late at night.

Totto Land sea area.

The port of Cake Island is brightly lit.

The ministers guarded by Charlotte's family rushed back from the island where they needed to sit, but they did not return directly to the cake castle, but gathered here.

"Kata Kuri, what the hell is going on?"

The middle-aged man wearing a bowler hat, slender figure, and a long nose and tongue just got off the boat, he couldn't help but ask loudly towards the Lai Kata Kuri and others.

It is the eldest son of the Charlotte family, "Candy Minister" Perrospero, who has a bounty close to 700 million Baileys!

After learning that Smoky, the second-ranked star, was directly married to Vinsmoke·Iji by BIG-MOM, he thought it was quite absurd and hurried back: "Smoky is such an important combat power," Nine "Nine Zero" How could my mother agree that she was taken away by Vinsmoke·Iji of Djerma?"

"Yeah, Brother Kata Kuri, what is going on?" Cracker, who had just returned from a trip, was also a little surprised.

Although Smoky is his younger sister, she is undoubtedly stronger than him. It is self-evident to the importance of the BIG-MOM Pirates.

Now, what are you kidding about marrying her?

"For so many years, our Charlotte daughter has never been married outside, let alone a "star"..." The eldest daughter of the Charlotte family, "Fruit Minister" Compert frowned, also very puzzled.

Not only them, but also Charlotte Owen, the fourth son of the "Baking Minister" and others, were equally surprised and frightened, almost unbelievable until now.

Although BIG-MOM is the soul of the entire pirate group, Smoky, who is not weak in combat power, is not as powerful as Kata Kuri, lacking her is not a small loss.

"This is my mother's decision..."

Kata Kuli's complexion was a bit unsightly, but he still smiled bitterly and said: "That Vinsmoke·Iji is not only terribly powerful, but also grasped the mother’s "death point"-the news of Sister Carmelo, which could not be taken for a long time. On the other side, my mother was anxious to know the nun’s situation and had to compromise with her..."

"Sister Carmelite!?"

"That bastard actually knows this secret?"

"Isn't it just made up to lie to my mother? Then you can't marry Smoky to him..."

Perrospero, Owen and others couldn't help being a little shocked, and they couldn't help but gritted their teeth.

"My mother's decision is absolutely not allowed to be questioned by anyone, even as children..." Sitting aside, Kata Kuri said helplessly: "She is in a bad mood now, so I dare not let it go. When you return to the cake castle, you can only discuss it here!"

"And according to what the guy Vinsmoke Iji told me before he left, the nun's news is likely to cause my mother to run away. Then it's best to find a way to get my mother to leave Cake Island first!" Kata Kuri glanced at Charlotte. The brothers and sisters of the family said in a deep voice.

The sea area of ​​Totto Land is so large. The ministers are sitting on the dotted islands. Naturally, it is impossible for them to come back directly in less than half a day. Today, only the ministers responsible for the management of the islands around Cake Island have returned. , For example, the third son "The Minister of Beans" Charlotte·Daifuku and others have not arrived because they are too far away.

"It's troublesome now. The nun is a taboo for my mother. If you run wild on this island by then, it might directly ruin all these years of painstaking efforts..."

The eldest daughter, "Fruit Minister" Compert frowned: "But no matter how much you want to form an alliance with Djerma, you can't let Smoky risk follow him, right?"

"That guy is incredibly strong. Even if his mother can beat him, she can't keep it. Coupled with Germa's coveted technological power, the goals of the two parties in the short term can be said to be no conflict. Mom doesn't. Repel to ally with him..."

Kata Kuri took out a few pieces of paper from his body and handed it to his elder brother Perros Pero, who was closest to him, and said lightly: "Moreover, in order to get his mother to allow Smoky to follow him, he also took out a little.' Sincerity', I also promised to help my mother carry out research on the giant body!"

"Is the human body huge?"

"That's the technology mom wants most..."

Owen and others couldn't help being silent. Vinsmoke·Iji's understanding of BIG-MOM was unexpected...

Perrospero took the pages of paper and looked at it for a few times. His pupils shrank and he sneered: "Only a small number of people in the world government are qualified to practice the'six forms' of physical skills, which can make people vacant. Moonwalk walking? That guy is so generous. He took things that didn’t belong to him to empty the white wolf..."

"Can't say that..."

Kata Kuri, who was sitting there with his fingers crossed, shrugged. It is a foregone conclusion that Smoky will marry Vinsmoke. Iji, but now he can only think about it in the better way: "Although this is only in the world government, most of the headquarters of Vice Admiral will do it. It's only physical skills, but I have to admit that Moonwalk, which allows people to move freely in the air, can make up for the shortcomings of most of us in air combat and is very practical."

With the ties of Smoky, even though Germa and the BIG-MOM Pirates have just formed an alliance, it can be said that they have a relatively strong ally.

Otherwise, Vinsmoke·Iji will not send out the physical skills of "Moonwalk" which can obviously complement the shortcomings of the vast majority of the BIG-MOM Pirates in air combat.

After fighting with Iji, Kata Kuri naturally understood the value of Moonwalk.

It is of course impossible to directly increase his combat power to a level, but if he had already had Grandmaster Moonwalk this physical skill, he could flexibly avoid the weird darkness in the 2.2 air in the previous match, and he wouldn't be so embarrassed at all. With the powerful Observation Haki that can predict a trace of the future, it may not always be suppressed.

With the talent and foundation of the ministers of the Charlotte family, I believe that most cadres only need to spend some time, and the Master should not be difficult, but whether they can reach the level of proficiency in the Grandmaster depends on the individual.

"That insidious guy, in order to avoid his mother's remorse, he has to wait a while before he is willing to inform the nun. During this period, we need to be prepared..."

"Furthermore, Vinsmoke·Iji said that Germa does not want to be exposed to others at the moment. Our alliance with them will not be public for the time being, but we can help each other in private!"


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