One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 428 Then go to war! [Various requests]

Dark clouds shrouded and the sky was gloomy.

The sea ebbs and flows, and is somewhat turbulent.

On such a night, only the direction of the palace is bright in the whole Saint Vasa'an, like a lighthouse pointing the direction.


"Will those World government guys really show up?"

As time passed bit by bit, even the few criminals who impel down couldn't help sweating in their palms and felt a little nervous.

They are no better than Vinsmoke-Iji and other monsters.

If it weren't for the heart to be pinched, who the hell wanted to join such a fierce battle? Maybe they wouldn't have survived.


A long sharp jet echoed in the entire sea.

Several figures Tuyuan appeared above the palace.


No one made any declarations to start war, and there was no end to the sound of breaking through the air.

Blazing and dazzling laser beams, fierce air cannons, extremely sharp wind blades, and dazzling thunder lights all swept and killed them all from the sky!

"Huh, an uninvited way of greeting?" The scarlet figure disappeared, and Iji's eyes were cold and cold.

The right fist showed an incandescent halo, and it slammed up!


A drum-like sound echoed.

As if knocking in the heart, the heart can't help but beat wildly.

"Kacha Kacha

In an instant, a spider-web-like crack appeared in the atmosphere, and a fierce and unmatched shock wave suddenly rolled out, facing the terrible attack that shot from above!

"Momo, a hundredfold laser cannon!'

At the same time, "World" suddenly raised the laser cannon and activated the Momo Fruit ability!

The blazing and unmatched laser cannon instantly magnified a hundred times, tearing the atmosphere straight up and blasting into the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Deafening, indescribable explosions and collisions!

The dazzling huge explosion ring appeared in mid-air, making it impossible to look directly at it.

"Ah, ah"

"That's the direction of the palace!"

"Oh my God! What is going on?"

Those nationals who have not yet retreated, their eyes widened outside the city, and they couldn't help but open their mouths. Some couldn't believe the horrific scene looking at the direction of the palace.

I couldn't help covering my aching ears, and I was a little weak in fright, and my face turned pale!


"Ping Pong Pong Pong"

The violent and unparalleled waves of air continued to ripple from mid-air, making people unable to open their eyes.

Layers of terrifying air waves impacted the entire surface of the palace, cracked and collapsed in an instant, and countless lanterns, glass, pendants, etc. were all destroyed in a moment.

If it's not in the square, they are not weak, I'm afraid they can't stand still.


Two huge birds of prey flew by.

"Slap, slap, slap"

One after another, figures rushed out from above, standing in the air on Moonwalk.

"Vinsmoke- Iji!!!" Marine Marshal Buddha Sengoku roared, his whole body quickly became huge, shining golden.

It's hard to imagine that such a huge body could be stuck in the air on the Moonwalk.

"BIG-MOM, Blackbeard, Revolutionary Dragon"

"Have all the troublesome guys rushed over? As expected, the news has been leaked?

Although they were psychologically prepared, when they saw Blackbeard, Revolutionary Dragon, BIG-MOM and others were all present, Five Elders and others couldn't help but their faces became completely serious.

With every defense, the traitors inside the world government are still inexhaustible.

"Mama Mama

BIG-MOM grinned and laughed, and directly held the Napoleon hat on his head in his hand, turning it into a sharp sword: "It's really a scary battle, even if it is not coming out, it is almost the same. ?"

"There is nothing to say, since everything that should be here is here."

Looking directly at the long Whitebeard Five Elders and Saint Ulysses above them, Iji's indifferent voice echoed: "Then go to war!"

It directly announced the opening of this battle that is destined to affect the pattern of the sea!


"BIG-MOM!!! "

"Vinsmoke Iji, die!!"

Military Commander Kong, Marine Marshal Sengoku, Field Marshal Adrian, Marine Hero Garp, Marine Admiral Green Bull, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Wolf, Admiral Blood Claw, CP0 Supreme Commander "Zero", CP-15 Supreme Commander "Eagle" ", Admiral "Red Dragon", Admiral "Blood Python", Marine Admiral Alternate Momousagi, Marine Admiral Alternate Tea Dolphin

One after another, the terrifying figures rushed down from the sky!

The tragic and shocking war started directly!

"Hey hahaha, Sengoku of Buddha, let Laozi be your opponent Great Eruption!!!"

Sengoku of Buddha is about to wave his golden palm and slap Vinsmoke. Iji, but oncoming is a huge blazing magma fist!

Garp, Kizaru, Green Bull, and the "Zero" people rushed directly to Vinsmoke- Iji without hesitation!

Regardless of whether the World government is willing to admit it, the Naval Headquarters, the strong men on the forefront of the sea, are not comparable to most of the strong men in the World government.

As long as it can hold back or suppress the monster of Vinsmoke-Iji, I believe that the victory or defeat of this war will ultimately be the world government's absolute advantage.

Army Admiral Ghost Wolf rushed directly to BIG-MOM, Army Admiral blood claws rushed to Red Earl Lederfield, Field Marshal Adrian and Army Commander Kong, decisively killed the revolutionary dragon," Byrnndi -World" them.

Their goal this time is to give Djerma the biggest blow, not to destroy the forces of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group and Blackbeard Pirate Group. These guys are smashed, just need to hold these troublesome guys, and let more combat power free up to kill the strong ones in Germa is the victory.


"Sorry, your opponent is us!"

War ghost Kuhl and Bartholomew-Bear directly blasted towards Field Marshal Adrian!

"Jiehaha, is the army commander Kong? It reminds me of the bastard'Black Dove' back then!" And the army commander Kong was directly covered with the ability of the ancient species-the bear form, and he was covered with bone spurs. "Iron Bones" Horn-T-Asa stopped.

(Zhao Lihao) The black dove that Asa said is that the bones have been turned into loess. Above.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

"World", Boris, Smoky, Fujitora, Lion Ghost and others have also taken the initiative to attack decisively.

No one is stupid, and of course it is impossible to allow the World government to use its weaker frontline combat power to live up to its powerful combat power.

After all, even if the powerhouses like Kong and Adrian were once famous, but after all, they are already very old, and it is inevitable that their strength will no longer be in their prime.


The cyan figure flew into the air!

The huge dragon-claw-like vigor suddenly blasted out and hit Garp, who was darkened!

Stop it!

"Asshole boy, get out of me!!" Seeing the Revolutionary Dragon stopping him, Garp shouted angrily, waved his iron fist, and blasted it directly.

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