One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 441 Three Combo【Various Requests】

"Master Ulysses!!!"

Seeing that the heart of Saint Ulysses was pierced by Iji's sharp claws, and the admiral Admiral red dragon, blood python, CP-15 supreme chief eagle and others were about to split their eyes, they couldn't help but roar.

No one can think of it.

The speed of Vinsmoke-Iji's burst will reach such a terrifying level.

With Dark Fruit's abilities, even Saint Ulysses, Logia, who is capable of the fruit of the wind, cannot avoid it directly.

Five Elders, Spirit Wolf and others looked a little ugly, but at the same time they were really afraid of Vinsmoke-Iji's power.

No matter how big the gap between them and Celestial Dragons is, it is undeniable that the World government also needs their strength.

At least, in the face of this chaotic world situation, the power of the world government is naturally the stronger the better.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The golden light shone, too fast to make people react.

The blazing laser beam pierced through the body of Saint Ulysses, penetrated from Iji's body, and hit the ruins behind.


There was a violent explosion, and the heat wave rolled out wildly.

The flames flooded the figures of Iji and Ulysses.

"His Royal Highness"

The expressions of Isabel, Lion 17 Ghosts and others changed drastically.

Want to rush to stop.

"Don't let him take the opportunity to seize the power of Saint Ulysses."

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The golden light flickered, and Polusalino appeared in the other direction in an instant, shooting a number of violent lasers, and at the same time loudly reminding the long Whitebeard Five Elders and others.

"Meteor Volcano!!!"

The exaggerated giant ape growled.

Blackbeard was covered in magma rolling, his arms could not help swinging out, the atmosphere around him twisted.


The scorching fists of magma blasted continuously, making the faces of the long Whitebeard Five Elders, the red dragon, and the eagle who were about to continue to attack, changed greatly.


Very abrupt.

The incomparably terrifying aura, madly rolled out of the fire, the fire was even annihilated and shaken.

"Taxiang three combos!!!"

Accompanied by a cold voice.

The blood-colored figure decisively abandoned the undead body of Saint Ulysses, and immediately rushed into the air.

"Be careful!!!" At this moment, the long Whitebeard Five Elders, Kizaru and others couldn't help but stand up with their hairs and their faces changed wildly.

The atmosphere was crushed and shocked by violent violent.

Time and space seem to have stalled directly.

"one strike!!!"

"call out--"

The blazing and terrifying incandescent air column pierced the air in an instant, and blasted on the spirit wolf.


An indescribable blow.

The spirit wolf that was caught off guard turned into a blood man in an instant, and the whole person was blasted out directly, blasting through the ground behind.

The terrifying force smashed the Gula and pierced the earth, and drove him straight to the sea thousands of meters away.


Field Marshal Adrian, who was being entangled by the two war ghosts Kur, Bartholomew, and the Bear, widened his eyes and couldn't help but yell at Jiesdiri!

Kizaru, the long Whitebeard Five Elders and others can't help but look sullen.


"Boom boom"

The blood-colored figure ghostly avoided the laser beams and air cannons coming from the violent bombardment, allowing it to blast on the battlefield full of sores.

His face was extremely distorted, his red skin couldn't even ooze blood, and Iji, who was full of blood, endured the endless pain and load, and violently kicked out the second blow!

"Two hits!!!"

"call out--"

The incandescent air column tore the atmosphere and directly blasted on the red dragon who covered Haki!

"Boom!!!" An extremely terrifying blow directly destroyed all of its defenses, instantly turned into a blood man, and went straight to the ground.

On the violently shaking and cracking ground, there were endless deep pits in pitch black.

"Three strikes!!!"

"call out--"

Accompanied by a "click" sound.

The bones of Iji's right leg were cracked, and the whole person couldn't help groaning.

But the white air column suddenly blasted out, directly overwhelming the blood python closest to him!


The blood python couldn't stop screaming.

The whole battlefield was shaking and roaring, and he was blasted into the ground.

The shocking pit makes people unable to stop sweating.

"That guy" BIG-MOM's complexion was extremely serious for the first time, and his eyes flickered.

She was thinking, can she block the opponent's attack?

Even if the first blow is fine, what about the second and third blows?

Red Earl Lederfield, the same is true, his eyes fixed on the blood-colored figure in mid-air.

"Wow "

In midair, Iji vomited blood.

His whole body gradually dissipated, and his skin color returned to normal.

But the whole person has already turned into a blood man.

In Daqing, Man Shirley was constantly treating her, she was sweating profusely and her complexion turned pale.


The blood-colored figure disappeared into the air in an instant, before the corpse of the original Saint Ulysses, and the darkness immediately drowned it.

Not only is it necessary to use the opponent's blood to recover, it is also impossible to give up such an ability like Logia-Fruit of the Wind!

Lion Ghost and Isabel decisively rushed to his side, trying to stop other people's attacks.

"His explosive state disappeared, retreat immediately!!!"

A beam of fierce and unmatched air bombarded it, and the long Whitebeard Five Elders roared!

It is impossible to kill the opponent, but it is not certain how long it will take for this monster to recover.


The eagle turned into a huge ancient bird of prey.

The gust of wind roared among the flapping wings, and countless rubble and dust flew around, making people unable to open their eyes.

When the situation developed to this level, Kong, Momousagi and others did not hesitate or procrastinate, and tried their best to force their opponents back, and jumped on the back of the giant eagle one after another.


The electric light flashed.

Even the Blue Python Thor, who is constantly suppressing Dambiel, 770 has hurt the opponent badly, and his body is shining, has to abandon his "rival".

"If you want to retreat, it's not that easy. Momo-fifty times the laser cannon!" "World" sneered, and a terrible laser cannon blasted over.

However, at this time.

"Boom Rumble"

The entire land, Tu Yuan violently vibrated and roared!

Countless buildings collapsed directly, and shocking cracks spread one after another.

"How is this going?"

Shigui, Isabel and others were a little surprised and inexplicable.

I couldn't help looking at Iji who was depriving Ulysses of St. Devil Fruit, but was shocked to find that his Royal Highness hadn't done anything at all.

"Damn bastard!!!"

"World" looked ugly, and found that the tea dolphin had disappeared: "Can Logia-Earth Fruit still be able to achieve this level?"

Countless people stood unsteadily, almost fell off, and quickly rushed into the air on Moonwalk.

BIG-MOM, Kaido, the beast who was just going mad, and others fell directly into the huge cracks that spread across the entire battlefield in an instant.



The entire royal city was turned over in an instant.

The sky was full of dust, covering the entire chaotic battlefield. A large amount of seawater rushed at a terrifying speed, and countless people directly changed their colors in amazement.

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