Three days later.

Iji took Jace and returned to the Calm Belt's Lamon Island in Bangkok.

The new experimental base that Guy was arranged for was not very far from the island, about forty to fifty miles, but it would definitely not be discovered by the naked eye.

The lion ghost has not yet returned to the sky kingdom, staying here on standby.

Smoky was at the experimental base, and after helping Guy with his work for a few days, he set off for the Totto Land waters because of the call of BIG-MOM.

And Fujitora has started to take Vaipa, Urouge and others to practice gravity here for several days.

"Wait a minute, choose two or three of the strongest villains, and send the lion ghosts to the headquarters..." Iji directly told Jace: "The rest will be taken by Fujitora directly and sent to Guysa. From now on You stay on this beast island and train with Luo and the others!"


Jace nodded.

However, he has always had a calm personality, and it is still difficult to conceal a bit of excitement.

Here not only is there a strong person like His Majesty the King, but there is also gravity-assisted practice, which is obviously much better than in the military academy.

He chose to join Germa at the beginning. Apart from not wanting to remain in obscurity for the rest of his life as before, didn't he just want to become stronger?

The center of the beast island, in the vast field.

Under the strong gravity field of Fujitora, apart from Isabel, he could still stand and practice kicking. Luo, Kalifa, Urouge, Waipa and others were all pressed on the ground, doing push-ups with difficulty. ,sweating a lot.

But Luo and Kalifa, the situation is relatively better.

Because of long-term training, I have adapted to this degree of gravity, and my breathing frequency is relatively stable.

Urouge and Waipa, who had just joined for a short time, felt a bit painful. Urouge's physique was stronger and better than Waipa's situation, but Waipa was better than that tenacious will and crazy energy.

And Baccarat, who was ordered to practice Six Forms by the maid chief Isabel, did not enter the gravity field released by Fujitora, but kept practicing kicking skills beside him.

"Bacara, come here~々!"

Without disturbing Isabel and others, after sending Jace to the lion ghost, Iji sat alone on the big rock in the distance and called the sweet, sweaty, dripping Bacara over.

At this time, Bacara wanted to practice, so naturally it was impossible to wear that exposed backless long dress like before, but a heroic women's military uniform like Isabel.

The arrogant person who is unwilling to be restrained can hold up her military uniform. Some tight uniforms can't conceal her plump figure, and the outlines are moving.

"Master Iji!"

Baccarat's beautiful eyes shone slightly.

Regardless of being tired, he trot up.

Those somewhat exaggerated murder weapons, all together, let people swallow in secret.

"Last time you said that your abilities are currently at the highest level and you can absorb the luck of a hundred people at once, right?" Without scruples about the incense Khan on Bacara, Iji pulled it directly into his arms.

Baccarat, who had already been with Iji and had a little bit of knowledge, wished to get close to this master, so naturally he would not have any scruples, and sat generously on his lap.

Full of elasticity, and rubbing against Iji's arm intentionally or unintentionally, full of strange temptations. "Probably about a hundred people..."

"Have you tried to find Devil Fruit?"

Iji didn't reject this little girl's small actions, but even if he hadn't eaten meat for a few days, he wouldn't be so hungry and irritated by such trivial means.

"This may disappoint you..."

When Baccarat heard the words, he immediately understood Iji’s thoughts, and said helplessly: “Tezolo once took me to try it. It took me three months. I didn’t even find the worst Zoan. It may be something like Devil Fruit. It is full of incredible magic, let the ability of'lucky' fail!"

"Is that so?"

Iji stroked his chin, thoughtful.

Not surprisingly, lucky fruits are very heaven-defying to some extent. As long as there is enough luck in Bacara, it can be said that "whatever you want comes true."

If it can be effective against Devil Fruit, then an ambitious person like Tezolo would not be able to let Bacara Tenten mess around in the casino.

Wouldn’t it be better to take it out to find Devil Fruit like Logia, or the more rare Eudemons?

It is impossible for Tezolo to rise by virtue of Devil Fruit himself, and it is impossible not to know the great role of Devil Fruit.

"But if it is a gem, a famous knife, etc., you may be able to find it, but it may take some time..."

For fear that Iji might feel useless, Bacara quickly added, ". "In the past, Tezolo took me to find a very rare sapphire in order to bribe the gods. The national treasure lost by a certain kingdom a hundred years ago is of inestimable value. It took almost half a month before and after!"

"Don't worry, I won't despise you for this!" Holding Baccarat's charming body, fingers lightly pressed on her slightly thick red lips, Iji's eyes were a little bit funny.

Regardless of the ability of lucky fruits, Bacara is also a beautiful, sexually-feeling, and knows how to please men. Of course, he will not just abandon it because his ability is too weak.

Not to mention, even if it fails to help find Devil Fruit, it does not mean it is useless.

It's a pity that he is not a swordsman. Otherwise, it will take a long time to directly let Bakara take him to find other supreme swords that have long been lost in history. It is estimated that it is really possible to find them. (Good)

"Master Iji..."

Baccarat was very bold, and opened her slightly thick red lips directly, and pressed her fingers against her lips.

A pair of charming eyes, as if overflowing with water, can't help seducing Iji.

The soft and warm clove circulates skillfully on it, as if electricity is flowing through...


Iji was speechless.

Such a charming stunner is undoubtedly a favorite of men.

"Let’s talk about business first..." Iji didn’t take his finger back, letting this extraordinarily daring sex act, and said the real purpose directly: "Tomorrow you will follow me away, I want to find one. The giant lantern fish, I received the news from Reiju two days ago that someone witnessed it appearing in North Blue..."

"The maximum time limit is about three months, if you can't find it, then forget it!"


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