[PS: This book does not write about the theatrical version of Dynamite Rock. The power of that thing and the destruction of the three islands can destroy the entire New World. The setting is too exaggerated. The background of this book is that there is no such thing.]

the next day.

In the early morning, the fiery red sun shone on the sea, sparkling.

The sea breeze comes with a salty taste.

Seagulls screamed, announcing the arrival of this new day.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Prussia did not panic too much because of Germa's large-scale operation in North Blue, and their lives were still as usual.

I don't know if he is very confident in the strength of his kingdom or because he blindly worships King Fernandi III.

People come and go in the royal capital, bustling, very prosperous and lively.

"call out--"

A black streamer flashed across the sky and fell on the towering city wall.

In the blink of an eye, no one can see it clearly.

"It's really big enough, no wonder it has a population of tens of millions..."

Hunting in the blood-red Greatcloak, Iji stood with his hand held down, looking down at the entire capital, which was much more luxurious and majestic than the capital of the Takri Kingdom, and squinted his eyes.

The size of the entire royal capital alone is not comparable to that of the Takri Kingdom, let alone the 430 luxurious royal palace.

He also came to the Kingdom of Prussia for the first time.

Compared to the ordinary island countries, this country is really shocking. The capital of the country is in the center of the country, and he has passed at least ten eight large towns, and the villages are ignored.

The blood-colored figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and slid directly onto the rooftop of a certain hotel.

He took out the phone worm and dialed an unfamiliar number.

"I'm Iji, come see me right away, Xicheng, Nuoerli Hotel, rooftop..."

It didn't take long.

A middle-aged man dressed as a vendor hurried up.

"Master Iji!"

The man knelt and bowed, placing his right hand on his chest, and said respectfully: "I am Nick, the head of intelligence arranged by the'Intelligence Bureau' of the Djerma Empire in the King's Capital of Prussia..."

For this majesty who led Germa, once again -kun to North Blue, his eyes were full of worship and enthusiasm.

"Free gift!"

In order to avoid the leakage of information, even the intelligence personnel here did not know that Iji would suddenly appear in this country. It is even more impossible to know what he came for.

After all, if CP or (bcea) other forces also arranged spies in the intelligence system of Djerma, so that the Kingdom of Prussia was prepared in advance, or those strong men were directly and decisively hidden, and waited until Djerma and the World government started war. It's not a small trouble when it comes out to make trouble again.

It is impossible for him to completely destroy this country with a population of tens of millions.

Moreover, such a large land country is no better than those small island countries. If you don’t use the power of Shock Fruit a few times, the foundation will directly collapse, and it will not be completely submerged by triggering a huge tsunami. At most, it will be damaged and cause a lot of casualties. .

It is not impossible to sink this country completely into the sea in a short time.

"Take me right away to find the famous swordsman Alec Jared in the Kingdom of Prussia..." Germa had already checked this information, and Iji didn't bother to waste any more time.


Nick was taken aback for a moment, but he nodded.

The mansion of the Alec family is located in a manor outside the royal capital. These years, the sword magnate Alec Jared has lived in seclusion here all the year round, easily not seeing guests.

It was Fernandi III, King of Prussia, who hadn't seen this legendary swordsman several times in a year.

Unfortunately, that day his son Alec Frey, the marshal of the army of the Kingdom of Prussia, happened to come back from the army.


The outskirts of the capital.

In a magnificent and classical manor.

In a dense forest, pieces of leaves fall with the breeze from time to time.

Gray hair, short hair, wrinkles on his face, and a bit fierce gaze, destroying the kind face that should have been.

Alec Jared, a sword magnate who just turned seventy-five years old this year, is wearing a Taoist robe and sitting cross-legged on a cushion. A blade with a strange pattern.

This is by no means an ordinary famous knife!

On the opposite side, a middle-aged man with a resolute face sat cross-legged.

On his knees, there is a white scabbard with a beautifully patterned knife, with simple words engraved on it, which is very clear.

This is one of the "snowfalls" that is quite famous in West Blue, one of the twenty-one jobs.

But when the middle-aged man's gaze looked at the dark blue blade, although there was no color of greed, it was still a bit hot.

Obviously, that knife either had any special meaning, or it was far above his 21st-ranked "Snowfall".

"Derma, Vinsmoke..."

Returning the blue blade to the sheath, Alec Jared calmly said: "This clan is really an incredible monster. In just a few days, there are already no less than ten kingdoms, Marine The branch base was attacked!"

There is a fear that cannot be concealed in the words.

What kind of monster is Whitebeard, doesn't he still know?

Even though he hadn't fought against each other when he was young, he had seen the opponent directly use Shock Fruit's ability in a battle with Marine, which caused a huge tsunami to completely destroy Marine's fleet.

However, the Vinsmoke·Iji robbed Whitebeard's ability.

At present, a large-scale military operation has been launched in North Blue, and the ambition to dominate North Blue is clear.

"Yes, father!"

Alec Frey looked serious, nodded, and said solemnly: "At present, the World government has suffered heavy losses due to the war on the top and Mariejois has been attacked. The army has suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that it is unlikely that troops will be sent in a short time! His Majesty the King has already gone to North. The Blue Governor’s Mansion intends to join forces with other kingdoms to form a coalition against Djerma..."

"The power of Shock Fruit is indeed too terrible. Unless you can make the opponent throw a rat, like a war against Whitebeard, and you can't use your ability unscrupulously, otherwise the huge army is just a display, even if it is the elite of the World government..."

Suddenly, Jared's expression changed, and the conversation stopped abruptly.

He looked into the depths of the forest abruptly, his originally calm gaze suddenly became sharp: "Who is it?"

"Cangcang Cang~~~" Accompanied by the sore grinding sound, the faintly blue blade unsheathed like lightning and slammed into the depths of the forest!

"call out--"

A blazing dark blue crescent-shaped slash directly blasted the ground, and blasted directly into the forest.

There, at some point, a blood-red figure appeared.


"Is it "Onimaru Kokuzuna", one of the twelve labors of the Supreme Sharp Sword?"

A ghostly flash of Naharetsu's slashing, the blood-red figure appeared directly in front of the pavilion, causing Alec and his son to shrink their pupils, and their hairs stood up like an enemy.

"I really saw a rare thing!"


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