Next to Dressrosa, the island of "love, passion and toys", there is an unmanned Grimbit Island.

In fact, it is the habitat of the Dongtata clan of the little humans that have lived there for generations, and has a huge underground kingdom that is unknown.

There is a huge bridge between the two, but this area is full of ferocious bettas. Once a human tries to reach Greenbit Island from the bridge, he will be attacked frantically by the bettas living here.

Since the Donquixote family began to seize the throne of the Liku clan, the villains have often made trouble in Dressrosa. If it weren't for the troubles, and these guys may still be useful to keep, maybe the Donquixote family has already started to kill them.

"Da da da……"

Iji, Doflamingo, and Jess, the three of them riding on Buffalo, a Paramecia capable of turning fruits, quickly passed the dangerous bridge and came to Grimbit Island.

"Ehhhhhhhhh~~~ Eight hundred years ago, the little human races who were enslaved by our clan will have to contribute their power again..." Dover 17 Langming grinned and looked at the person beside him. Iji shrugged and asked, "But these little things are too small and fast. Are you sure you want to catch them directly instead of tricking them out?"

Although the number of Dongtata clan is not large, according to his rough estimate, it should be more than a thousand people.

Although the strength is not very good, but because of the speed and gas block, and the size is too small, it is not easy to catch all of them.

"That's too time-consuming!"

Iji's eyes were indifferent, looking at the densely covered island with dense forest, black smoke began to fill up all over his body.

"Hey eh, is this the ability of Dark Fruit?"

Perceiving this weird darkness and giving himself a very dangerous feeling, Doflamingo did not hesitate and jumped directly onto Buffalo's back.

"Guru! As if the light has been attracted!"

Buffalo was flying in the air, and some of his scalp was numb.

Without taking care of Doflamingo's few people, a large amount of darkness couldn't help spreading from under Iji's feet.


At this moment, there seemed to be ripples swept across.

The terrible darkness rushed out to the entire forest like a tide.

The ground, big trees, vines, flowers... were all submerged in darkness in an instant, but they were not directly destroyed.


"Leo, look, what is that?"

"It's like gravity, it won't be a good thing anyway..."


Some of the little human races who were collecting food in the forest and were aware of something was wrong, although they didn't know what the weird darkness was, they instinctively developed fear and anxiety, and fled hurriedly towards the direction that has not been submerged by the darkness.

But no matter how fast they are, it is impossible for them to go faster than the rapidly spreading darkness and be directly overwhelmed by the weird darkness.

"Hey, there are more?"

Upon sensing something, Iji sneered with his arms folded.

The darkness, like smoke, poured directly into the underground kingdom along the hidden gaps...

The powerful Observation Haki locked in those voices, and the darkness directly entangled the little human races like a vine, and could not help being sent to the sky, extending like a snake to the front of Iji.

"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu, the ability to do really strange, actually so to seize the little people ......"

Looking at the thousands of villains who were bound by the darkness and sent to him, Doflamingo couldn't help but shrink his pupils, but he was a little frightened.

"Damn it!!!"

"Doflamingo, what do you want to do?"

"Let us go!!!"

"Asshole, who are you guys..."

The little human races recognized Doflamingo in mid-air and screamed. The shore of Grimbit looked very noisy, and the twittering was a headache.

Doflamingo opened his hands and smiled a little jokingly: "Suck, contribute your strength again, Dongtata clan!"

As for whether these villains can be obedient, he doesn't doubt it.

Innocent and kind, this is the Dongtata clan.

Even if it is an exaggerated lie, they will believe it without any doubt.

And they only need to use their companions to threaten them, aren't these little human races going to work hard until they die?

"Jace, put them in the cell!"

Iji's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't rush to select the capable people of these little human races. He didn't care about the panic and angry yelling of those little human races, and commanded to Jace who was standing next to him.

Before he set off, he had already made someone inside Jace's body to specially create a cage to hold the villain.

A tentacled darkness sent the thousands of villains to Jace.

Some are densely packed and crowded within a few meters of space. If there is a intensive phobia, it is estimated that some scalp tingling will occur.


In the surprised eyes of Doflamingo and Buffalo, a hemispherical transparent barrier appeared on Jace's body, covering the villains.

A "gate" appeared directly on the chest. The 653 people who were shrouded in enchantment and were already small in size, once again became flies-like, extremely small, and could not help being sent by the vine-like darkness. Entered the door that opened on Jace's body that led directly to the cell.

"Weird abilities, is there a special space in the body?"

Seeing this weird scene, Doflamingo's pupils shrank slightly.

Today, the capable people under Germa's command are really only a lot more than the capable people in the Donquixote family.

According to the information he received, the two brothers "Electric Blue" Vinsmoke·Niji and "Winch Green" Vinsmoke·Yuji, one has the ability of Paramecia·Repelling Fruit, and the other has the ability of Logia·Miasma Fruit.

The Fujitora, who can control gravity and even summon meteorites directly, is even more exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Vinsmoke·Iji's very dangerous Dark Fruit ability, Germa also has such a special support class ability.

The darkness, like the tide of the sea, was collected in a moment, and it was submerged in Iji's body.

The entire Greenbite Island is still densely vegetation, and it has not been directly destroyed.

"This life card will guide you to the experimental base..."


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