One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 440 Logia fruit

"Great Eruption!!!"

The huge magma fist, with blazing heat, dyed the sky red.

It slammed directly at Saint Ulysses and others, cooperating with Iji's attack, and didn't give the other party a way back at all!

"Shoo-" Long Whitebeard Five Elders, like white light, disappeared directly in place, appearing hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Logia, Air Fruit has shown its advantages in speed!


Electric light flint room.

The terrible air pressure directly rushed away from the dark wave, blocking the crimson giant fist of magma.

Endless magma fluid splashed frantically.

Let the lion ghost, Isabelle and others change their colors and dodge them quickly.

Saint Ulysses, who was in a cold sweat, seized the opportunity and turned into a hurricane to retreat.


The tragic "seven seven zeros" screamed, echoing in the air.

Gulliver's heart was penetrated by sharp claws, dripping with blood.

"Flavour" squeezed his teeth, and Iji bit his neck directly, this Paramecia. The person with the ability of air pressure fruit, the whole person can not help but shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, large areas of darkness drowned it.

"Damn it, stop him

Kizaru's complexion changed a lot and kicked out of the air!

The dazzling huge laser beam directly tore the atmosphere and blasted over, obviously wanting to blast through with Gulliver and Iji.

If the monster is allowed to fully recover, the trouble will be big.

"Air cannon!"

The chief Whitebeard Five Elders directly fired a blazing air cannon.


Dozens and hundreds of wind blades violently attacked and killed them.

Obviously, for fear that the monster Vinsmoke-Iji will really recover.

"Don't think about it!!

"Boom Bang

The terrifying flame giant fist, the exaggerated lateral gravity, and the terrible slash, blasted their opponents violently.

Except for the Red Dragon, Blood Python, Momousagi, and Tea Dolphin, they were dragged down by the dead Boris, Fujitora, Shiryu of the Rain, and "World". The spirit wolf was deliberately or unintentionally released underwater in the BIG-MOM and rushed over, wanting Stop Iji.

"Tempest Kick!!!"

The spirit wolf and finally got rid of the blood claws of Red Earl Ryder for a short time, and they both kicked out at the same time.

The huge slashes kicked out were directly superimposed on one another.

"Shoo-" A fierce and terrifying slash immediately blasted towards Iji, cutting him and Gulliver in half.

"Boom!" I didn't mean to loosen Gulliver at all, but Iji, who couldn't help recovering from his injuries, threw his fist to the other side!


The atmosphere cracked, and unparalleled shock waves rolled out wildly.

The fierce air cannon and the dazzling laser beam were directly shattered by the terrifying shock wave.


The whole ground roared and rolled.

A huge mountain rose from the ground, blocking the front of Iji.

In an instant, it was directly shattered by that violent wind blade and fierce slashing, and a large swath of dust flew and swept across the entire sky.

"How could it be easy for you to succeed?"

The lion ghost floating in the air sneered a little.

"Damn it!!" Five Elders and others couldn't help but their faces were blue.

"You still have time to distract and deal with Vinsmoke. Iji? Are you underestimating the old man?" Red Earl Ryder rushed towards with a cold expression on his bat umbrella.

The sound of breaking through the sky, and the unparalleled kicking, was directly used.

"Bang!!!" Bloodclaw's complexion changed and he tried to block, but the whole person only felt his arms numb.

The whole person was stunned by the terrible force and shot out like a cannonball, and hit the ground fiercely, causing the ground to collapse and the rocks splashed endlessly.

If it weren't for the Red Earl Lederfield's disdain to take the opportunity to sneak attack, I'm afraid that the sharp bat umbrella has directly penetrated the body of the blood claw.


The golden light was shining, and it was hard to look directly at it.

"Shoo.....the dense light bombs tore the atmosphere, pouring down like a violent storm toward Iji, which was enveloped in smoke and dust.

Fierce air cannons and sharp wind blades continued to bombard and kill them.

Obviously, he didn't want to give the other party some time to breathe.

"Boom!", "Boom!"...

The dull percussion seemed to hit everyone's hearts directly.

Two huge shock waves rolled out wildly, blocking the violent light bullets, air cannons, and wind blades, and they couldn't help colliding.

"Boom boom"

Loud noise!

The terrible aftermath impacted and destroyed the earth, and people couldn't help but change their color.

"Weicha~~~Kacha~~~" One after another, huge cracks appeared one after another, and they continued to expand and spread.

"We must retreat immediately!!"

Chilong, blood python, eagle, spirit wolf and others, either directly got rid of their opponents, or fought and retreated, all gradually gathered together.


Because Sengoku had no trace of life and death, and Kong, who was a little furious, fought so hard that Horn-T-Asa, who was covered in bone spurs, was no different from a monster.


Smoke and dust filled the bloody figure.

Suddenly rushed out, rushing to the opposite Ulysses Saint like lightning.

"Vinsmoke- Iji!!!" The long Whitebeard Five Elders and others shrank their pupils, their complexions suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but roar!

"call out--"

The blazing air cannon blasted over!

"What a scary monster!!!" Polusalino looked ugly, his right leg suddenly turned into a dazzling misfire beam, and kicked out of the air.

But he obviously didn't plan to risk getting close to Vinsmoke-Iji.

"Dark Water!"

The terrifying dark gravity directly locked the body of Saint Ulysses. 0.8


The cold was cold, and the face of Saint Ulysses suddenly shook his whole body, as if his heart was about to jump out, and the whole person could not stop flying towards Iji, who was close at hand.

"Get away from me!!!"

Some screamed in anger.

The huge cyan wind blade, cutting the atmosphere one by one, couldn't help but blast towards Iji.

However, he is no better than Kizaru.

In the future, it must be completely elementalized, with blood-colored steam lingering all over, disappearing directly in front, avoiding the terrible air cannon and laser beam Iji, and the whole person swept behind him like a ghost.

"brush "

The endless darkness gushes out, directly submerging Saint Ulysses!

The sharp claws penetrated his body.

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