
"Guru! Really?"

"Master Jack, he is a monster with a bounty of 895 million Pele..."

The unceasingly falling blood mist caused both Tezolo and those cadres to feel chills, and they all felt cold from head to toe!

Looking at Iji ahead in horror!

The bounty was close to 900 million Baileys. Jack, one of the "three plagues", "drought", and two or three cadres with a bounty of at least 100 million were killed?

Hidden on the top of the highest gold hotel, Sol, who started filming with the surveillance phone bug, couldn't help but feel a little sluggish.

He has thought that Iji is very strong, and he doesn't think these guys can block this highness, but he really didn't expect it to be so exaggerated!

"It's worthy of being the most vicious fruit of Logia in history. It's really terrifying ability!"

The top three combat powers of the Four Emperors may not be as good as Naval Headquarters' highest combat power, but they are undoubtedly able to compete with Admiral and will not be directly defeated in a short period of time.

But being easily killed by Iji in this way is a bit too amazing.

However, he could also guess that it was mainly because Jack was too careless, and no one thought that Iji would have the ability to swallow 11 targets directly. This kind of distance can't be avoided by Jack's size and speed. open.

If it is changed to a speed type and a "flood" QUEEN with flying ability, it is possible to avoid the dark Uzumaki as long as you don't be too careless.

It may look similar, but that is not the ability of a person who directly locks the ability like Dark Water!

"But it seems that there is still a brave little bug." Sweeping in a certain direction below, Saul's gaze was somewhat profound, but he didn't directly act as if he didn't know it.

"Guru! This is big news..."

Three or four floors below Sol's location.

In a somewhat hidden room, a middle-aged man was flushed with excitement and excitement.

He grinned and said to the phone bug: "Jack of the three major disasters was killed directly by Vinsmoke·Iji. President Morgans, you have to give me additional bonuses. I'm using my life to make news!"

I saw a surveillance phone bug on the golden wall outside the window, facing the direction of the battlefield.

In the room, there are also very sophisticated shooting equipment and several electronic display screens, which are connected by complicated lines, and are shooting scenes of Iji and others fighting from different angles.

Obviously, he deployed more than this phone worm here.

"Don't worry, you are a real hero now. Since Morgans took over the World Economic News, when have you ever treated the newspaper hero? Ten million Baileys have been transferred to your account. If you have a personal accident, the newspaper will also give your family a lot of compensation..." In the phone worm, a bird's beak was simulated, grinning a little, "But you have to keep working hard. If there are other breaking news, the newspaper will give you more rewards!"

It is Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, who is talking to this middle-aged man.

The other end of the phone worm is the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency.

There are several huge video phone worms, which are rebroadcasting the pictures from the Guran Tezolo in a very clear manner.

"It's amazing..."

"Is this the strongest spear of Derma?"

"Even under the Four Emperors, the top three combat powers were easily killed."

"Moreover, Vinsmoke·Iji's abilities are so terrible that they can prevent the capable person from using the Devil Fruit ability..."

A reporter from the headquarter news agency was shocked. While constantly taking pictures on the big screen, there was also a dedicated staff quickly writing records on the notepad with a pen.

"Tsk tusk, the guy Iji hid deep enough, he didn't expect his strength to be so terrifying that he even killed Jack, one of the three major disasters, directly in seconds. Now there is a good show to be staged..."



Not very far from the Guran Tezolo, on a very hot island.

A huge active volcano is billowing thick smoke.

"Master Kaido!!"

"You come out quickly..."

"The big thing is not good!!!"

More than a dozen Beasts Pirates pirates, sweating profusely from the heat, yelled vigorously below.

"Master Jack has an accident, his life card has been burned out!!!" a cadre yelled with sweat.


A roar like Hong Zhong came from the crater.

"Huh—" A huge figure shot out, carrying hot lava, and slammed down under the mountain.


The dust shrouded and the earth shook.

Shocking cracks continued to spread.

The pirates and cadres were directly shaken to the ground and swallowed.

"What are you talking about? Jack's life card burned out?"

Shaking off the hot red magma on his body, the beast Kaido half of his body was embedded in the ground, and the bloodshot eyes were full of violence, which made the cadres and pirates of Beasts Pirates tremble and snarled angrily: "How is this going?"

"The news from the Gulan Tezolo just now..."

The leading cadre was in a cold sweat, and under the pressure, he hurried forward and said: "The strength of that Vinsmoke·Iji is beyond imagination, and he kicked Lord Queen to vomit blood upside down, and Lord Jack had been killed by him..."

"Master KING has already been led by 663 to rush over to support, because we are worried that something will happen, we will immediately notify you!"

"Damn it, Jack that waste!!!" Kaido of the beast furious, the huge figure like a demon, struggling to jump out of the earth.


The ground trembles!

The incomparable huge body moved, full of ferocious aura like a wild beast, with a terrible sense of oppression: "I was killed in this way, or killed by a little devil with no hair. It's a shame. Got home!!!"

"Where are they?"

"This is the life card of QUEEN-sama..."

The cadre who was tall, but less than the thigh-high of Kaido, quickly handed him the QUEEN life card, and cautiously said: "With the speed of the Pirate Ship, it will take two or three days at the fastest!"

In order to prevent Marine from causing trouble, the "Wind Disaster" KING specially let the Guran Tezolo chase the position of Kaido, so as to prevent Kaido from supporting the beast if Marine does attack at that time.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise it may not be able to catch up!

"Two or three days?"

His complexion instantly turned gloomy, Kaido Kaido picked up the huge mace and swung it without thinking about it!

"At this time, still sitting on your mother's fart boat!"


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