One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 493 Huge bounty?

Sent away Garp.

Looking at the old figure from the back, Polusalino couldn't help but shook his head.

His son became a revolutionary army, and his two grandsons became pirates, but he was a Marine hero. He wanted to stick to his own justice. He could imagine how much Garp felt in his heart.

"The marshal, then the adjutant reminded me cautiously.

Five Elders was also concerned about the Marine hero Garp and kicked the ball to Kizaru.

If Marine Marshal Sengoku and others did not die, the World government would not suffer such a big loss, at this moment CP0 or the army had already been dispatched.

"Mr. Garp has said so, and we can't hesitate.

Smoking a cigarette and sighing for a long time, Polusalino's expression turned straight: "All the bounty of Straw Hat Luffy and Vinsmoke-Sanji will be mentioned to 500 million Baileys, and the rest of the crew will also increase them as appropriate. Official from here!"

The turbulence of the sea has intensified, and the status of Marine has been improved. Of course, CP0 today is not qualified to play sideways in front of Kizaru.

Not to mention, CP0, the highest CIPHER-POL chief, "Zero", all died in North Blue. As for CP0-15 controlled by Celestial Dragons, there is still an "Eagle" in charge.

Had it not been for the loss of the imperial army, only Admiral was left with the "ground laziness" to support the facade, I am afraid that Celestial Dragons would definitely not be as "secure" as it is now.

"Both of them rose to 800,500 million Baileys?" The adjutant was surprised when he heard the words.

But as Kizaru's confidant for many years, he will naturally continue to ask why.

He quickly understood the thought of the marshal.


Pressing down on the shock of the heart, walked outwards ably.

Not long after, the person in charge from CP0, the Vice Admiral "Scythe Itachi" from Naval Headquarters, came to Kizaru's office.

"Franky, the reformer, is very likely to be the Master of the whereabouts of the Ancient Weapon Pluton drawing. He must not give up easily, let alone the revolutionary army and other forces. The government can really hold the Pluton Master in its hands, and it can undoubtedly directly deter those unscrupulous and constant troubles.

Thing guys!"

Kizaru knows the importance of Pluton very well.

Even if it is impossible to match the national treasure of Celestial Dragons, it is rumored that the terrible power of sinking an island with a single shot is enough to increase the power and bargaining chips of the World government.

Leaving aside the revolutionary army, the future all-out war between Germa and the World government is bound to be very tragic.

"Scythe Itachi, you lead the fleet to chase the Straw Hat Pirates, and CP0 is responsible for cooperating with it!!

"The Straw Hat Pirates and Marine Hero Garp." The person in charge sent by CP0 hesitated.

According to the news they received, the reformer Franky has joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

This means that if you want to capture Franky, you have to take action against the Straw Hat Pirates.

"The two troublesome characters are not appropriate to catch or kill." With a headache, Kizaru vomited smoke and said directly: "Except for the two people of Straw Hat Luffy, Vinsmoke, and Sanji, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, you guys. Anyway, in short, we must catch the reformer as soon as possible, and not let the news of Ancient Weapon'Pluton' leak out!"

Although I don't know why Blackfoot Sanji left Vinsmoke's house, if he kills or catches the opponent, I'm afraid that Vinsmoke's house will not stop easily even for the sake of face.

The rising Derma Empire is no better than the whitebeard pirate group that has died out, and Vinsmoke-Iji is not even the old and declining Whitebeard.

As for the straw hat Luffy.

No matter how Garp showed his attitude, Kizaru didn't want to go too far after all.

Bloodliness is not easy to give up.

Last time it was just a righteous grandson. If it's really his turn to be killed or arrested by Marine this time, God knows what the Marine hero will do.

The current Marine cannot withstand such a toss.

But at the same time adding these guys' bounty is not just for superficial effort.

Next, the Straw Hat Pirates group is bound to be challenged by a large number of bounty hunters or pirates who try to step on them to become famous, covet huge bounty, or question their strength.

If the total bounty of the Straw Hat Pirate Group exceeds one billion Baileys, maybe even the New World Pirates may not be tempted, and they intend to pretend to be a bounty hunter to block the Straw Hat Pirate Group.

If they can't make it through, it can only be said that they are insufficiently equipped.

"Yes, Marshal Polusalino."

Vice Admiral "Scythe Itachi" and the person in charge sent by CP0 both nodded solemnly.

Close to St. Vaasa (bhai) Ann.

On a certain beast island transferred from a lion and ghost.

"" A bare-chested figure with a wet bloodline, walking calmly, stood in front of the trembling large mammoth.

In the upright and stalwart body, the pieces of impeccable muscles are beating, and the muscles are protruding, full of terrible explosive power.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of drums, the blood-colored figure couldn't help shaking, breaking apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, no matter how many times I try, it's still so painful." "Unimaginable pain makes that handsome face twisted and growls in pain.

In the past three months, in addition to taking time to develop the Devil Fruit ability, most of the time has been assisted by the two abilities of Paramecia-Shock Fruit, Eudemons, and Bat Fruit-Vampire Form. Fight your own physique.

This body continues to experience breakdowns every day, and recovers again, again and again.

It is already more than three months ago, and I don’t know how much it has strengthened.

Almost all the beasts on this beast island have been killed by him.

"Ang Roar--"

The sharp claws penetrated the mammoth's head.

Can't help but absorb the powerful vitality contained in his blood to recover from his injuries.


A huge black eagle hovering high in the sky.

A vigorous figure fell directly from its back, and kneeled there respectfully.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly at the stalwart figure covered in blood in front of him. The breath of the ancient wild beast made people tremble involuntarily.

"Your Majesty, just yesterday, in the first half of the Grand Line, Celestial Dragons blocked the entire water capital because they wanted to capture Pluton's drawings."

"The Straw Hat Pirates took away one of Tom’s disciples. It is very likely that Franky who knew the whereabouts of the Ancient Weapon Pluton drawing was known, and broke through the blockade of the Forbidden Army Fleet to escape! But the Straw Hat Luffy is the identity of the leader of the revolutionary army, the son of the dragon, and His Royal Highness Sanji was born. The identities of the Vinsmoke family were successively exposed, and the World government directly offered a reward of 500 million Baileys for the two.

The entire bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates has exceeded 1.2 billion Baileys, and the Naval Headquarters powerful Vice Admiral'Scythe Itachi' and CP agents have been sent to chase down!"

"Reiju-sama would like to ask your opinion

The young man who graduated from the Djerma Military Academy and was wearing the Djerma officer's combat uniform, with the rank of major on his epaulettes, gave a brief and clear report.

"Get out!"

Looking back indifferently.

The sharp, bloodshot eyes were inexplicable.

"Tell Reiju, you don't need to ask me specifically for this kind of things in the future, she decides for herself!'

Naturally, Iji knows Reiju's character very well.

But if this nominal "sister" was truly as cold-blooded and ruthless as Niji and Yuji, he wouldn't be able to treat her differently.

Now that Zeir has been given full responsibility for the affairs immediately under him, there is no need to deliberately stop anything.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"Mi Lei

Ignoring the Major Germa who was leaving in a bird of prey, his muscles were irregularly rhythmic, and the terrible explosive force seemed to be infiltrating from his body.

Looking at the blue sea, his eyes were filled with a strong fighting spirit: "Perhaps, it's time to find the guy Kaido, Baiju Kaido!"

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