One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 427 Dandelion for blood donation [Various requests]

The sunset gradually fell.

A large number of troops left the barracks suddenly, and all citizens were ordered to evacuate.

An atmosphere of restlessness, chaos, and fear enveloped the entire Saint Vassan.

Some citizens who have lived here for most of their lives and are unwilling to leave were forced to leave, somewhat rough.

"Next, there is a possibility that there will be an unprecedented war in San Vasa'an. By then, the entire city may no longer exist. I hope that the citizens can understand and immediately go to the surrounding towns with the army to take refuge!"

The long line was not neat and orderly, but those who tried to make trouble were shot directly to death, and there was nothing to say about it.

Countless citizens can only follow with fear and anxiety, trembling, obeying the command of the army, and evacuate the town.

For the citizens who have belonged to Djerma, Iji is obviously not cold-blooded enough to let them bury the next royal city that is destined to disappear.

The entire royal city, when the sky fell completely into darkness, directly turned into an empty city.

The 17th side of the World government is obviously already mentally prepared, although because of the emergence of BIG-MOM, knowing that the news of their plan to attack Germa leaked out, they had confidence in their own combat power and had to send the arrow on the string.

Quiet, deathly silence.

Very unnatural, terribly depressed!

The atmosphere of wind and rain makes people feel a little mad, and can't help but want to shred the clothes and shout.

BIG-MOM stopped eating snacks, narrowed his eyes and walked to the square.

Red Earl Ryder, Revolutionary Dragon, Blackbeard Jenny, War Ghost Kul, Rain Shiryu, Kata Kuri, Bartholomew-Bear, etc. are no exception.

Several major forces separated intentionally or unintentionally, and did not stand together directly.

On the square of the palace, apart from Boris, "Francis Amos", "Louis Dyson", "Poison Man", "Golden Emperor" and others, as well as "World" and Edward- In addition to Weibull, Fujitora, Lion Ghost, Thomas the Redbeard who just rushed back, Horn-T-Asa after the remodeling operation, there are more than a dozen Impel down criminals!

These are criminals with decent strength. As for how much they will survive after the war, no one can say for sure.

To put it bluntly, these unruly guys are powerful points and can play a worthy cannon fodder. The true confidant forces of Djerma like Niji, Yuji, Luo, Waipa, etc. did not appear here.

"Kaido, you can follow the life card guidelines and come directly!"

Without waiting for the other side of the phone worm, Kaido scolded his mother, who was holding the wine gourd and pouring wine, Iji hung up the phone directly.

The patrolling air squad and patrol ships have been eliminated continuously, so that he has roughly mastered the position of the World government side.

A tense, depressed atmosphere.

There are Vinsmoke. Iji himself, Red Earl Lederfield, Revolutionary Dragon, BIG-MOM, Blackbeard, "Byrnndi-World" and other strong players are present. The unscrupulous criminals of Impel down also subconsciously shut up and quietly talked to the cat. Same.

"What a shocking guy, there is such a power in Djerma.

BIG-MOM and the revolutionary Long and others couldn't help but feel a little shocked after seeing the power gathered by Germa.

They have thought that Djerma is very strong, but never expected it to be so exaggerated.

Even if this kind of force were to put aside their foreign aid, no one could stop the Four Emperors of New World.

There was a strong fear and vigilance in my heart.

Kata Kuri has some scalp numbness, not to mention the Fujitora, lion ghosts and others who are directly left behind by Germa, just pick out a few of the ten strong ones in Impel down, even if it is impossible. Own opponent, but most of them can hold him a considerable amount of time.

Vinsmoke-Iji's ability to let these wicked guys sit down and obey orders is enough to illustrate Djerma's methods.

"Bartholomew-Bear, I hope that later you can form a partner with War Ghost Kuhl, and try to use those weaker guys in the World government to shoot directly with your flesh and fruit, I We will arrange for people under Germa to cooperate with you..."

Hunting in the bloody feather cloak, Iji stepped to the side of the revolutionary dragon, war ghost Kur, and Bartholomew-Bear. Without making any detours, I directly proposed to Bartholomew-Bear.

He also didn't expect the revolutionary army to really fight the World government's side. At most, it would do as much as possible without life threatening.

"Yes, but I can't guarantee what the process will be." Bartholomew-Xiong nodded, calmly.

On the battlefield, the situation was changing rapidly, and he really couldn't guarantee whether he would be targeted by any monsters.

"It's okay, just do your best!"

Iji nodded, and said nothing.

"Wait for my father Garp, leave it to me!" Revolutionary Long said directly.

He knows that Vinsmoke. Iji absolutely hides a terrible hole card, otherwise he would not dare to collide head-on with the World government at all costs, and he did not intend to back down.

If it were replaced by a revolutionary army, it would have shrunk its strength and evacuated long ago, hiding in a corner of the sea.

Combined with the situation in which his father suffered a life crisis during the war at the top, even the dignified Marine hero may not be easily killed. He does not want his father Garp to fight Vinsmoke-753 Iji because this monster erupts and becomes scarce. There are few arms and legs.

"If you can hold him, that's the best!" Shrugging slightly, Iji didn't expect the revolutionary dragon to help him hold the strong.

After all, this is just a deal.

The hero Garp is indeed a tough guy.

With the cooperation of other strong players and precautions in advance, it is obviously not so easy to solve the opponent as quickly as last time.

Turning his head, Iji asked Isabel who was next to him, "Are you ready to donate blood to Dandelion?"

"It has been prepared. It is made of the strong blood of Impel down and the elite blood in Djerma. It has a very good healing effect, but because of the pursuit of the greatest healing effect, a large number of dandelions have been merged together. There is not much on it!"

In the suspicious eyes of the revolutionary Long and others, Isabel responded softly: "Each person can only have about two!"

Donating blood dandelion, that is to use Man Shirley’s ability to heal the fruit, in the past these days, one after another, the "magic medicine" extracted from the blood of those strong men and the elite of Germa, as long as it is taken, it will be It has an amazing healing effect.

This is also one of Derma's support!

"Distribute it to everyone!

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