One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 467 Roll out for the old man and find it in the sea! [Four changes, various requests]

Because of the arrival of the Red Earl.

Although KIGN and Cracker did not order a truce, they subconsciously did not continue to attack each other.

While ordering people to save those who are capable of falling into the water, they quickly figured out a way to catch up.

Cracker, Owen, and Dafu were riding on a flying carpet, while KING rushed to the sky directly on the Moonwalk, fearing that Red Earl Lederfield would take the lead in taking the Red Stone.

Two cadres of Beasts Pirates, also riding on the Raptor, followed.

"Damn, you can't let them get ahead!"

The huge flying carpet was originally extremely fast, but they were seriously affected by the Cracker and the exaggerated Daifuku and Owen, and they were far behind KING.

But at this moment.

A huge dark cloud flew over with a bloated and huge body, and a fiery fireball illuminated the entire sky.


"Brother Kata Kuri/sir!"

Cracker and Owen yelled one after another.

But the gloomy BIG-MOM didn't pay attention to them at all, and directly caused Thunder Cloud Zeus to rush towards the elephant's back.

The death of the eldest son Charlotte-Perrospero undoubtedly made Charlotte-Linlin angry.

After all, as Smoky was deceived from her by Vinsmoke-Iji, fewer and fewer powerhouses earned a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys.

Perrospero still occupies a very high position in the minds of BIG-MOM.

At least if she hadn't had an episode of esophagus or hadn't gotten angry because of something!

On the back of the giant elephant.

Broken town entrance.

"Master KING"

The black panthers and blood sunflowers flying up on the giant eagle shouted at the KING ahead in horror: "The life card of Lord QUEEN has burned into ashes!"

The front turned into a huge and fierce saber-toothed tiger, with a more sensitive nose than ordinary dogs. KING, who was about to follow the slight smell in the air, was about to chase, and stopped suddenly, turning his head and staring at the two men. .

With terrifying eyes and bloodshot eyes, he asked angrily: "What did you just say?"

"Look at it"

The cold sweat broke out, and the panther, who was a little flustered, directly signaled to KING the life card that belonged to QUEEN on the palm of his hand.

The original large piece of life card has been completely turned into ashes.

No one can believe that the "Water and Calamity" QUEEN is as powerful as the flying pterosaur form, and it will be easily killed.

"Damn it, did Earl Red do it?" His face was extremely gloomy.

KING has no doubt whether Red Earl Lederfield possesses such strength.

As a powerful man in the previous era who can keep pace with the three legends of Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion in the previous era, if he really maintains his peak power, his strength is obviously better than the highest combat power of Naval Headquarters. It's even more frightening.

"Come with me right away!"

Without thinking about it, KING, who was extremely furious, rushed towards the Whale Forest, and the huge bird of prey hurriedly followed.


at the same time.

"Boom boom boom"

The sound of guns continued, and the two men and horses were still clashing on the sea.

A lot of water splashed, the huge black shadow rushed up at an astonishing speed, and couldn't help but roar: "Ryder, you old fellow, wait for Laozi!!! The red stone is Laozi's!!!"

"Beast Kaido!?"

"That guy is here too

The wild beast-like aura couldn't help rolling over, causing the pirates of the BIG-MOM pirate group, such as Dandan Baron and Ghost Lady, to turn pale, and cold sweat could not stop flowing out.



A huge battleship was directly smashed to pieces, accompanied by screams of horror.

"Master Kaido," a Beasts Pirates cadre quickly yelled, "Earl Red and BIG-MOM have already rushed to the elephant's back!"

"What!?" Kaido Kaido stared fiercely.

The terrifying aura, crushed the pirates present in cold sweat.

Not only the BIG-MOM Pirates, but also the Pirates of Beasts Pirates.

The atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, for fear that it would accidentally provoke this moody monster and be smashed into flesh by a stick.

"Master QUEEN and Master KING are already on it, but they probably haven't got the red stone. Please go up quickly."

The giant bear Hogil bit his scalp and reported to Kaido, the beast.

They have all caught up with BIG-MOM. If Kaido is wasting time here again, maybe it is really possible for the opponent to take the lead.


The devil's body full of oppression leaped high from the sea directly, splashing a lot of water.

With huge arms, Shengsheng grasped the exaggerated elephant legs, and climbed upwards at an incredible speed.

"Mom, it's faster than Laozi!"

Not only Red Earl Ryder, but even BIG-MOM came faster than himself, which made Kaido a bit furious.

If it weren't for the Scarlet Stone yet to get it, he really has the urge to kill this giant elephant and let those guys fall off!

On the back of the elephant.

KING they undoubtedly escaped!

Otherwise, it is estimated that they will be hunted down by BIG-MOM in a rage state.

"Zeus, take a look over there!"

Kata Kuri, sitting on top of Thundercloud Zeus, lived at the end of the burning beluga tree in the distance, and spoke directly to Zeus below him.

"I feel it, the breath of that bastard Ryder, and the guy Kizaru." BIG-MOM suddenly took off the pirate hat on his head.

Napoleon instantly transformed into a huge long sword, and was held in his hand by the angry BIG-MOM.

*. "Perrospero's death is absolutely inseparable from the two of them!" Charlotte- Linlin grabbed the giant sword directly, and stared at the direction of Kizaru and the blue python with terrifying eyes!


The violent sword pressure distorted the atmosphere and formed a violent shock wave, blasting in the direction of Kizaru and the blue python!


The shock wave of horror shattered the earth.

The buildings and forests ahead were all destroyed by the terrible sword pressure.

Even the aging cortex on the back of the giant elephant was torn, dripping with blood, leaving behind a huge concave "track" that was hundreds of meters long, which made people a little cold sweat.

But the figures of Kizaru and Blue Python had already disappeared in an instant.


The giant elephant, which was still walking slowly on the sea, couldn't help but growl in pain.


The ground is cracked and collapsed.

The rubbed copy has been put away, and the Red Earl Ryder, who is larger than his body and has a red historical text, walked out with both hands and looked at (Zhao Qianhao) far away BIG-MOM 'S figure couldn't help but sneered.

"Red Stone

"Ryder (Red Earl), you bastard!!!"

The KING and others who rushed, as well as the Duke Inulan and Cat Viper who had just arranged for the tribe to evacuate from the rear, couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"The red stone belongs to my old lady, give it to me!!!" BIG-MOM saw this scene from a distance, and immediately ignored the attack on Kizaru, and yelled directly!

Without saying anything, he directly urged Thundercloud Zeus to rush up.

"Hey, want a red stone?"

The muscles all over his body were violent, and under the invisible coat, the hideous veins appeared.

Red Earl Ryder's face rose red, obviously using his whole body's strength to accumulate energy, not just lifting the red stone.

In the furious eyes of BIG-MOM, KING, Kata Kuri and others, the whole person directly threw the huge and heavy red stone out of Zuow with extremely exaggerated strength!

"Go to the sea to find the old man!!!"


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