One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 451 Sea Train Track [Various Requests]

Central North Blue.

The former capital of the Kingdom of Bari, in order to commemorate the battle for St. Anvasana to establish the dominance of North Blue in Djerma, has now been renamed "St. Vassan".

And was officially established as the imperial capital of the Djerma Empire!

Because the Kingdom of Bari has a vast territory and rich resources, and the population of the entire country is more than 20 million, it can even be ranked in the top ten of North Blue. In order to stabilize the worried people of the original Kingdom of Bari, Iji asked the staff to take it as soon as possible. Come up with a sound plan.

In the magnificent palace, luxurious but not tacky spacious office.

The tables, chairs, coffee tables, and the famous paintings made of North Blue's most precious red fragrant wood are very eye-catching.

"Really? Looks like the Pirates of the Sun Group has done well

Leaning against the huge landscape window, the expensive leather office chair turned directly around. Iji held the phone worm and listened to Jinbei’s report. Just escort those Sea Kings to Cocak Island in New World, the deserted summer island is the territory of Blackbeard!

"His Royal Highness, Neptune's side is still a little wobbly." Jinbei's voice came from the phone worm.

This is not unexpected. After all, as long as it is not a ruthless villain, it is impossible for others to abandon the friendship with the Whitebeard Pirates in previous years and embrace Germa instead.

Moreover, Neptune is even more worried about whether Djerma will directly seize the power of the Dragon Palace Kingdom in the future.

"Don't be impatient, they haven't figured out the current situation, they don't need special threats, as long as the situation deteriorates over time, and the huge crisis facing The fish men island alone, they will take the initiative to ask Gyor."

For Poseidon Poseidon, Iji is still very interested.

No matter if this period of time is too sensitive, the world government must have arranged eyeliner on The fish men island, and now the North Blue war has not stabilized. He, the emperor of the Djerma empire, ran directly to The fish men island. what is the problem.

It's not that you want to use "Poseidon" to conquer this sea or something, but that Shirahoshi, a mermaid princess, may have much more potential than Isabel and others besides what Sea Kings can be summoned.

In this universe, there is much more than the Pirate World, a planet of life. Iji believes that his future journey is still very long, and he will never be limited to this small "earth".

If Shirahoshi really has extraordinary talents, he has enough patience and time to train him into a real strong.

"Now that the World government has removed you from the Shichibukai sequence, you can directly expand the second round of recruiting to the Murloc Army, don't care about those guys."

After receiving the black tea from Kalifa, the personal secretary, Iji continued to order.

"There is no big problem in that respect. Of the several Devil Fruits I collected here, two of them were salvaged from the ruins where Mariejois fell to the bottom of the sea. Because I haven't seen the Devil Fruit manual, I don't know what the ability is."

The World government is currently in a state of desperation, busy suppressing the unrest, pacifying the military and those who joined the country, and has no energy to manage the Pirates of the Sun. Of course, Jinbei is not worried, and directly said: "In addition, the World government, these two days They are also constantly contacting King Neptune, asking the Dragon Palace Kingdom to help them salvage those treasures and Devil Fruit."

Not to mention the state treasury of the World government, just the Celestial Dragons family, the accumulation of hundreds of years is probably a shocking figure, of course, the world government cannot easily give up.

"Huh, don't worry about it"

Mi raised his eyes, and Iji sneered: "If Neptune can't withstand the pressure from the world government, then you will swallow most of the treasure in the dark, and as long as it is a strong or unknown Devil Fruit, you will give it all. I will intercept it, and the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book will be brought to you later!"

Of course, he had already had that huge treasure.

With the support of those massive wealth, Germa can unscrupulously launch the new plan he has already set in North Blue.

After giving a few more instructions to Byrne, Iji ended the electrification.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Judge just called, hoping to send lions and ghosts to transfer the headquarters on Sky Island to North Blue.

Kalifa, who was already waiting aside, saw Iji finally hung up, and then reported.

For Judge, North Blue is his old friend.

Revenge against the North Blue nations is a deep-seated obsession.

Now that Djerma dominates North Blue has become a foregone conclusion, and naturally can't wait to come back.

"Yes, then let the lion and ghost go to Sky Island and bring back the experimental bases, the military academy, and the beast islands. You don't need to transfer the entire kingdom back, so as not to cause too much disturbance. , Those Sky Island residents and the family members of the army who are fighting in North Blue can also bring them if they are willing to move to North Blue."

Wei Wei thought about it, and Iji nodded directly.

Judge wanted to come back to North Blue, he had no reason to stop.

As for the palace on Sky Island, it should be regarded as a palace for traveling in the future.

In fact, except for those special shellfish, resources are quite scarce on Sky Island. This is why the World government has never considered conquering Sky Island. It is not worth wasting so much energy and resources to attack.

Had it not been for the concealment and population of Sky Island, he had not planned to establish a base on Sky Island at all.

Now, as long as there is sufficient funds for development, the last thing North Blue lacks is resources. Naturally, there is no need to stay on Sky Island.

However, after all, it is the territory under the rule of Germa, and it is impossible to give up directly.

"As for going to New World to receive Sea Kings, leave it to Red Beard and Luo to carry out the prepared elites!"

I got up and looked at the North Blue general chart spread out on the table. I used a red pen to draw several lines on the location of the Kingdom of Bari to connect the surrounding islands.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to lay the sea train tracks on a large scale to connect the entire North Blue?" Kalifa has lurked in the water capital after all. He is very familiar with sea trains that can sail directly on the sea, and quickly guessed Iji. The plan was a little surprised.

"With the Kingdom of Bari as the center, we will build a few sea train tracks first." Nodded, Iji smiled and said, "If there is no problem, we will start large-scale construction!"

North Blue is no better than the Grand Line. The climate environment is not so bad, and the harm of Sea Kings is relatively small. It should be feasible if you think it is.

Once the sea train track 770 can really cover the entire North Blue area, and the army can quickly rush to any sea area by sea train, then the control of the entire North Blue by the Djerma Empire will be more stable.

"That's quite a big project, although the sea train is far more convenient, it can't be completed in just a few years.

Pushing his glasses, Kalifa, who knows the sea train project very well, said seriously: "It also requires a lot of manpower and material resources. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to cause civil upheavals!"

If it is so easy to build, the sea train track on the first half of the Grand Line is more than just connecting a handful of islands.

"Paving the main channel first, others can take your time!"

He didn't hope that in the future, the huge North Blue would always be so chaotic. There were pirates everywhere, rebellion and uprisings, and the sea train tracks had to be laid.

As for the huge funds, he is not worried.

The nobles and royal families of North Blue are rich and rich, and Germa has seized huge amounts of wealth simply by attacking those kingdoms.

Perhaps some royal families have already fled with money, but that is only a small part after all.

Djerma’s spy network spreads across the entire North Blue, and now it will not be so easy for these royal families, nobles, wealthy businessmen, and wealthy individuals to escape from North Blue.

Like the royal family of the Kingdom of Bari who emptied the treasury and escaped, traces have been found.

Djerma has dispatched Fujitora to lead the air special operations team to intercept, and I believe it will be brought back soon, and the trial will be directly open at that time.

This is an excellent way to reap the hearts and minds of the people, and we have to thank these royal families who left the country and fled.

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