One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 434 Red beard fighting fire


"Crack, click..

On the extremely tragic battlefield, the violent energy couldn't help but raged.

The terrible confrontation is no longer confined to the small palace.


The blood python with its exaggerated size maintained its human-beast form, crushing the obstacle in front of it at an extremely astonishing speed.

The hideous face, the big mouth of the blood basin, and the spitting of the snake letter made people feel a little bit afraid.

The huge snake tail wrapped around Haki, flicked it violently, and blasted directly at Fujitora in front of him.


The sharp black knife collided with the dark snake tail.

A piece of sparks was directly wiped out!

The earth cracked and collapsed like a spider's web. Fujitora was forced to retreat by the terrible force, and the tiger's mouth was a little numb.

"Om--" The terrible gravity immediately pressed on the blood python's body.

The ground cracked open.

A huge pit appeared, blasting the blood python into the ground.

"Swipe" However, after all, it is the Admiral of the Forbidden Army. Even if it is not as good as the Green Bull and others, the strength is definitely a monster.

It violently exited at a terrible speed, and instantly got rid of Fujitora's gravitational range.

"Shoo-" The sharp 770 spear wrapped around Haki, and directly pierced through the atmosphere.


Fujitora swung the blade sharply.

"Boom!!!" The terrible horizontal gravity distorted the force field like a mortal, and directly blasted the opponent out.

"The troublesome guy, not only has cultivated the six types to an astonishing level, but he is also an ancient ability person. The combination of Iron Body and Haki is simply an invulnerable monster!"

After a long sigh, Fujitora's forehead was sweaty, and his face was a little dignified.

The gravity he kept blasting, even though it hurt the opponent a little, it was nothing at all to the ancient awakening ability of blood pythons.

But he himself consumes a lot of money.

Swordsmanship is not at home, slashing can't break the opponent's defense at all.

Only by constantly relying on that powerful fruit ability can we contend with such monsters in a short period of time and even suppress the opponent.

But over time, the result is obviously self-evident.

"I want to see how long you can last!"

The blood python rushed up, already aware of Fujitora's flaws, and his tail kept flicking: "Tempest Kick-Snake's tail!"


"Boom boom"

On the other hand, the pressure on Smoky and the others is obviously greater than that of Fujitora.

Confronting an eagle that can become a CP-15 chief, even with a seastone weapon, obviously can only make the opponent a little jealous.

"Tempest Kick-Falcon!

The huge slash in the shape of an eagle directly tore the atmosphere.



An impel down criminal who could not evade was cut in half by birth, and his screams stopped abruptly.

"Boom!!!" A terrible slash hit the ground behind it, causing the ground to crack and exaggerated cracks appeared.

"This guy's strength is really exaggerated." I don't know when, with a little Bloodline on his left shoulder, Smoggy's pressure increased greatly, and his breathing was a little ups and downs.

Holding the sharp Onimaru Kunizuna tightly, his eyes fixed on the eagle, full of fear.

Except for these impel down criminals, no one else can share her pressure.

Even the "Ou Leopard" Weiss, who was not far away, was overwhelmed by the strong in CP-15, and couldn't help retreating and dodge in embarrassment.

Even if the battlefield is in a stalemate, the advantages of the world government are still fully revealed.

"It's useless, today is the doomsday of Germa!" Eagle said blankly and coldly.

The sharp claws were so fierce that they entangled the dark Haki, and the wings slammed on the back.

"brush "

The terrifying figure suddenly rushed up!

The pitch-black claws were fierce, and Smoky's pretty face.

"Keng!!!" Onimaru Kokuzuna blocked the opponent's claws, but Smoky was shocked by the amazing power and couldn't help retreating violently.

"Go to hell, bastard!!"

The two impel down criminals decisively bhai fired the laser cannon.

Two flaming laser beams suddenly blasted the eagle, causing it to retreat violently.

"Annoying flies, shave!"

The eagle's gaze was cold, and it swept directly in front of one of the criminals like an afterimage, and the sharp claws directly smashed the laser cannon.


The extremely violent kick hit his abdomen directly.

"Wow," the criminal screamed.

The whole person's face was distorted, he vomited blood, and he didn't know how many bones were broken, and he flew out like a cannonball!

"Shoo--" the sharp cold light swept across.

But it had already been predicted by Eagle's not weak Observation Haki, and he easily avoided Smoky's slash.

"Finger Pistol-Eagle Strike!"

The dark claws slammed into Smoky violently.

Her pupils shrank sharply, her hairs stiffened, and she was dangerously avoided.

"Tempest Kick-Chaos!" However, the eagle did not stop the attack, and the terrifying slashes continued to shoot over, so that Smoky could only dodge in embarrassment.

"Lion Majesty- Earth Coiling!"

"Boom Rumble"

The whole ground shook violently, and it became violent and twisted.

Some careless eagles directly crushed the ground inside, and couldn't help but compress and roll up.


The ground that was crushed frantically was blown away by violence!

A fierce figure rushed out and flew directly into the air.

"Poison Dragon!"

Oncoming is the dark purple poisonous dragon!

Between the sparks and flints, the whole person turned into an afterimage, and immediately retreated violently.


Countless venom splashes, corroded the earth, and made the scalp numb.

If it weren't for dodge fast, the terrible venom, which was genuine and at a fair price, almost splashed directly on his body, making the eagle's heart feel a little bit cold.

"Golden Lion, Magellan?

Looking up at Smoky's side, the golden figure like a wild lion and the black figure on the other side, with a trace of Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, some embarrassed eagle pupils shrank sharply, and some couldn't believe it.

What happened to the lion ghost with Lion Fruit ability?

"Sorry, I'm a bit late!" The old figure of Red Beard appeared!

According to Iji's original arrangement, his position was to be responsible for fire fighting.

Wherever the situation is critical, go to support and help.

Summoning a poisonous person like Magellan is obviously more threatening than summoning Akainu with the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit.

That terrible venom, but Haki is very difficult to defend.

"But the situation on the other side is not optimistic!"

Pointing to Isabel, who was continuously suppressed by the No. 2 CP-15 figure, Paramecia. The fruit of the air pressure, Gulliver, who was only a hundred meters away, could only dodge the wolf and fox, and could not get close to the opponent Isabel at all.

The red beard Jiejie laughed, and threw a leaf that said "Vinsmoke-Iji": "Summon three people, in order to maintain considerable combat power, it is already the limit!

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