Iji didn't care about how angry and helpless the Charlotte family was when he took Smoky away.

In order to prevent the BIG-MOM pirate group from declining, he has already used the Moonwalk in the Six Forms to make up for the shortcomings of Kata Kuri and other major cadres in air combat.

In any case, Smoky is only the third-ranked combat power of the entire Charlotte family. It may be a huge loss, but it is not bad enough. After all, the soul of the BIG-MOM Pirates is Charlotte Linlin himself, let alone Smoo. Ji is only following Vinsmoke·Iji, not really marrying each other.

As for Guy Sa's being robbed, it didn't cause much disturbance. Marine chose to deal with it low-key.

But the bounty of up to 300 million Baileys still attracted the attention of many people.

And Cavendish, who was offered a reward of 130 million Baileys for the first time, became a dazzling supernova this year and caused quite a stir.

It was deliberately reported to Marine. The handsome picture was printed as a wanted by Marine, and it made countless women on this sea go crazy and took it home as a poster.

I don’t even know how many men have lost love directly, and hate Cavendish this bastard to the extreme.

A few days on the road.

Under the guidance of the life card, Iji took Smoky and came to Bangkok's Laravel Beast Island in the Calm Belt.


The roar of beasts came from the secluded island, which made people tremble.

Directly off the motorcycle, stretched his waist, that perfect figure showed off.

On her long sexy legs, the rose tattoo adds a bit of wild charm to her.

"Here is the place where you practice?" Smoky looked at the island curiously.

For Iji's exaggerated ability, she has been familiar with it these past few days.

The other party didn't have any navigation skills from Grandmaster at all, just relying on the guidance of the life card and the record pointer to go straight, but in the face of that strange ability, the harsh weather of this sea couldn't help him at all.

In just a few days, Smoky certainly couldn't fall in love with each other so quickly.

I can only say that I don't hate it, but I feel a little like it when I can't refuse BIG-MOM to marry her to Vinsmoke·Iji.

But I have to say that this unusual little man does have a special charm, which makes her involuntarily convinced and obedient.

"Well, it is now!"

It didn't take long.

The two went directly to the central area.

I saw Luo who was training alone and sweating.

"Daughter of'Four Emperors' BIG-MOM? Your Highness, you are really amazing..."

Luo had to admire Iji, the four dessert star of the BIG-MOM Pirates. Of course, he knew what kind of existence it was.

I only heard that there were pirates who joined the BIG-MOM Pirates, and never married outside, but I did not expect that Iji not only successfully formed an alliance with the BIG-MOM Pirates, but also directly brought the bounty close to 900 million Baileys. Mu Ji brought it back.

"Hello Mrs. Smoky, this is Trafalgar Law!"

After all, it was the future princess of Iji. Although Luo didn't know whether it was considered a "main palace", he still politely saluted the other party and said hello.

The strength of this future princess is obviously enough to make him respect.

Although Doflamingo has become Shichibukai, Marine has stopped offering rewards to him. The reward of 340 million Baileys is seriously inconsistent with his own strength, but I am afraid that even if he did not become Seven Warlords of the Sea, he may not be able to do so. To reach the level of nearly 900 million Baileys.

"Hello, just call me Smoky..."

Hearing the other party directly calling him his wife, he glanced at Iji who didn't say anything against him, and Smoky's face turned red.

She hasn't been officially engaged to Iji yet, let alone holding a wedding.

"Is the madam a long-legged clan? It's really a bit exaggerated!" The first time he saw the long-legged clan, Luo looked up at Smoky who was too tall, and he couldn't help but slap his tongue.

This height is at least three meters or more, right?

"It's up to Toro you!"

Before Iji was in the phone worm, he had already asked Luo.

Using Op-Op Fruit's ability to transform Smoky's strength through complicated operations is not a big problem, it's just a little troublesome.

The retention of long legs with a sense of bisexuality is a must.

But it must be in line with Iji's own aesthetics.

"Are you capable of Op-Op Fruit? It's really incredible..."


The first half of New World.

Punk Hazard, there was a purple mist everywhere.

"Damn it, those guys at Marine are too stingy, aren't they? There are only 130 million Baileys, is there any mistake..."

Cavendish chattered, cursed a little dissatisfiedly, and stared at Guy in mid-air very jealously: "This young master has defeated the pirate of Marine Vice Admiral, why do you guys do nothing, you can directly offer a reward? 300 million?"

"Are you embarrassed to say? You did such a thing without telling me. Fortunately, you didn't leak my information..."

The Fujitora next to him was indifferent, and he was also a little speechless.

This guy is absolutely weird. He actually took the initiative to send his photo to Marine, and also attached the name and information to the photo, and declared that he defeated Marine Vice Admiral Maynard, in order to make Marine right. He offered high rewards.

"Shoo hello hello~183~~ I'm a genius scientist. The Master has super-high science and technology, and the secrets of the Marine science unit. This bounty is of course..."

Guy laughed triumphantly, floating in the air, surrounded by purple gas.

At the same time, they couldn't help dispelling the poisonous gas from the surroundings with the fruit's ability, and led the two of them to the other side of Punk Hazard.

"This is one of the former research bases of the Marine Scientific Corps. The facilities in the center of the island and other places have been blown up, leaving only the underground laboratories made of alloy..."

"Shoo! The poison gas leaked too suddenly, and the scientific troops were eager to evacuate here, so there was no time to destroy the underground laboratory, but the entrance to the surface was destroyed and sealed..."

Pointing to the gray open space in front of him, which is completely like ruins, Guy said with a bit of excitement: "Shoo! There are world-class experimental equipment inside. As long as you provide a lot of funds and materials, I believe this Genius will soon be able to make artificial Devil Fruit and other products!"

"This island is not safe. The lion ghost will come over soon and use his ability to help you transport the large laboratory here..." Fujitora shrugged.

In order to avoid attracting attention, it is naturally impossible to move the entire island directly, but it is no problem to transport the laboratory here.


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