The center of the Totto Land sea area.

Fantastic cake island, on the huge cake castle.

When Iji and Smoky arrived at the castle on a flying carpet, Kata Kuri had heard the news and rushed back, seeming to be extremely defensive against Germa's tricks.

"Brother Kata Kuri, why are you back?"

Smoky, who jumped off the flying carpet, looked at Kata Kuri who was waiting there for a long time, a little surprised.

"I won't come back, maybe he abducted another sister..."

Kataku Li's complexion was a little cold, and he stared at Smoky deeply for a while, then stared at Iji with bad words.

Of course he could see that at least half of Smoky's heart was no longer in the BIG-MOM Pirate Group.

In the future, if there is a conflict between the two sides, it is uncertain which side to help.

Although Kata Kuri knew that this day was bound to come when BIG-MOM agreed to marry Smoky to Vinsmoke·Iji, his face was still somewhat unsightly.


Smoky's complexion was a bit embarrassing 20.

"You say that, you really can count on me!" With a faint smile, Iji went straight over Kata Kuri, not caring about the other's defense and vigilance at all.

But for an instant, the horrible aura that seemed to be looming, like a wild beast, made Kata Kuri's hairs stand up inexplicably, and cold sweat came out directly.

"This guy, is his strength already..."

Turning his head in amazement, looking at Vinsmoke·Iji's red back, Kata Kuri was shocked and inexplicable, revealing an incredible color.

Inside the huge living room.

Charlotte Linlin had been waiting there for a long time, and she couldn't help stuffing delicious sweets in her mouth. Two Thundercloud Zeus and Sun Prometheus floated above.

"Mama Mama, Vinsmoke·Iji, why did you come here suddenly to find me?"

BIG-MOM sat on the sofa with a fat body, staring fiercely at Iji in front of him, and hummed: "It's better not to be nonsense, otherwise don't blame the old lady for throwing you out!"

Naturally, the fierce aura that rushed forward couldn't frighten Iji.

However, he didn't bother to confront BIG-MOM tit for tat. He sat on the big chair opposite BIG-MOM quite familiarly, and chuckled with his legs crossed and said, "I think you should be interested."

The complexion of the Kataku chestnut next to him suddenly changed slightly, foreseeing something.

"This sea is too boring. I want to open the door to a new era and kick the remnant party of that era from the altar..."

Knowing that BIG-MOM was very grudged because of the last incident, and his patience was very limited. Iji didn't sell anything and went straight to the point: "If the Whitebeard Pirates falls, I think you should be happy to see it!"

With the Dark Fruit and Eudemons·Vampire form abilities, the Master has developed to a certain level, and he plans to own the third Paramecia Devil Fruit.

Among them, the best Paramecia Devil Fruit is naturally known as the strongest Paramecia on Whitebeard. It can cause a tsunami in an instant, and is known as the Shock Fruit ability that can destroy the world!

With the ability of vampire form, he doesn't need to worry about whether he will leave him with any hidden wounds if he overuses Shock Fruit's ability in the future.

And the fellow Whitebeard is now dyingly ill and can completely take away his abilities, it just depends on which way to choose.


Even if he had a premonition, when he really learned that Iji's goal was the legendary big pirate, Whitebeard, who was called the world's strongest man, Smoky still couldn't help but change his color.

"Are you joking?"

BIG-MOM stared at it, then looked at Iji, threateningly said: "Although I am very upset with the old fellow Whitebeard, but I have to admit that he does have a very strong strength, and he cannot be easily killed by a guy like you. , You don't want my old lady to act as a pawn for you, do you?"

The power of Whitebeard's movement that can trigger a tsunami, she has experienced more than once, and she is indeed full of jealousy.

Not to mention, the power under his command can be said to be the strongest among the Four Emperors.

"The body of that guy Whitebeard is almost dying? Are you sure?"

"I received news, that old guy's body is almost dead!"

Kata Kuri, who was standing next to her with her breasts in her arms, almost spoke the message he was about to say in front of Iji.


Charlotte Linlin was taken aback.

Somewhat displeased, Kata Kuri glared at him, and directly yelled: "Kata Kuri, don't interrupt your kid!"

Although Kata Kuri’s ability is sometimes surprising, it is more annoying.

No one likes what they are about to say, they are known in advance, and BIG-MOM is no exception.

"Boy, did you say that Whitebeard's body is about to die?" Charlotte Linlin squinted her eyes, a little suspicious and emotional.

If the body of the fellow Whitebeard really doesn't work, she really wants to pull the old fellow who is blocking her horse off the horse and occupy its territory.

It is rumored that the red historical stone stele that records the coordinates of Raftel, the final island, has one in her hand, and the guy Kaido, the beast, also has one in her hand.

And maybe Whitebeard, the old guy, has a piece of Raftel's road sign in his hand. If she can grab it, she will be one step closer to One Piece's goal.

"I have chess pieces in the Whitebeard Pirates, the pain that Edward Newgate accumulated in his early years, and countless episodes of dark injuries caused by using Shock Fruit's ability. At present, Tenten needs to hang a potion bottle..." Iji supported his chin with both hands, some He smiled and said: "Think about his age, how much do you think he can still play at his peak?"

"Even if it is a sick tiger, there is still a bit of prestige, let alone Whitebeard..."

BIG-MOM is not a fool, she will not be easily moved by Vinsmoke·Iji in a few words. She sneered and said: "Moreover, he has more than a dozen captains and more than 40 pirate regiments, which add up to tens of thousands of troops. It's not a display!"

"Of course I know this, and I didn't even think about letting you fight against the other party and hurt both sides, for nothing, other Four Emperors or the World government..." Iji shrugged, his expression unchanged, and said indifferently: "Fight against him. It’s just the worst solution!"

"Talk about it!"

BIG-MOM's eyes flickered.

If Whitebeard can be solved without much loss, it can indeed be considered.

She had long seen-Kun was in front of the throne, but was unwilling to climb to the top, and blocked there and refused to let go. Whitebeard, who pretended to be noble, was upset.

"In the Whitebeard Pirates, the second team captain'Fire Fist' Ace, his true identity is the biological son of One Piece King Gol·D·Roger!" Iji grinned and revealed this secret that was enough to make the sea sensational. .


"What you said is true?"

Whether it was Kata Kuri or Smoky, their pupils shrank sharply at this moment, and they couldn't help but scream out.

BIG-MOM couldn't help it, and suddenly stood up.

She and Roger One Piece, the bastard, there is still an old bill that hasn't been settled!

One piece Roger took away the rubbings of the red road sign text from here, which makes Charlotte Linlin still cherish it.


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