In the hall.

Tezolo embraced the beautiful singer and sat on the luxurious leather sofa.

Squinting his eyes and enjoying the beautiful music, he gently shook the wine glass in his left hand. The bright red wine inside shook, a little dazzling under the light.

"Report, Lord Tezolo..."

A person dressed in a suit and a gangster came up with cold sweat on his head and hurriedly reported: "Mr. Tanaka and Miss Baccarat, both of them suddenly couldn't get in touch~ it's on!"


Tezolo's complexion changed-, Huo Ran stood up.

The fierce gaze chooses the person, staring at the staff in front of him, and pushing away the frightened singer: "What the hell is going on?"

"The two boys of Derma 66 kept suppressing all their gambling capital, but they didn’t know what luck they had taken. Not only did they win several in a row, but in less than ten minutes, they actually won. Three hundred million Baileys..." The staff turned pale and reported in a flustered manner: "We were worried that they would continue to win this way. So we hurriedly contacted Miss Baccarat. In the end, not only her, but even Mr. Tanaka suddenly contacted her. Not on..."

"Ah, Lord Tezolo, please forgive me, ah..."

The electric light shone faintly, and the small golden ring suddenly turned into a large piece of gold liquid, directly submerging the staff member, and the whole person fell to the ground and struggled...

In less than a few seconds, he kicked his legs and lost his vitality.

"Immediately investigate the surveillance video for me, and at the same time, close the exit and prohibit any ships from leaving!" The gloomy Tezolo, feeling something was wrong, shouted at the subordinates in fright.

If Tanaka had something to leave, it would be fine, but Bacara could not leave the casino without his order, let alone the two lost contact at the same time.


A group of subordinates couldn't help running away in a hurry.

"Damn it!" Tezolo's face was pale, his Observation Haki combined with the golden fruit's ability to "awaken" had already been sensed in an instant, and the two were not in this building at all.

Walked directly to the monitoring room.

Tanaka, who has the ability to pass through the fruit of Paramecia, can shuttle all non-living bodies at will, not to mention that Bacara with lucky fruit is the lucky star he uses to control the casino. If she loses her, even though he controls the casino. The kingdom will not collapse just like this, but I am afraid that the revenue of the casino will at least drop several times in the future.

When Baccarat is there, she doesn't even need to make a shot in person, she only needs to keep her luck, and even indirectly increase the revenue of the entire casino.

Only occasionally encounter those who are lucky to heaven-defying, that she needs to be dispatched in person.

"Master Tezolo, the last place where Miss Baccarat appeared should be her own room..." In the surveillance room, several staff members were sweating coldly, and quickly poured surveillance video.

"But our personnel have searched those floors and they haven't found her or Tanaka-sama."

"In this situation, either Tanaka betrayed me, or they were subdued by some powerful guy for a moment, and there was no chance to even shout out..." Tezolo looked cold and walked directly outside. go.

He didn't believe that Tanaka would betray him easily.

In this world, how many people have more money than themselves? His power of money can make the world's nobles tempted.

Unless Celestial Dragons recruits Tanaka, but is that possible?

"Then Lord Tezolo, what should I do next?"

A tall and fierce man asked, it was Dyce, one of the three cadres under Tezolo's command.

"Days, you send people to search the town right away. Don't miss any suspicious corners. If you encounter resistance, you can open fire directly. At the same time, some people will go directly to the port with me. Even if you search the ships one by one, Find them both..."

"But that would offend those..."

A staff member carefully reminded that those who come here to entertain are not only rich and wealthy businessmen, but also aristocrats of various countries, New World pirates, and even officials of the World government. The impact of rushing to search for ships for no reason is not small.

· ·Seeking flowers 0

"What if you offend, who do you think Laozi is?"

Tezolo's face was gloomy, his eyes faintly looked directly at the other party, with unabashed violence, and coldly said: "You can't find Tanaka and Bacara. Give me all these wastes and feed me the fish in the sea!"


Far away in the Calm Belt, on Laju Island in Bangkok.

"Anyone with the ability to wear fruit? Then bring it back by the way..."

After receiving the report from Boris, Iji nodded: "As for Niji and Yuji, don't worry about them."

Tezolo's strength is not weak, but his ambition is too great, and he is destined to be impossible to surrender to others.


Moreover, the other party bribed Celestial Dragons through money and can even mobilize the power of the World government. It is also an "absolute sanctuary" recognized by the World government and has attracted the attention of Marine and World government.

For the action that will be launched next, he can't cause too much movement for the time being. If he can keep a low profile, try to keep a low profile.

Except for the lucky fruit that I don't know how much surprise it can bring to him, to be honest, Paramecia's ability to wear the fruit is still very powerful.

Can shuttle any non-living body.

It means that you can directly ignore the resistance of the ground and realize the shuttle movement in an instant.

At the same time, it is very possible that weapons such as shells, knives and guns are invalid to it.

Perhaps it is developed to a very high degree, and it can be free to shuttle freely regardless of the air resistance.

All in all, this is indeed a very good ability, but it needs to meet the right master to be able to function perfectly.

"The guy Jenny was thinking of asking for two Devil Fruits last time..."

Sitting alone on the thick and large horizontal tree trunk, looking up at the blue sky above, Iji quietly thought: "Then this pierced fruit, give it to'Otogoshi' Van Oka. He thinks it should be. It can perfectly develop the ability of this Paramecia fruit..."


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