Twenty or thirty nautical miles away.

Looking at the completely darkened sea ahead, the flying squirrels and other generals couldn't help being a little shocked and inexplicable.

"Tsk tusk, this is Vinsmoke·Iji's ability, it's really exaggerated..." Green Bull's expression was relaxed, but his eyes were a bit solemn.


Blazing electric lights flashed by.

"Green Bull Admiral, is there anything I need to do?"

The figure of "Blue Python" Thor appeared behind Green Bull with a serious face.

Somewhat strangely, he glanced at the image phone worm that was carried out next to him. He was called by the green bull with the phone worm, but he didn't know what the other party wanted him to do.

"Blue Python Rear Admiral, I have to trouble you something. Although it is a bit dangerous, only you can do it..."

Green Bull motioned to the adjutant to pass a strange phone worm to Sol, pointed to some small giant ships in the distance, and said directly: "Because we are too far apart, we can't identify the specific situation. At the same time, it is difficult to make timely and effective decisions based on the situation..."

"Getting close to the past may be attacked by the madmen of Beasts Pirates, and your ability just happens to be easy to lurch in the past. Please use the surveillance phone worm to take pictures of the battle!"


Received surveillance phone worms.

Thor did not procrastinate, his whole person turned into a flaming electric light and disappeared directly in place.

"Link the phone worm signal to the headquarters and prepare to broadcast!"

Green Bull sat lazily on the chair, turned his head to the flying squirrel next to him and ordered.

"This is Marshal Sengoku's request. Vinsmoke·Iji's abilities are beyond the record in the illustration book. They want to reassess the danger of Dark Fruit's abilities."



Aboard the Guran Tezolo.

Ignoring Niji who had recovered, Iji looked at the Beasts Pirates cadres and Tezolo and others indifferently, and said lightly without looking back: "Since it's all right, then take Man Shirley and roll aside, don't get in the way. !"

"Cut, really!"

Niji, who was about to get revenge, curled his lips, grabbed Man Shirley and put it on his shoulder, and he couldn't help flying back.

Iji is the supreme commander of Deerma, no matter how much he wants to take revenge, he can't defy his orders.

The atmosphere is somewhat depressed, and the murderous atmosphere is permeated!

Because of fear of Dark Fruit's ability, QUEEN, Jack and others did not recklessly shoot.

"Just now, you let me kill you, right?" Looking through the sunglasses, staring at the somewhat embarrassed "drought" Jack, Iji raised the corner of his mouth and asked directly.

"So what?"

Jack, covered in blood, with a fierce complexion, responded uncompromisingly: "There is a kind of killing Laozi..."

"That's as you wish!"

Iji's voice fell, and it turned into a blood-red streamer, and the whole person rushed towards Jack the Drough!

"Be careful!" QUEEN's complexion changed, her golden fleshy wings shook sharply, and the bloody sickle slashed out violently.


"I don't believe it anymore, how strong can he be!"

"But it's just a kid who is not yet twenty..."

The other cadres screamed and rushed forward with murderous aura.

Even if it is shrouded in darkness and unable to use Devil Fruit's abilities, it does not mean that it is too weak to withstand a blow.

"call out!"

The sound of breaking through the air screamed.

The atmosphere was directly opened, and the fierce blood slashed, somewhat dazzling.


However, Iji turned strangely.

That terrible bloody slash was directly avoided, and the cast undiminished bombarded the thick deck of this huge ship, leaving a shocking black hole.

The building of the Guran Tezolo is indeed made of a large amount of gold, but it does not mean that the entire giant ship is really made of gold.

The whole person rushed in front of Jack, the cold light was shining, and oncoming was the pitch-black blade that wrapped around Haki.


The whole body instantly became pitch black, shining with metallic luster, Iji's right hand turned into a black Uzumaki directly, aimed at Jack the Drough!


The extremely violent wind force could not be avoided at all, and directly pulled him up.

"Ping pong pong..."


It was not just Jack the Drough himself, it spread around the dark Uzumaki, like a horizontal hurricane of dozens or twentieth, making people unable to open their eyes at all.

Countless dust, glass, debris, etc. all flew over.

Even the unparalleled wind directly destroyed and crushed the building in front of it, sucking it in!

"Keng, Keng..."

Jack hacked frantically, unable to directly break through Iji's Haki defense.

"Ah—" I couldn't escape because I was so close at hand, the whole person couldn't resist the horrible suction. In a flash, he was swallowed up by the dark Uzumaki's half of his body.

All this happened so fast.

It's dazzling and can't react at all.

No one expected Vinsmoke·Iji to have such an ability.

"No—" the cadres following Jack shouted in horror.

Pulled by the violent suction, they couldn't control their figure, and flew directly to the dark Uzumaki.


When QUEEN and those cadres saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

"Stop it!!!"

The ugly-faced Queen scythe fluttered and swung dozens of fierce slashes, trying to stop Iji!

Although I don't know the consequences of being sucked in, I know that I will never get any better when I close my eyes!


A huge darkness rose to the sky.

Those dozen or so horrific slashes that were enough to destroy Marine's highest-ranking warship were directly swallowed by darkness, and even the ripples did not appear to be 0.3.


In such a short time, the "drought" Jack had been swallowed up directly, and all the cadres behind him had disappeared without exception!

The violent wind pressure disappeared, and the audience fell silent.

"Asshole, what have you done to Jack and the others?"

QUEEN couldn't keep calm, looked at Iji below with fear, and asked with some gritted teeth.

"Look at it for yourself!"

Iji showed white teeth.

That somewhat cold smile gave Tezolo and others an ominous premonition.

A black plume of smoke surged from behind, and a pile of minced flesh and powder directly spilled out of it!


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