One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 455 Hawkins Pirates

North Blue.

The eastern area, near the entrance of the Grand Line, the Erikti Sea, the Kingdom of Havana.

This is located on the main channel, because the islands not far away have the Marine branch, and Marine Rear Admiral who is dispatched from Naval Headquarters usually sits in person. In addition, the country's own strength is not too weak, so those who pass from here, The pirates who want to go to the Grand Line are restrained as long as they are not stupid.

Because it feels profitable, as long as the pirates do not make trouble, the army of the Kingdom of Havana basically does not care about their identities, allowing them to land in port towns, replenishment, consumption, and even low-cost income from the illegal dirt plundered by the pirates. Huge profits.

Even privately opened the shipbuilding port, allowing these pirate ships to dock there to repair pirate ships and purchase new ships.

However, because the Kingdom of Havana did not recognize it alive and dead, due to the regulations of the World government, Marine could not enter the franchise country without permission, which made the Marine stationed in the area headache and helpless.


"Boom boom"

The sound of guns and guns and shouts of killing continued.

The fire is blazing, the gunpowder is full of smoke, and terrible war is coming to this country.

After receiving the order to retreat, the Marine stationed in this sea area has been evacuated. The king of the Kingdom of Havana took the royal family and part of the responsible family to participate in the World Summit and fled to the Grand Line under the protection of Marine.

However, the army of this kingdom, under the leadership of military generals, was very stubbornly blocking the pace of the Djerma army, and did not surrender.



Accompanied by the screams, the violent repulsion suddenly exploded, directly sending out the kingdom's army, bullets, artillery shells, etc. within a radius of tens of meters.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Havana were all blood-stained, and even twenty or thirty people who were too close were directly shattered into blood on the spot, exposing their white bones, making their scalp numb.

The earth cracked every inch and it couldn't help but collapse.

"It's really uncomfortable, obviously weak and vulnerable. I would rather die than surrender." Niji healed his brows, full of impatience, the blue figure floating in the air, his cloak hunting.


"Support Niji-sama!!!"

"The rocket gunner prepares to destroy the enemy's defensive positions

A large number of well-armed and black military uniforms of the elite Germa rushed up from the landing ship, murderous!

Because it was not intended to completely destroy the country, the warship did not directly launch a large-scale shelling.

"It must be stepped up, otherwise, if you take control over there, wouldn't it be too embarrassing to take the Burgas Kingdom in the Calli Sea ahead of time?"

Bullets rained down on Niji's body from time to time, unable to penetrate his steel exoskeleton at all.

"How can this be?"

"Only the flesh and blood can block the bullet!"

"This guy, is he a monster?"

This horrible scene made the generals and soldiers of the Kingdom of Havana unable to help but breathe in a cold breath, and some of their scalp numb.

"If you don't surrender, it will kill you despair!"

His eyes turned cold, with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, Niji grinned grimly.

"Swipe!" The whole body was intertwined with electricity, and instantly disappeared in place, rushing directly into the enemy's formation.


"Bang! Bang! Monument!

One after another, the figures danced like leaves, screaming again and again.

The gloved fingers, like bullets, pierced through the bodies of the soldiers one after another, bloody.

Niji is like an uninhabited land, ignoring the incessant bullets, constantly stabs, kicks, and quickly harvests the lives of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Havana.

"Asshole! Stop it!" The middle-aged man in armor holding a western knife with red eyes, rushed up angrily.

With a fierce slash, it blasted towards Niji.

"Bang!!" As if blocked by an invisible wall, the sharp slash couldn't get close to Niji's body, so it was directly shaken away.

The unfavorable slash was easily dispersed.

"How is it possible?" The armored man's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help but cried out.

"Hey, this limp is also called slash?"

Niji disdainfully ridiculed, his right leg turned into an afterimage and swept out: "Look clearly, this is Tempest Kick!!"

"call out

The huge meniscus-shaped light green slash appeared in an instant, tearing the atmosphere and bursting out.

"Puffing" directly cut the military Admiral, together with a large number of soldiers in the rear, into two halves. The bloody scene made people fearful.

"You wastes should be fortunate that Iji guys are not allowed to use large-scale biological and chemical weapons easily, otherwise they really want to destroy this country directly."

The same thing happened in neighboring countries.

However, it was far smoother than the battle on Niji's side. The black and heavy fleet continued to bombard the port from the sea for ten minutes, and the army of that kingdom raised its flag and surrendered.

Stationed in this sea area, even North Blue Marine Base, where most of the strengths are still preserved, has already received a compulsory order from the headquarters, and the whole line has been evacuated to the base near the holy land Mariejois. It is impossible to come to support.

Carri waters.

The Kingdom of Burgas is offshore.

"Boom boom...

The fleet model composed of more than 20 warships is on the sea, and is constantly bombarding the landing port.

The loud noise is constant, and the smoke is billowing!

"Directly adjust the range of the naval gun to the farthest distance to launch the artillery, then contact the personnel above the Burgas Kingdom, and then give the king a final letter, if you don't surrender, you will directly land and fight." Yuji has some big thorns. On the big chair, looking at the port flooded by artillery fire, it didn't matter what he ordered.

"Yes! Master Yuji!"

The adjutant in front of him responded quickly.

Directly took out the phone worm and began to convey Yuji's order.

And this time.

Above the port covered by artillery fire, a group of people was embarrassed and avoided the bombardment. They looked ugly, gritted their teeth and looked at the huge fleet on the sea.

But at the same time, they all have some scalp numbness.

"Damn it!! Those bastards from Germa actually sank our Pirate Ship."

"Captain Hawkins, what should I do?"

"In this case, there is no way to go to the Grand Line.

"Derma's fleet has surrounded the coastal area around here, and there is no way to sail!"

"If they attack, we might also be listed as the target of the attack?'

"No way, the port to the east of the Burgas Kingdom is probably blocked by other fleets as well."


A group of pirates dressed as missionaries looked in front of them one after another, their faces calm and indifferent. The young men with long blond hair were panicking that could not be concealed.

Djerma is no better than an ordinary kingdom army, and even the World government is not their opponent.

If it is an enemy, I am afraid that it is impossible to say whether he can leave North Blue alive.

Many pirates of Hawkins Pirates are a little regretful. If they knew it, they would persuade their captain to enter the Grand Line earlier.

"Don't worry, today is not our time to die

Without hesitation, he turned and left in the direction of the royal capital. Hawkins said unhurriedly: “Their goal is to occupy this country. They clashed directly!

"The royal family of this country, most of them can't stop the pressure of Germa, and they will surrender soon!"

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