A few days later.

Lagoon Island in Bangkok.

In the secluded forest, beasts roared.

Smoky, who had just recovered from the remodeling operation, stood in front of Iji.

She was originally more than three meters tall, but now she has almost the same height as Iji. She has a convex and concave figure, a plump buttocks, and her two big long legs still look slender and tall, and she is sexually seductive.

Compared with before, it is definitely more in line with the aesthetics of normal people.

"It's really not a big habit..." Smoky looked at herself now, suddenly becoming almost the same height as an ordinary person, making her still a little uncomfortable.

Trafalgar Law's magical fruiting ability also made her feel incredible, just like a dream.

It is actually possible to transform a long-legged race like her into an ordinary human being no different from a normal person.

"Isn't this good?"

Looking at the beautiful and moving Smoky in front of "Five Zero Three" and no longer "unattainable", Iji said with satisfaction.

The long-legged people are absolutely inconvenient to act in many cases, because they only have longer legs, rather than the relatively balanced proportions of the various parts of the body.

"It will take some time to adapt. The way of fighting may also change a little." With his huge gloved hand, he tried to wave his big sword.

"call out……"

A fierce and eye-catching slash shot out in an instant.


There was a loud bang.

An eight or nine-meter-high hillside was directly divided into two, and a large swath of smoke rose up.


Smoky's personality is a bit lazy, and he doesn't particularly like to behave in front of others.

Until now, Luo didn't really see her shot.

Even if it was just a small test, it was enough to make him ashamed.

"You don't want to use your power to squeeze any messy things from now on. I don't like my women drinking those weird things!"

Stroking the pretty face of Smoky's fancier, and lifting up the messy hair on his forehead, Iji directly warned.

He is not referring to beasts, but people!

Iji really doubts whether this girl is a little lily inclined, and actually likes to squeeze beautiful women...

"I know, the ears have grown up with cocoons."

This was not the first time Iji had said it, and Smoky had no choice but to spread his hands.

If it were changed to someone else, she might slash it with a sword, or directly use her ability to twist the other person into a man.

It happened that this guy was not only her future husband, but also terribly strong.

"You are here to familiarize yourself with the changes in your body. I will leave for a while..." Smoky's attitude made Iji quite satisfied.

Without intending to take advantage of any further, he withdrew his right hand and walked directly outside.


Smoky shrugged.

She was born with a somewhat lazy personality, which made her not like to care too much.

Even knowing that Iji still doesn't trust himself much.

But if the other party is really so naive, she would instead consider persuading BIG-MOM to reconsider the alliance between the two parties.



Black wings emerged, and the whole person flew high into the sky, flying into the distance.

Of course, it is impossible to let Smoky know the secret of Germa casually, even if she does not resist marrying herself now.

So far, Iji did not want her to know the existence of the kingdom of the sky, the lion and the ghost.

Several huge war houses are gathered together, lying on the shore of a deserted island not far from the island of Bangkok, like a sea castle floating there.

"Your Highness!"

Iji landed from the sky, and Isabel and others greeted him.

In addition to Boris and the others, there are also Niji and Yuji who are bandaged and wounded. They have just arrived not long ago.

"What about people?"

Glancing at the a little embarrassed guy Niji and Yuji, Iji asked Boris directly.

Both of them are non-human bodies, and both have "exoskeletons." This injury will heal soon, and he certainly won't worry about anything.

"In the cell, they are all awake!" Boris pointed to the underground prison.

"Unexpectedly, you were the one who was acting and kidnapped Gilder Tezolo's subordinates. I said how could that guy suddenly go crazy without giving notice..." Rubbing his swollen cheeks, Yuji slightly said helplessly: "Niji and I almost can't do without there."

"But this matter, you can't just leave it like that. Sooner or later, I will find that bastard to settle the account!" Niji, who was wearing a bandage, said with a sneer.

A few days ago, the sudden disappearance of two important cadres under his command made Tezolo the "Golden Emperor" furious...

The Gulan Tezolo was almost turned up and down, even at the expense of offending the pirates and the rich and the nobles, even the pirate boats, huge ships, etc. were searched one by one, but unfortunately there was still no trace.

Many pirates who were already rebellious were so angry that they wanted to do it. As a result, their whole body was already infiltrated by gold powder. After Tezolo activated the ability, they couldn't move at all. They were a little furious because they couldn't find Bacara and Tanaka. Tezolo turned into a golden statue.

And Niji and Yuji, one is Logia·Miasma Fruit's ability, can directly ignore the ability of gold powder to infiltrate, and the other is Paramecia's ability to reject fruits. Those gold powder that has penetrated into the body is directly repelled by his ability. The force is not affected at all.

After learning that Tezolo was forcibly searching their war house, they, who were already arrogant and arrogant, immediately started making a fuss and fought against each other.

Although they were not opponents of the other party, with their not-so-weak ability to reject fruits and the ability to repel the miasma fruits, the two directly forcibly broke through Tezolo's barrier and left Guran Tezo in the war house. Luo number.

The World Economic News also specifically reported on the matter, which made the two of them headlines and caused quite a stir.

"I won't avenge you, and you can't mobilize the power of Jair immediately. It is a little motivation for you two..." Iji walked directly towards the underground prison, Iji glanced at the two, and said indifferently: "If you want to find a place back in 1.1, you will become stronger yourself and then go find that guy Tezolo!"

"It's a cold-blooded guy, but it's just what I want..."

Niji grinned directly, his fists snapped, and Yuji said, "Right, Yuji?" He was not angry at Iji's words, but grinned excitedly, with war in his eyes.

"haha of course!"

There was no sense of frustration at all, Yuji Jiejie laughed loudly: "This time I left too hastily, next time I will give that bastard a ‘great gift’!"

Deprived of most of their emotions by the cold-blooded father of Vinsmoke·Judge, they didn't know what fear was, and even in the face of death, they were able to laugh as if nothing had happened.

The two of them were born with the character of retribution, as well as the arrogance of the royal family. They suffered a loss from Tezolo, and naturally they wanted to ask for it back.


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