early morning.

The sky has just emerged a fish-belly white.

Several giant Marine warships docked quietly at the port of Sabaody Archipelago.

Descend with the spiral staircase.

A man with a square face and a solemn expression stepped off the battleship slowly.

Under the cloak of justice is a dark red suit.

Just standing there, a fierce aura rushed towards his face.

This person is one of Marine's three Admirals, Sakazuki, codename: Akainu!

"Let's go." Akainu lit a cigar, and his deep voice was emotionless:

"Even if you flip the Sabaody Archipelago over, get the Fire Fist Ace!"


With the sound of the rolling sound, countless Marine soldiers are already lined up and ready to go.

this day.

Countless Marines poured into Sabaody Archipelago's hotels, residences, taverns, foot-washing city, seafood market and other crowded places, searching them one by one.


at the same time.

In a secret and small room, Blackbeard, who was drinking with his head up, froze suddenly.

He swallowed the spirits, gently opened the curtains, and countless Marine soldiers with long guns came into view.

"Jee ha ha ha... It's getting more and more chaotic." After Blackbeard laughed out loud, his face became extremely gloomy:

"Captain Ace, you and I are really cornered now."

While resting, Badgers and the others also felt the danger, got up one after another, and got ready for the fierce battle.

Running is already impossible.

The ports of Sabaody Archipelago are all heavily guarded by Marines.

Now, they can only kill a bloody road.

"No one remembers the dead, so to live, we have to grit our teeth and live!" Blackbeard turned to look at his crew, with a hint of madness in his eyes:

"Since Ace is chasing after him, let's give Marine a big gift."


It may be that Sengoku specifically told him to do so.

Ron's tavern was not knocked by Marine, so he checked.

Eight in the morning.

Ron's door was gently pushed open, and Rem came to the bed in white pajamas with a puppy on it, and slippers.

"Master, get up and have breakfast." Rem gave Ron a gentle push.


Ron opened his eyes, and saw Rem squinting listlessly, his short blue hair was a little messy, showing a sense of laziness.


Although Rem is a sweet and well-behaved type of girl.

But the figure is still very capable, the puppy on the chest has gained a lot of weight.


Breakfast is very simple, Ron eats buns and porridge.

The two sisters, Rem and Ram, each had two poached eggs and a grilled sausage.

While eating, Ron flipped through the World Economic News on the bar counter.

Sure enough... the same way as the previous life, at first glance, they are all headlines.

For example: [Shocked! The world's number one swordsman lives with baboons all year round. Will his sexual interest change? ! 】

[Four Emperors: BIG MOM's fiftieth husband is actually a murloc. Is this a loss of morality, or a destruction of humanity? ! 】

【Big news! The Golden Emperor: Tezolo meets a famous singer late at night! 】

"Master, your schedule is too irregular." Ram said softly

"Sister, let's get used to the length and time of master's sleep." Rem lightly took a bite of the grilled sausage.



With that being said, my sleepiness is gone... As an old driver, Ron's thoughts drifted away in an instant.

After recovering, he rubbed Ram's head: "I will pay attention to it in the future."

Although Ram was a little shy after being masturbated, his eyes were full of enjoyment.

Had breakfast.

Just as Ron sat down at the bar, suddenly, there was a loud explosion in the distance.

Small gunshots, screams, wailing, endless.

At this time, the temperature in the room rose extremely.

Ron's field of vision was immediately occupied by endless flames and large swathes of lava!

Boom! ! !

The lava bloomed in mid-air, each one like a grand firework, and finally hit the ground.

"Akainu is really here?" Ron smiled: "Sabaody Archipelago is really lively these days."

While talking, Ron, and even the people in the 12th and 13th areas suddenly had a sharp sword light in front of their eyes.

The moment the lava disappeared in mid-air, it rose again and slammed in the direction of Jian Guang.

This battle lasted for a long time.

From morning to noon, it was barely over.

Perhaps it was affected by the battle, and the already scorching noon became even hotter.

The scorching sun was like fire, as if it was going to melt the earth.

After lunch, Ron found a deck chair and sat under the big tree at the entrance of the tavern to enjoy the shade with his eyes closed.

Just when I was about to go to sleep.

A burnt smell entered his nostrils, Ron frowned slightly, and when he opened his eyes, Rayleigh's old face came into view.

He was a little embarrassed at the moment.

His silvery white hair was scorched black, and most of his clothes were burnt.

Obviously, when Akainu caught Ace just now, Rayleigh crossed his foot.

Bridge Bean Sacks....

Ron suddenly understood why Momousagi told himself that Akainu would come.

It is a temptation.

Test yourself in favor of Marine or Pirate.

If Ron told Rayleigh about Akainu, Rayleigh would hide with Ace.

Then I will inevitably be harassed by Marine in the future.

Fuck, Momousagi's crazy critic really didn't follow the good intentions, I really want to give her a big muscle!

After thinking about this, Ron laughed and joked, "Isn't this my dear Mr. Rayleigh?"

"Why, the old sausage from the old days was roasted today?"

"You know what, Laozi is letting that brat Akainu go today." Rayleigh looked proud.

But this state did not last long.

His face suddenly collapsed, and he said helplessly: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly serve the old man a bottle of good wine, and get dressed again."

After throwing a bag of gold coins to Ron, Rayleigh walked slowly into the tavern.

"It's easy to talk about money." Ron shook the heavy gold coins.

Just getting up.

But I saw a young man coming from another direction.

The young man was full of tits. Madara's face was slightly tired, and her naked upper body was covered with large and small bruises.

"Ace?" Ron frowned.

The person who came was Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Hi, an uncle asked me to come over for a drink, is he here?" Ace asked politely.

After escaping from Marine, Rayleigh and Ace separated and ran away.

Before leaving.

Rayleigh told Ace that he was waiting for him in the tavern.

After the battle just now, Ace also knew the identity of this uncle, he was that man's deputy captain.

Despite the disgust, his heart always forced him to know what happened to that man.

And Rayleigh, the closest person to that man.

Ace wants to find a different Roger from him, a different answer from others.

Ron nodded: "Come in with me."

Come to the tavern.

At this moment, Rayleigh has changed his clothes and is sitting at the bar drinking a dull drink.

Noticing that the two entered the tavern, Rayleigh didn't look back, but said lightly:

"I think you already know who I am."

"The reason why you agreed to come here to find me is also because you want to know about your father?"

Ace came to the bar and sat down. He didn't respond, but a hint of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"We were the freest people on the sea back then." Rayleigh leaned back on the chair and opened his arms, as if embracing the past. Once:

"We swam in the sea, shouted against the storm, bowed to the ordinary, asked the price of the most beautiful woman, raised our proud second brother to those stupid Celestial Dragons..."

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