selflessly, Licking Affectionately, Licking So Hard

The efficiency of Rem and Ram is still very high.

Just a few minutes.

So he made a big cup full of green liquid and put it in front of the boiling sheep.

Rem said softly: "Guest, grass juice."

"Thank you." Boiling Yangyang nodded his thanks.

Shouldn't it be Arigado, Rem sang... These words suddenly popped up in Ron's mind.

And at this moment.

The boiling sheep sitting opposite no longer fidgets, probably because he has confirmed that there are no wolves around...

He raised his glass and drank most of it in one go.

mumble mumble...

"The grass here is really fresh, unlike our grassland, where we have to eat it every day for a long time." Boiling Yangyang sighed softly.

Ron smiled and said, "I like it, I can take some back with me when I leave."

Boiling Yangyang turned his head to look at the moon outside, and gave a wry smile: "Forget it, I still prefer the grass on the grassland."

"Even though it's not fresh, at least I eat the same grass as her."

Ron: "..."

Good guy, the dog licking quotes are really open-mouthed.

It is worthy of being one of the four big licking dogs, licking selflessly, licking affectionately, licking irresistibly.

"What, something on your mind?" Ron asked.

Boiling Yangyang nodded: "It's not really a concern, it's just a joke."

After gulping down the grass juice in the glass, he pointed to the wine cabinet behind Ron:

"Can I have a glass of wine?"

Ron didn't refuse, turned around and took a bottle of Erguotou, and poured him a glass.

"The wine smells delicious, but it's too strong to swallow." Boiling Yangyang took a sip of the wine and said softly:

"Today, the beautiful sheep was caught by Big Big Wolf, and I went to save her regardless of the danger."

"But in the end, I was also arrested."

"The two of us were in the hot pot. At that time, I felt very happy. At least we could die together."

As he spoke, tears kept rolling in his eyes.

"She must have been very touched then?" Rem asked expectantly.

Boiling Yangyang shook his head, a bitterness flashed across his bronze-colored face: "She cried and said not to stay in the same pot with me."

The expectant eyes of Rem and Ram were silent for a moment.

"But I wasn't sad at that time, but I tried my best to hold her above my head." Boiling Yangyang said frankly:

"Maybe so."

"The beautiful sheep will live a little longer."

Ron, and Rem, who was cooking at the Grandmaster, Ram almost laughed out loud.

No wonder I don't want to be in the same pot with you.

You really hope that the beautiful sheep will die soon.

Water vapor is hotter than water, you know how to steam lamb.

Trying to restrain his emotions, Ron said softly:

"Having said so much, are you ready to give up?"

It is impossible to persuade a licking dog to turn back, of course, tea dolphins are an exception.

Boiling Yangyang shook his head, and said firmly, "No, I just said this to keep myself going."

"Everything that happened must be a test for me by Mei Yang Yang!"

As he spoke, he drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Probably the reason why he seldom drinks alcohol.

The eyes of the boiling sheep gradually become blurred, the brain is paralyzed, and the past is like a cloud of the past, constantly flashing before the eyes.

She cried, and grabbed butterflies to make her happy, but was released by her and Xi Yangyang.

She was struck with lightning by Marshal Hei, but she cared about the unscathed Xi Yangyang.

Studying in a group with her was rejected, protecting her was rejected, and playing with her was hated by her...

Seeing that Boiling Yangyang lost his mind for a while, Rem whispered: "Master, he is so pitiful."

"Poor?" Ron shook his head and sighed softly:

"It makes sense that he is not liked by Mei Yangyang."

Rem, Ram looked puzzled.

Ron explained with a smile: "Beautiful Yangyang has pimples on his face, let him speak out in public."

"The scarf woven by Mei Yang Yang was called old-fashioned by him in public. He gave Mei Yang Yang flowers. It happened that Mei Yang Yang's front teeth fell out at that time. He not only laughed at it, but also took the flowers away."

"Most importantly, who would like a licking dog who flicks boogers at himself?"

Rem, Ram's gaze was silent again.

After looking at Boiling Yangyang with a little disgust, the twin sisters left the bar directly.


If the "licking" of tea dolphins is the precipitation of years.

Hei Xiaohu's "licking" is willing to give everything.

The "licking" of the boiling sheep is just a matter of lust, and his personality is also extremely impulsive.

How can I lick my beloved goddess like this?


Boiling Goat suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly: "It's all Big Big Wolf's fault!"

"If he hadn't caught the beautiful sheep, she wouldn't have said such things to me today."

"If it weren't for him, Yangcun wouldn't be harassed every day!"

He got up angrily, and wanted to go back and fight Big Big Wolf with the strength of alcohol.

Are you going to deliver supper to Big Big Wolf... Ron got up and stopped him:

"You better calm down."

"It's night now, even if you are caught, no one will rescue you."

Boiling Yangyang roared loudly: "I don't care."

"If he disappears from the grassland, our life in Yangcun will definitely be much easier."

"In that case..." His tone suddenly softened:

"I am the hero of Yangcun. Beautiful Yangyang will definitely treat me differently."

Ron: "..."

What the hell.

In the final analysis, you still want to eat a mouthful of the mutton of the beautiful sheep! !

What the hell is it... before Yamamoto made a surprise attack on Zhao Jiayu, and Yunlong fell in love with Ping'an County.

Now Big Big Wolf boils sheep in boiling water, and boils sheep and sheep to buy drunk late at night for love.

Just when Ron was complaining in his heart, the system voice suddenly sounded:

[Ding, the customer has finished talking. 】

[Ding, the customer involved in the confidant: Big Big Wolf, will visit the tavern soon. 】

[The host can choose: boiling sheep and sheep physique, fitness experience, fire magic power. 】

What a useless fitness experience and physique... Ron asked curiously:

"Big Big Wolf and Boiling Sheep don't have a deep relationship, why are they bound to the tavern?"

[Ding, the system has detected deep hatred, and hatred is also a feeling. 】

After hearing this, Ron suddenly understood, and pondered: "Choose the fire-type magic power and fuse it."

[Ding, congratulations to Host for obtaining the fire magic power of boiling sheep and sheep. 】

End with the system prompt.

A sudden force came to Ron, rushing into his body with an almost tyrannical attitude.

for a while.

His skin was flushed like a boiled shrimp, and this force was constantly washing over his body.

Since his physique had already made a qualitative leap, he didn't feel pain during this period, instead it was as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

And the fire-type strange power is an ability that will only be awakened after boiling sheep and sheep.

The integration of offense and defense can be said to be an all-powerful power specially born for combat!

Soon, this feeling dissipated, Ron lightly squeezed his right hand, and purple flames gushed out instantly.

at this scorching temperature.

The wool of the boiling sheep was instantly burned and crackled.

At the same time, it also made him sober up a lot, and his reason regained the high ground.

"I was impulsive just now, thank you for stopping me." Boiling Yangyang lowered his eyebrows, and there was a trace of sourness in his voice:

"But one day I will make Mei Yangyang like me, and this belief will become stronger and stronger!"

He put down a wad of money, turned around slowly and waved: "Boss, I'll take care of your business next time."

Ron watched her figure disappear behind the night, and said softly:

"I don't know if when they grow up, Mei Yangyang will say: Boiling Yangyang, let's get married, and say happily that he likes a wife."

After speaking, Ron patted his mouth lightly again:

"What nonsense."

"Continue on, the good memories of childhood, I'm afraid it will become a shadow of childhood."

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