
The waves are undulating, the waves are rolling.

On the blue sea, it seemed that a dark and endless crack suddenly appeared, and it was so dark that it seemed to go straight to the end of the hell, as if even the light was going to be swallowed in, making people feel a little scalp numb.


The sea breeze was blowing, the cloak was hunting, and Iji couldn't help galloping on his motorcycle.

After confessing the matter, he ended the meeting with Thor, and the two left each side.

At present, Sol is still in the sequence of the G-5 branch.


At the end of the sea horizon, there were waves of singing.

"People are a ship~~~" "Five One Zero"

A singing ship slowly approached, the colorful decoration on it, and the skull flag full of publicity and wanton.

It was recognized at a glance, this was a pirate ship belonging to the BIG-MOM Pirate Group.

Iji didn't avoid it, the dark passage stretched directly from the sea to the pirate ship, and rushed up quickly on a motorcycle.

There was no sound of being attacked or stopped.

Because this singing ship is here to welcome him.

"Your Excellency Iji, it's been a long time..."

Wearing a weird eggshell costume, because he is a long-legged clan, he looks like a pair of compasses from afar, and he bends down and salutes very gentlemanly.

Although this monster of Germa is easier to talk than his mother, but it is also not a good kind. Last time Pokmu Si was tortured to death.

However, a year ago, after the Lord Smoky, who was still serving as the Minister of Juice, returned, he really scared many people.

He was supposed to be a long-legged clan like him, but it turned out to be indistinguishable from normal humans, except that he was slightly taller.

Until now, Baron Dandan felt a little weird every time he saw Smoky.

"Master Iji!"

The rest of the pirates and Homitz and others screamed respectfully.

Most of them have already felt the terrifying power of the young Djerma in power. They were even stunned by Iji's Conqueror's Haki on the spot. Of course, they did not dare to be presumptuous.

"Baron Dandan, I didn't expect that it was you who came to greet me, what about that fur clan guy?"

Iji stopped the motorcycle, glanced at the Baron Dandan and the pirates around him, and asked indifferently: "You should be partnering with him often?"

Although there are some things to meet with BIG-MOM this time, it is not in a hurry.

He didn't need to let the favorable conditions not enjoy it, he had to have Tenten eat and sleep on the sea.

"Pokkemu Si has a task, because I happened to be shopping for desserts in this area, so I was sent to pick you up."

While talking, Baron Dandan straightened his tall body, leaning on his cane, and ordered: "Turn around immediately and return directly!"

Two days later, when the singing ship had just entered the outskirts of the Totto Land waters.

"Master Smoky..."

A large flying carpet, carrying Qianli's figure, landed, aroused bursts of exclamation.

The long hair fell down to the hips, a plump and arrogant figure, the long white legs under the denim shorts, and the glamorous face, full of sexuality and charm.

"Master Smoky, why did you come here in person?"

Baron Dandan greeted him, a little surprised.

"Mom asked me to come and pick him up..." Smoky did not get off the flying carpet, and pointed to the figure lying on the beach chair in the bow of the ship, closing his eyes and resting.


Opening his eyes, Iji raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Didn’t Baron Dandan say you are on Cake Island?"

"It's really incomprehensible. What about love? We haven't seen each other for at least three months, right?"

Smoky's long, messy hair was shaken. Iji gave Iji a glance, with a little dissatisfaction and complaint in his tone: "Fortunately, I made a special trip to pick you up..."

This year, of course, she has not always stayed in the Totto Land waters, but occasionally went to the Calm Belt experimental base...

After going through that aspect of things with Iji, Smoky has a bit of marrow and knowledge, but it's not easy to disturb Iji's practice.

"Ah~~~ Don't be angry, am I going to the Cake Island to find you?" Iji jumped on the flying carpet, grabbed Smoky's plump body, and said with a chuckle.

Only then did he discover that Smoky hadn't worn the huge special gloves on a rare occasion today.

"Don't lie, I'm not a simple little girl..."

Directly letting the flying carpet take off, Smoky curled his lips, and beckoned to the Baron Dandan below: "Then, Dandan, then we will go to Cake Island first!"

"Well, I will send Master Iji's car to Cake Island later!" After spreading his hands, Baron Dandan nodded helplessly.

Tenten faced a dangerous guy like Vinsmoke·Iji, to be honest, he was still a little stressed.


Without dragging, Smoky directly let the flying carpet swept away quickly in the direction of Cake Island.

"Speaking of which, what are you doing with your mother this time?"

Lazily leaning against Iji's arms, his right hand rubbed the heroic face, with a little playfulness: "She doesn't want to see you in 5.2!"

For Vinsmoke·Iji, who deceived her powerful star, BIG-MOM would certainly not have a good impression, and she was a little annoyed that she was not able to obtain the core technology of Derma, but unless the alliance between the two parties was lifted, otherwise But I had to meet this guy again.

"Derma's core technology, of course, can't be easily obtained by her. Besides, last time I showed my sincerity, but I directly and generously gave up 30% of the man-made Devil Fruit."

Of course, Iji knows why BIG-MOM doesn't want to see himself, so he sneered indifferently: "As for the purpose..."

"What I have to say, I just want the remnants of those eras to retreat from the stage. They have been jumping for too long!"


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