One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 450 Flag of Djerma

Dragon Palace.

Located above The fish men island.

Not very luxurious, but very delicate and elegant, beautiful and comfortable.

Colorful fishes, sea turtles and other creatures can't help but float around, full of dreams, and are guarded by the army of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"It's Prince Shark and Jinbei, open the contact corridor immediately!"

After confirming the identities of the two, the guard in charge of the entrance passage quickly opened the only safe entrance to the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"Spit, Jinbei just entered Dragon Palace, King Neptune greeted him with a smile, and the ministers followed him.

Obviously, full respect for Jinbei is not the so-called subordinate relationship.

Moreover, beside Neptune, there was a huge figure, who looked about fourteen years old, with shades of pink fish tails, fish-shaped hair accessories, and wavy and flowing pink long hair." The eldest girl "seven seven zero" child"!

The fair and beautiful face was slightly immature, as clear and flawless as a blue gem, and some cowardly but full of joy in some of the big watery eyes, which looked lovely.

There is no doubt that this is Princess Shirahoshi of the Mermaid!

"Jinbei, thank you

Neptune did not pretend to be a king, bowed deeply to Jinbei and thanked him, tears flickering: "My poor Shirahoshi is always threatened by the bastard Van der and Deaken. Thanks to you for catching him, I don't have to worry about hiding in the future. In the hard shell tower!"

"Boss Jinbei, thank you!

Shirahoshi, who was only fourteen years old, blinked his watery eyes, followed Neptune and bowed gratefully to Jinbei, but his voice was a little weak.

Hiding in the hard shell tower all the year round without seeing outsiders, the young princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom suffered a lot of damage, and became a little timid and fearful.

"You are too polite, His Majesty Jinbei shook his head.

As I have learned from Iji that the mermaid princess Shirahoshi is actually one of the three legendary Ancient Weapons, the identity of Poseidon "Poseidon", although it is impossible for him to bow down to the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he did not dominate others and maintain a clear mind. Respect on the face.

"No, as Shirahoshi's father, I still couldn't catch Van der and Deaken, so Shirahoshi had to hide in the hard shell tower for so many years. You deserve my honor."

It was not that the Dragon Palace Kingdom could not defeat Van der Deyken, but that the guy was too cunning, and when he changed a little, he immediately took the Seagod Dao into the deep sea and was unable to catch the opponent for so many years.

With a smile on his face, Neptune invited: "The banquet is ready, please enter a comment. It happens that the current situation is becoming more and more turbulent. I want to hear your views and opinions!"

Jinbei was not too polite, he knew what Neptune meant.

Mainly because during this period of time, the Pirates of the Sun kept hunting Sea Kings, and they did not hesitate to search for Devil Fruit on a large scale, which was very different from the previous style.

There was nothing too jealous, but I was deeply puzzled and puzzled about it.

It didn't take long.

A group of people entered the banquet hall and took their seats one after another.

Those guards all retreated, leaving only a few Sharks, Shirahoshi, and Ministers of the Left and Right who were currently in the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

After a few glasses of wine, they were staggered.

Because of the close relationship with Jinbei, Neptune didn’t sell it, and asked in a puzzled way: “Jinbei, I don’t understand why you hunted Sea Kings on a large scale during this period. Some wise sea monsters, most of the sea kings are inherently fierce and cruel, and they are difficult to tame. You should be very clear about this.

"For this!"

Jinbei was silent for a moment.

From the overcoat, he took out a banner.

"this "

"Guru! It won't be

Looking at the black banner, Neptune, Shark, and the left and right ministers' pupils shrank sharply, a little unbelievably silent.

These days, they have been paying attention to the situation of the sea, how could they not recognize this flag?

"Father King, Shark Star King" only Shirahoshi looked at the banner with the word "66" in doubt. He didn't understand why his father, brother Jianxing, and others were so shocked.

"You joined Germa's subordinates?" Neptune's face became serious, and Jinbei asked with his eyes tight.

You know, their The fish men island had been under the shelter of Whitebeard before.

I was already a little ashamed of not being able to help this time.

And Whitebeard was killed by Vinsmoke-Iji of Djerma. If Jinbei really joins Djerma, I'm afraid it will be spurned and mocked by countless people.

The words ingratitude are inevitable.

"I didn't agree to his solicitation, I just agreed to trade with him." With a light sigh, Jinbei explained directly: "Derma may have mastered the way to tame or control the Sea Kings, as long as the Pirates of the Sun seek Devil Fruit for it. Or hunt the Sea Kings, they agreed to lend the Germa flag to The fish men island!"

"But, Whitebeard Pirates" Shark is a little tangled

Declaring war on the World government, and killing Marshal Marine Sengoku and other strong men, and now Djerma's deterrence is definitely stronger than that of New World's Four Emperors.

This Germa banner, except for some stupid people who don't know the height of the sky, is enough to deter most of the pirates.

But then, how do they face the Whitebeard Pirates?

"I know what you are worried about."

With a serious expression, Jinbei smiled bitterly: "For this reason, オ has never been allowed to hang this flag! I know I am very sorry for the Whitebeard Pirates, but there is no other way. After all, we The fish men island There is no real powerhouse who can make Four Emperors, World government and other forces fearful, and the geographical location is really too special."

With that huge murloc army, it is not that the BIG-MOM Pirate Group has not tried to recruit the Sun Pirates, and it is of course impossible for Jinbei to agree.

Although it is really mean, but without any means, how can Neptune and the others pinch their noses to agree?

Moreover, this is not a bad thing for The fish men island.

Anyway, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are destined to not be long.

"Aren't there such forces as BIG-MOM and Red Hair Pirates?" Neptune hesitated.

"You are too naive, Your Majesty Neptune, BIG-MOM is married to Vinsmoke, I don't think she will turn her face with Germa for The fish men island."

Putting the flag of Djerma aside, Jinbei shook his head 0.8, splashing cold water: "As for Red Hair Pirates and Beasts Pirates, even if they really agree to lend the flag to The fish men island, we can afford Djerma. Is the anger of the "world's strongest" empire?"

"Only with the terrifying ability of Shock Fruit, if Vinsmoke- Iji is unhappy and directly triggers a sea shock, the fish men island can be destroyed immediately!"

Neptune, Shark, the ministers of the left and right, and others couldn't help turning pale and sweating.

"I don't think that the Four Emperors of New World will go to war with a behemoth like Germa for The fish men island!"

Shirahoshi, who wants to make the Murlocs and the future fully awakened, contribute to Germa, it is destined to be impossible to use too domineering means. Jinbei has the patience to slowly "lead and guide", and has never thought of directly seizing any power.

Because at present, it is not necessary at all.

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