The Kingdom of Prussia is located behind the Governor's Mansion in North Blue.

It is different from other powerful nations, which means it may be supported by Marine Admiral Kizaru at any time.

In such a situation, Iji can only solve the country in person.

"The Kingdom of Prussia will be handed over to me, and speaking of this kingdom and Djerma, there is an old grudge, I will destroy the North Blue Governor's Mansion by the way..."

As the powerhouse who captured the Whitebeard Shock Fruit ability and killed the two Naval Headquarters with the highest combat power in succession, Iji did have such strength and confidence.

I am not afraid of being dragged by Admiral Kizaru, or the World government has sent some strong people to besiege.

If he wants to go on this sea, I believe no one can stop him.

Even if Kizaru is fast enough, it is still not good, because it is Demon fruit power, and the sea is his biggest nemesis!

With both hands pressed on the conference table, they looked at the "World", "Iron Bone" Asa, "Ghost Sword" Dambiel and others present, with irresistible majesty, and said: "Remember, don't be in these countries. Delay the time, destroy their army and eliminate the strong ones. Those unscrupulous guys in Impel down, if anyone dares to be disobedient, just kill them!"

"Yes! Lord Iji!!!"

"Never let you down!"

"World", "Iron Bone" Asa, "Predator" Vernal and others all stood up and responded loudly.

The general intelligence of these countries has been investigated clearly by the intelligence agencies of Djerma over the years.

"You guys get ready and leave on time at two o'clock in the afternoon!"


And this time.

Far in New World, Dressrosa.

There are still many traces of fighting on the island.

Countless people are cheering, crying, cursing...

One by one weird toy creatures restored the posture of human beings.

"Citizens of Dressrosa, you are liberated! The Donquixote family, who fooled you for eight years, has been completely suppressed by me, and no one will oppress you...々¨..."

The sand crocodile appeared on the huge screen: "From now on, I will take on the responsibility of the king and lead everyone to a prosperous, prosperous and stable life..."


"Very good!!!"

"Long live Lord Crocodile!!!"

"Doflamingo by Damn it!!"

"Woo~~~Thank you for saving us!!"

"Damn, we misunderstood King Liku..."

Countless citizens cheered, screamed, and cried with joy.

Even those who have been turned into toys can't help kneeling down in gratitude.

But many people still feel guilty when they recalled the former King Liku.

However, under Crocodile’s negotiations, the World Government’s commission has been formally issued, and it is impossible for King Liku to regain the throne no matter how much he wants.

"Damn it! Crocodile!!!"

In the hall of the palace, Torrepol, Diamanti and other cadres of the Donquixote family with swollen noses and swollen noses were restrained by seastone handcuffs.

"Cough~~~Cough~~~, I said earlier, he is not trustworthy!"

Gladius, covered in blood, very weak, spoke indifferently.

Torrepol and Diamanti looked bluish, bowed their heads a little ashamed. If it wasn't for them to be greedy for life and fear of death, but for vain, and unwilling to give up a good life easily, how could it be so.

Successfully received the Donquixote family's contacts and business in the dark world, as well as several arsenals set up by its subordinates in other areas. Of course, Sand Crocodile does not need to keep them.

"We are pirates..."

The cadres of the Crocodile Group beside them all sneered a little: "And Crocodile-sama didn't want to kill you, but you guys are too ignorant..."

"Not only did you secretly conspire to assassinate Trafalgar Law, a cadre under Germa's command, in a vain attempt to avenge the dead Doflamingo, but you also wanted to inform the world government and leak the man-made Devil Fruit. You don't think about how many catties you have... "With a foot on the half-dead Senor Pique, Mr.8 sneered and said: "How could the president offend Germa for you?"

"Damn it, Violet, you betrayed us!"

Just after escaping from the Calm Belt day and night, the snow girl Monet was caught, staring at Violet, with long brown-black hair beside her, wearing a polka-dot cascading lace dance dress and purple dancing shoes, and a dancer dressed up as Violet. Spitfire.

"I was forced by you to join the Donquixote family!"

Violet gritted his teeth with hatred in his eyes and said coldly: ". ¨ Used despicable means to seize the power of this country, fooled the people, imprisoned my father King Liku, killed my sister, and My niece Rebecca was sent into the sword arena to slander our Liku clan..."

"Huh, what's so good about Crocodile? I don't think he will return the throne to the Liku clan!" Diamanti spat blood and sneered with disdain.

He knew that he and his party would undoubtedly die, and Sand Crocodile would not let them go.

Blame him and Torrepol for being too timid. After looking forward, they were deceived by the hypocritical faces of Sand Crocodile, otherwise they fled into the world with the huge wealth of the Donquixote family, or they took refuge in BIG-MOM and Kaido. I believe It may not have such an end.

"This won't bother you. Doflamingo said that it was right at the beginning. During the term of office, people starved to death. The old man may not be suitable to be a king..." (Is it Zhao)

King Liku came over and said calmly: "Although I don’t believe in pirates, at least the old man believes that under the rule of the sand crocodile, Dressrosa’s citizens will be better. The huge formal industry under the crocodile group can serve the citizens. Providing good employment conditions, Shichibukai’s status can also protect Dressrosa from pirates (harmony)!"

Beside him, followed by a tall man with a broken leg, and a pretty girl with pink hair in the equipment of a sword fighter, about thirteen years old, with red eyes and clear tears.

Crocodile, who had just finished speaking on the palace heights, was talking with Iji.

"Is it childlike fruit? I just let the lion ghost go to New World, take the Logia Mera-mera Fruit from the blue python, let him bring these guys back by the way!"

"Yes, Your Highness, I will arrange it!"


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