One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 468 The irritable Kaido[Various requests]


The sound of breaking through the air continued to roar.

The huge red stone stele was directly thrown into the sea by Red Earl Ryder in front of everyone present.

No one has time to stop or catch it!

Because of the clouds and mist in the sky, the white whale tree was soaring into the sky, and the smoke was billowing, it was impossible to determine where the red stone fell.

Even if you want to go down and look for it, you don't know how much work it will take, and you may not even be able to find it again.

Because such a heavy and huge stone monument, smashed directly into the sea from such a height, may not be embedded in the mud of the seabed, but it is not so easy to find.

"Ah, the text of the signpost"

KING, Cat Viper, Duke Inulan and others couldn't help but stare wide, and some were speechless.

No one thought that Red Earl Ryder would throw the stele into the sea without hesitation, instead of taking it away by himself.


BIG-MOM yelled angrily!

Accompanied by the incomparable Conqueror's Haki, the terrifying sound waves shocked countless people's eardrums, as if they were about to burst open, creating glutinous rice balls to plug their ears, Kata Kuri had to jump directly off Thundercloud Zeus and stay away. To Charlotte-Linlin.

The dark red lightning, and the violent sonic waves, could not help being swept away.

The monstrous killing intent rushed out, and the red and bloodshot eyes of the B7831G-MOM stared at the Red Earl Ryder fiercely.


A huge long sword snatched up from a very long distance.

Directly towards the huge white whale tree where the Red Earl Ryder was located, he slashed out.


The terrible shock wave tore the atmosphere in an instant, crushed all obstacles on the road, and blasted straight towards the Red Earl Ryder.

Together with KING, Cat Viper, Duke Inuran and others, they are all within the attack range.

The cold was so cold that he couldn't care about the others, and quickly dodged aside.

"Don't you want it? Slowly find it in the sea, you may be able to find it if you are lucky!" Red Earl Ledfield sneered.

Holding a bat umbrella, he swung out suddenly.

"call out--"

The violent black Uzumaki tears the atmosphere.

With the huge sword pressure from the violent attack, they brazenly bombarded together!


There was a loud noise.

The indescribable huge collision shook the entire huge beluga tree, and a large area was shattered by violence.

"Minghuhu~~~minghuhu~~~" The terrible air wave visible to the naked eye, bhai ripples, raging wildly, making people unable to open their eyes.

Countless big trees were crushed, groaned, and even uprooted.

"hold head high--"

The giant elephant roared violently.

I don’t know if it’s because of pain or anger.

However, apart from the fur tribes such as the cat viper and the Duke Inulan, no one would care about its roar or wailing.

For some reason, even if the aging cortex was torn apart by the previous blow of BIG-MOM, it still had no intention of launching a counterattack.

Obviously, you only need to shake the long and huge nose to directly attack the opponent.

"Mom, calm down..."

Kata Kuri hurriedly reminded the BIG-MOM above: "The rubbing of the Red Stone Stele must be on the Red Earl's body, don't let him leave easily!"

For fear that she would be careless and let Red Earl Ryder run away.

The other party so decisively threw the red stone into the sea, it proved that the copy must have been rubbed, otherwise it is unlikely to come over to do such a thing.

But obviously, Red Earl Ryder didn't mean to leave immediately.

"Yes, hand over the rubbings to my old lady!"

Charlotte- Linlin woke up, glared at Lederfield, and directly urged Thundercloud Zeus to rush up, and at the same time shouted directly.

"Please stop!!!"

A shout came out from below.

The Red Earl Ryder, BIG-MOM, KING and Kata Kuri couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

A cat and a dog were there, kneeling on top of the beluga tree that had been destroyed in a disastrous manner.

Duke Inulan and Cat Viper burst into tears, kowtow to BIG-MOM and Red Earl Ryder, and shouted: "You have got what you want, please don't vandalize here anymore. The elephant master has already wailed!"

"If this continues, this ancient civilized Congress with a history of thousands of years will be destroyed!"

Watching Duke Inulan and Cat Viper, who had abandoned their dignity, kneeling there, the indifferent Red Earl Ryder couldn't help but frown.

"The wailing of the elephant? The ancient civilization was destroyed?"

BIG-MOM grinned horribly, staring at the cats and dogs with bloodshot eyes, and said with a sneer: "What the hell is it with my mother!!!

"Go to the side, an eyesore!" The terrible sword pressure blasted out again.

This time, instead of slamming at the Red Earl Ryder, he slashed at the Duke Inulan and Cat Viper.

"call out!!!"

The piercing sound makes the scalp numb.

"Damn it's bastard!!!"

While Duke Inulan and Cat Viper quickly dodged, they couldn't help but become angry.

The two of them lowered their stance in this way, and Red Earl Ryder had already obtained the rubbing of the stone tablet, so he didn't even have the slightest intention to leave here.

These monsters are fighting here, and Zou Island will definitely not be able to hold it.


Destroying the ancients, the shocking shock wave directly smashed the huge beluga tree, and blasted a shocking concave hole!

"Kizaru, get out for the old man!

A blood-colored light flashed, and Red Earl Ryder swept directly above the forest.

I don't even think about it.

The pitch-black bat umbrella swung out brazenly!

"call out--"

The blazing bloody slash directly blasted towards the dense forest.

For Kizaru's previous calculations, if you don't respond well, it is not the style of Red Earl Ryder at all.


The golden light and rain converged.

Polusalino appeared in midair.

"New Marine Marshal Kizaru

Kata Kuri, KING and others couldn't help but become vigilant.

Marine blending in at this time is obviously not a good thing.

"Cheating" the pale blue electric light flickered, and the blue python swept directly to Polusalino's side.

"What a grudge old guy."

Kizaru looked at BIG-MOM, and said in a playful tone: "BIG-MOM, I think, maybe we can put aside our grievances for the time being, first join hands to kill Ryder and then slowly discuss the ownership of the history text rubbings."

If BIG-MOM agrees, he really wants to leave the Red Earl, a scourge that has an unclear relationship with Germa.


"The Red Stone belongs to Laozi, no one wants to take it away!!!"

The roar of the ancient beast resounded, and the huge black shadow suddenly rushed up and smashed into the town, shaking the ground into a cracked field, and the dust was flying!

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