One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 456 Djerma’s military rank [various requests]

Far away in the German capital, St. Vassan.

The spacious office lobby is beautifully decorated and luxurious.

A huge and incomparable scenic fish tank is placed there, colorful swimming fishes play in it, rockery, corals, etc. everything, just like a real underwater world.

Iji sat behind his desk, listening to Kalifa's report in front of him.

"The army of the original Kingdom of Bari has been reorganized. From the millions of troops, one hundred thousand soldiers meeting the standards of Djerma were selected and mixed into Djerma's army. Boris, Horn-T-Ya Sa, "Byrnndi-World,'Ghost Sword' Dambiel, and'Predator' Vernal each led some parts towards the kingdoms that have not yet been attached to!"

"Fujitora has also continued to the original line, ready to take the North Blue Governor's Mansion in one go. At present, due to the deaths of Alec Jared, the military marshal Alec, and Frey, among the ministers and military generals, the main battle group There have been violent disagreements and conflicts between the two and the capitulating faction, and they have fallen into the chaotic Kingdom of Prussia!"

After a slight pause, Kalifa, holding the document, continued to add: "The King Fernandi III of the Kingdom of Prussia took refuge in the first half of the Grand Line and participated in the next World Summit on 17th. It is difficult to control the overall situation in the country.

"However, due to the new regulations and laws of the empire, it no longer gives preferential treatment to the original nobles, and even directly deprives most of the nobles of the titles. The Kingdom and several other kingdoms, including those nobles and lurking, under the instigation of CP agents directly under the World government, broke out a lot of rebellion

The General Staff has dispatched an air special operations team to bring some of the strong impel down to the suppression, but this is expected, and the overall problem is not big.

"On the side of Lord Niji, the army of the Kingdom of Havana resisted very stubbornly. Want to fight a guerrilla war with Germa, the intelligence department suspects that there is a shadow of CP

"And, on the side of the Burgas Kingdom in the Kalli Sea, the king has led the royal family and nobles to surrender to His Royal Highness Yongzhi."

Kalifa is undoubtedly a very qualified secretary. He summarized and screened the reports of the frontline army, intelligence department, and staff, and reported to Iji on all aspects of Derma's current actions in an orderly manner.

The staff team that originally belonged to Iji, while absorbing fresh blood and expanding, was directly transferred to the staff.

The military headquarters has not been formally established. It is currently in charge of the equivalent of Iji himself. Similar to important cadres such as Boris, Fujitora, and Shigui, the General Staff has no right to direct orders and must ask Iji himself for instructions.

It is easy to lay down these kingdoms, but if you want to completely digest these territories, obviously you cannot rely on force alone.

Even today, the Kingdom of Bari is regarded as the headquarters by Djerma and renamed "Saint Vassan". There are still many unrests in some towns.

The millions of troops can not be really digested easily. A considerable part of them are unwilling to accept the rule of Germa in their kingdom, and have escaped and entered the deep mountains and forests.

Otherwise, there is no need for Boris and the others to specifically select 100,000 troops that meet the standards of Djerma and mix them into Djerma's army. The most important thing is to facilitate command and control.

After all, Djerma’s army is now as powerful as it is, and there are too many strong ones. As long as it is not directly fighting Marine and the army, the quality of the army is almost nothing.

"If there is no problem with these matters, let the staff handle it by themselves!" Iji buried his head on the desk, carefully planning something.

He is working to improve the two major departments of government and military affairs, as well as the judicial, police and other systems under their jurisdiction, and clearly separate the somewhat confusing functions and powers.

This is a lot of trouble, and there should be no sloppy things. There are some difficulties in selecting candidates for various departments.

The most important thing is to unify and reorganize the army under the Djerma Empire, and to grant military ranks.

The entire North Blue is so big, and the strength of Derma is relatively limited.Not to mention that the World government cannot easily give up the entire North Blue. Even if the World government really gives up North Blue, it is impossible to directly occupy the entire North in a short time. Blue.

It is difficult for the army of those kingdoms to guarantee their loyalty before they are formally disrupted and reorganized, and collective mutiny and rebellion may occur at any time.

"Huh! I finally got the part done." Putting down the pen, rubbed his eyebrows.

After receiving the hot tea from Bakala, Iji asked Kalifa, "Anything else to report?"

Iji certainly didn't want to be like this. Tenten sat in the office and bothered with these tedious chores.

In that case, he might as well return the king to Vinsmoke directly. Judge.

When Reiju rushes back from Sky Island, he will directly act as a hand-shocking shopkeeper, and then send Kalifa and Baccarat to study with Reiju and help share the burden. At most, he himself will be at the helm in general.

"There is another small incident. In the Kingdom of Burgas, our intelligence officers discovered the Hawkins Pirates, dressed as civilians, hiding in the royal capital."

Kalifa flipped through the documents in his hand, pushed the colored glasses, and finally said directly: "Because Hawkins is the recent rising star of North Blue, the bounty has reached 55 million Baileys before entering the Grand Line. In order to attract people's attention, and to be a capable person, His Highness Yuji grabbed him easily!!

770 "Hawkins?""

Nodding calmly, Iji didn't care too much.

If it was before, he might have valued each other very much, but now Djerma does not lack such a strong person.

If he is willing to surrender at that time, he will accept it. If he is unwilling to surrender, he does not mind having one more cursed Paramecia Devil Fruit.

"Give this to the General Staff, and let them list the detailed promotion rules and regulations as soon as possible."

After a sip of hot tea, Iji carefully reviewed the ranks he had set and the functions of various departments such as the Military Staff and Logistics Department under the military, and handed it to Kalifa.

"For the military rank, that's it for the time being. When we unify the sea, we will make reasonable revisions based on the actual situation. There will be no military marshal, only the highest commander in the army, who will be the emperor."

In terms of the military rank system, apart from the general ranks, there are five levels, five-star Admiral, four-star general, three-star Vice Admiral, two-star Rear Admiral, one-star Commodore, and the others are not much different from Marine!

However, the military headquarters was the supreme commander of the entire army by the imperial emperor himself.

"In addition, the five-star Admiral can only be determined by the emperor who is also the highest commander of the entire army in the Djerma Empire. The promotion of other generals below level 4 can be determined by the military!"

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