One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 435 Beasts come

[PS: The summoning in the previous chapter is out of Akainu, modified to summon Magellan, some readers may have read it, please explain 0(n_n) 0]

"DE ."

White smoke has blown.

In the eagle's shrinking eyes, the figure of "Iji~" appeared.

"Brush--" Under the guidance of Red Beard's will, he flew past Isabel at a rather alarming speed without saying a word.

"This is the ability of the raccoon form?"

Staring straight at the red beard, the eagle looked a little ugly.

After all, he had read the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, and he quickly recognized this ability.

Moreover, he also knew that this Eudemons species Devil Fruit was originally based on Dr. The raccoon form ability was handed over to the other party for experimentation.

Who would have thought it fell into the hands of Germa.

"Tempest Kick-Eagle Strike!"

The legs suddenly turned into shadows, and they kicked out violently.

"Shoo," eagle-like slash after another, shot straight at "Magellan" on the other side.

Obviously, I want to take the lead in solving this poisonous body, and a drop of it may cause myself to lose combat effectiveness in the shortest time. It can be described as the most troublesome dangerous guy.


The Earth Coiling violently moved and turned into a huge "mountain", blocking Magellan's front.

"Go!" Smoky waved Onimaru Kokuzuna, and slammed several sharp slashes at the opponent!

"Slash Wave!!"

"Sakura Ten" snapped out quickly.

A fierce and eye-catching slash shot out in an instant.

"Roar--" At the same time, the "Golden Lion" manipulated the ground and turned into a huge lion head, roaring and crushing towards the eagle!

Although he is good at physical skills, but this year's red beard has not regained his youth, of course he will not be so stupid to go head-to-head with this monster in his prime.

Moreover, it needs to support the ability output of the three "Golden Lion", "Poison Man", and "Iji", and his physical load is not small.

On the other side, the scarlet figure rushed towards him.

The darkness of the blockbuster rushed directly to Gulliver, the No. 2 figure of CP-15.

"Boom!!!" The terrible air pressure directly blasted away the surging darkness, and at the same time Gulliver controlled the air pressure and retreated violently.

"His Royal Highness / Vinsmoke Iji!?"

It's not just Isabel and Gulliver.

Even when confronting a lion and ghost in the high air, constantly deliberately pushing the battlefield over, and wanting to take advantage of Isabel's long Whitebeard Five Elders, some of his pupils can't help but shrink!

Vinsmoke, isn't Iji clashing with the Green Bulls?

The whole body was dark and turbulent, and the seemingly oozing "Iji" was expressionless and silent.

The right hand, drowning in darkness, directly raised and pointed at Gulliver in front of him: "Dark water!

"DRE .."

There was a sudden shock all over.

As if the heart was about to jump out, the whole person involuntarily flew towards "Iji".

"Swipe" Isabel, who realized something for the first time, surrounded the black flame with a black whip of thorns, and decisively hit Gulliver, whose complexion changed drastically.

"Air pressure-storm!"

Gulliver, who was a little flustered, wanted to control the air pressure and crush the opponent!

"Brush "Iji" turned into a bloody afterimage, and flew up like lightning.


The earth was directly destroyed by the violent air pressure, and the smoke and dust filled people, making people a little frightened.

Because it was a step slower, the blood-colored feather giant was directly destroyed by a corner.

"He can't be Vinsmoke-Iji himself, his strength is bound to be limited, don't mess around, get rid of them quickly!

A bunch of fierce air cannons directly smashed the huge lion that was biting, and the Whitebeard's Five Elders looked ugly, and rushed to Gulliver's side.

"Hush--" The terrifying air cannon tore through the atmosphere, and blasted at Isabel, who was waving the long whip, and changed color in amazement.

Obviously, knowing Isabel's strength is weaker, he is eyeing the opponent.

"Slash Wave!"


The fierce slash struck across, and the air bombarded.

"Jie ha ha" The lion ghost Jie Jie smiled strangely and flew over at an astonishing speed.

In the past few years, because of his extraordinary swordsmanship talent and continuously improving swordsmanship, the situation of the lion ghost is obviously different from that of Fujitora, and the combat power displayed is steadily rising.

…………For flowers 0……

"brush "

The scarlet figure swept away like a ghost.

"Boom!" "Iji"'s right fist showed a halo, and slammed into the atmosphere.


The atmosphere cracked like a spider web.

A powerful shock wave rushed out, blasting towards Five Elders and Gulliver!

"Storm!" The terrible air pressure suddenly compressed, and the violent hurricane swept out, facing the terrible shock wave.


The violent air wave could not help raging.

The ground collapsed and cracked, and shocking cracks continued to spread.

The terrible shock wave was directly blocked.

"Is there only this kind of power? Then there is nothing terrifying." Gulliverson said coldly, staring at "Iji" ahead.

"Then get rid of him first!"

Five Elders of the long Whitebeard rushed to the front of "Iji" at an incredible speed and kicked out fiercely.

"Bang!!!" Even if it was dangerously raised his hand to resist, "Iji" was blasted straight out by the powerful force and hit the ground behind.

"How could it be easy for you to succeed?"

The pitch-black sword slashed directly.

The long Whitebeard Five Elders who wanted to make up for a blow had to retreat violently.

However, at this time.

Many strong people suddenly changed their colors, and they all looked at the direction of the sea thousands of meters away!

"This breath"


The violent and fierce momentum couldn't help but raged from the direction of the sea. The huge beast-like body rushed from the sea, driving a large wave of waves, and slamming on the coast: "Damn, start fighting. Don't wait for Laozi!


Large tracts of coast collapsed.

The terrible crack continued to spread.

The violent mace, directly towards the direction of the palace, slammed it over.

The "boom" terrifying wind pressure turned into a terrifying shock wave, directly destroying the city walls and buildings in front of you, forming a spacious "passage" 8.

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