One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 494 Straw Hat Crisis

In the unknown sea.

The Straw Hat Pirates continued to sail.

But because even Franky didn't know how to get to The fish men island, they could only blindly force it according to the record pointer.

"So hungry, Sanji"

"No fish is hooked at all~ Well! I want to eat meat!"

Straw hats Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were sitting weakly on the side of the ship, holding a fishing rod without any movement.

"Don't quarrel, because I hurriedly escaped from the forbidden army's blockade, and there was no time to prepare too much food. Sanji squeezed out the cigarette butts, and said irritably: "Luffy, you have too much appetite. You have eaten all of them secretly. Let Zoro and I go into the sea, trying to catch it!"


at this time.

A news bird carrying a newspaper flew from the sea.

Sanji unknowingly developed the habit of reading newspapers, beckoned directly, took out a coin and threw it on the money bag hanging on the news bird.

A newspaper with several wanted warrants fell down.

"Is this true?"

Picking up the wanted warrant, Sanji's pupils shrank sharply, and cold sweat came out.

"Hey, hello, five... five hundred million? This is too exaggerated, isn't it?" Navigator Alan approached, his eyes widened and he couldn't help swallowing.

"What is 500 million?"

Zoro, Franky and others, who were exercising with dumbbells, looked over.

"It's Marine's additional reward for us."

Taking a deep breath, Sanji looked serious.

"Luffy and Sanji, both of them have been offered a reward of 500 million Baileys!" After raising the reward list, Navigator Allen said quietly.

Although his bounty has increased, it is only 77 million Baileys, and Zoro, as one of the main players, also has 120 million Baileys, and Usopp and Chopper have 30 million Baileys and 100 Baileys respectively.

Franky's reward is a bit weird, 59 million Baileys, neither high nor low.

But the bounty of Sanji and Luffy is too exaggerated.

But looking at the newspaper, about the life experience of the two, Allen suddenly realized.

One is the son of Revolutionary Dragon, the leader of the world's most murderous criminal, and the other is the younger brother of Vinsmoke- Iji, the Supreme Commander of the North Blue Deerma Empire!

Such a background can scare a bunch of people.

"Five...500 million?"

Usopp and Chopper almost fell into the sea and jumped in shock.

They have defeated so many enemies before, and they have not suddenly risen so exaggerated.

"Alan, are you sure you are not mistaken?" Zoro was sluggish, falling from the heavy dumbbell in his hand, almost hitting his own foot.

He remembered that the reward for Straw Hat Luffy was only 100 million Baileys a few days ago, but it suddenly jumped to 500 million.

A group of people crowded over.

"Five hundred million Baileys, great, finally not lower than Sanji, hehe. Straw hat Luffy looked at his reward list, the string of zeros after the "5", showing a happy smile.

As the captain, no matter how heartless, always being overwhelmed by the crew's bounty, there is still some pressure.

"What's so good?

Sanji grabbed Luffy by the collar and couldn't help snarling, "What does this mean, do you know?"

This means that the world government attaches great importance to them, and it may even be determined to arrest Franky.

Not to mention those bounty hunters who were irritated by huge bounties and blushed.

Even those pirates, maybe because they are dissatisfied with the high bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates group, they will directly swarm into the challenge.

In a word, troubles followed one after another.

"To be honest, I have the urge to chop both of you." Zoro grinned, quizzically.

My bounty has risen, I was very happy at first, but it was so much lower than that lustful kappa that made him very unhappy.


Usopp did not hesitate to agree, but at the same time he was a little frightened, thinking that he might be chased by the black and overwhelming battleship group of the World government, his legs trembled.

He still knows his own level very well, and it is not comparable to the main players like Sanji and Zoro.

The Chopper next to him was full of frustration, anger and tears.

It didn't have a bounty before, but it was suddenly rewarded with 100 Baileys, which is really shocking!

…………For flowers 0……

"Don't make trouble! This time the Straw Hat Pirates' bounty has risen collectively, although it is due to the background of Sanji and Luffy, but it also represents the determination of the World government to hunt Franky in disguise.. Voyager Allen said with a wry smile: " After all, it involves Ancient Weapon, they cannot easily give up!"

"It's better for me to leave you. For Pluton's drawings, too many people have been sacrificed... Franky was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and spoke resolutely.

His master Tom the Murloc, his brother Bingshan, and the Franky family

It's all because of Pluton's design drawings and suffered misfortune. He really doesn't want to hurt the Straw Hat Pirates anymore.


"Asshole, why do you think that? Everyone is a companion!" Luffy glared at Franky angrily, and said loudly, "What about being chased by the World government? From the very beginning, I was always being killed by Marine. Hunt down?,

"Franky, stop saying such silly things!"

"If you are afraid of being chased by the World government, what kind of pirate should you be? Don't forget that Luffy is a man who wants to be the pirate king!"

Navigator Allen and Zoro looked serious, and spoke one after another.

Even the cowardly Chopper and Usopp both looked at Franky firmly at this moment and made clear their attitudes.

"It's useless, you said earlier that Pluton's drawings have been dropped. The guys in the World government won't easily believe them, and even think that you have handed over Pluton drawings to us."

Sanji lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. It was rare to earnestly said: "And the identity of Luffy and I are the same as those of the World Government and Elimination, right?"

"Everyone's fate has been tied together from the beginning!"

He has no idea what kind of embarrassing situation the world government is facing.

For him, the royal family of the Vinsmoke family, as well as the straw hat Luffy who inherited the world's most fierce bloodline and the grandson of the Marine hero Garp, he hated and helpless, wanted to move but had great scruples.

"Wow, you guys, how can there be such a stupid guy in the world..."


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