One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 495 Encounter on the sea [Various requests]


The sea was undulating, Thousand Sunny moved forward slowly.

Because of the huge reward offered by Marine, Usopp and Chopper are in charge of the watchman's task, always vigilant for every move on the sea.

After a few days, they have been attacked by several groups of bounty hunters and pirates.

"Ahead, there is movement in the direction of one o'clock!!" Usopp looked through the binoculars and looked at the "black spot" that suddenly grew larger in front, and hurriedly yelled at Luffy, Sanji and others below.


Sanji, Allen, and others looked terrified, using single-scope telescopes one after another, following the direction Usopp said.

I saw a "black spot" on the distant sea ahead getting bigger and bigger.

"So big, is it an island?"

"No, it is approaching towards us!"

Navigator Allen had a solemn expression of "eight zero", and quickly judged something was wrong.

"Is that a moving island?" Luffy in the straw hat became interested, his arms grew longer, he grabbed the binoculars and looked at it.

"It's really moving, it's not right.. It's not an island, it's a tortoise?" Usopp, who was on the observation deck, then yelled in surprise.

"Ah~~~Really! How could it be so big?"

Chopper next to him was also taken aback.

As the target got closer and closer, there were still many obscure buildings on the giant tortoise.

"Hee" under the straw hat Luffy, his eyes lit up: "I smell the breath of adventure!"

"Is it the legendary island turtle? That's a rare thing?"

Sanji said in a deep voice, staring at the giant tortoise that was constantly approaching in front of him, his eyes uncertain: "Do you want to avoid it?"

In the past few days, they have basically been relying on fish or diving into the sea to fish. Although there are still some fresh water and other supplies, it would be great if there is a small town to supply them.

But it's not yet certain, what exactly is on it.

In case it is the fortress of Marine, the trouble will be big.

"Is it a man-made falcon?" Looking at the hovering falcon above the sea ahead, Allen the Voyager said in a deep voice: "It doesn't look like an ordinary town, the other party has already found us!"

"Since it needs to be supplied, let's just get closer and take a look, and the cola energy is already ready, if you find something wrong, immediately activate the lion roar-the wind to spray away!"

Lifting his glasses, looking at the giant turtle getting closer and closer in the distance, Franky suggested.


Straw hat Luffy nodded repeatedly.

The huge island tortoise is constantly swimming forward.

Above, completed and unfinished buildings, fortresses are majestic, and heavy fortress cannons are laid across.

A crocodile-shaped skull flag fluttered in the wind.

More than a dozen domesticated falcons hovered high in the sky, and their abdomens were fixed with surveillance phone bugs. From time to time, falcons returned to sail to rest and change shifts.

"In the past three months, part of the construction work has finally been completed, and the fortress has begun to take shape." Robin in a long skirt sat under the parasol, looking at the blue sea ahead, with a smile on his face, facing away. Reporting the situation at Reiju in North Blue.

Without the support of North Blue, it is not easy for them to obtain such a large-caliber heavy fortress gun. Even the drawings of the mobile fortress are provided there.

Reiju obviously wants to turn this giant island turtle into a real military fortress. If there is no need to hide his identity, he can launch an attack on the Marine branch in the first half of the Grand Line at any time.

"Thanks for your hard work, there is a message from The fish men island that you have collected a piece of your favorite historical text. I will ask them to print a copy and send it to you!"

"Really? Thank you so much, Reiju-sama!"

Robin heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said happily.

Although she really likes the stable life without hiding in Tibet, she has never given up her "mission."

"What are you polite? But then again, don't you really consider coming to North Blue to help me?"

In Reiju's view, Robin will be Iji's woman sooner or later, and his talents in management and planning are far beyond what Kalifa and Baccarat can compare.

She really wanted Robin to come to North Blue to help herself.

The Djerma Empire has just risen, and there are too many aspects to deal with. She is also busy today.

"The Pirate Ship was found ahead. Based on the image returned by the phone bug on the Falcon, it has been determined that the target is the straw hat Luffy who has been rewarded 500 million Baileys by Marine, and the straw hat pirate group where Sanji is located. It is not waiting for Robin to start rejecting Reiju. The personnel in the monitoring room suddenly reported loudly through the phone bug...

"The Straw Hat Pirates?"

Not only Robin, Nami and others, but also Reiju on the other end of the phone worm could not help being a little surprised.

"The whole group adds up, but there are more than one billion Baileys. Do you want to launch an attack? miss. On Sunday, the cadres under the income of the Crocodile Group turned red and asked Robin as the highest cadre for instructions.

Even Nami's eyes couldn't help but sparkle with Pele's light.

The crocodile group is rich, but her salary and benefits for joining the crocodile pirate group as a navigator are good, but it is impossible to move hundreds of millions of Baileys.

During this period of time, those pirates who took the initiative to provocation were used to test the power of fortress guns, and sometimes they would also take the initiative to hunt or subdue those high reward pirates encountered.

Except for the required part of the spoils, the rest is naturally divided according to the rules of the crocodile pirate group.

Sometimes when encountering fat sheep, each cadre's gain is not small.

Of course, unlike other cadres, Nami knew about the relationship between Germa and the Crocodile Pirates, and would not really want to trouble the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Forehead "

On the other side of the phone worm, Reiju was a little surprised.

"Sorry, these cadres don't know the relationship between the Crocodile Group and Germa." Robin explained.

The identity of Sanji as the royal family of Djerma has been disclosed by the news media.

Even if he knew that the 0.8 person had broken away from Djerma, except for Niji and Yuji, the other people under Djerma would not wait to see each other, and would not take the initiative to provoke trouble.

"I haven't seen each other for many years, so let me meet that kid Sanji."

Reiju didn't care, he looked a little nostalgic, and said with a light smile: "Trouble you, Robin!"

With the huge financial resources and energy of the Crocodile Group, of course, it will not have even the phone worm equipment for video communication.

"Please wait a moment, I will prepare now!"

Robin smiled and picked up the red phone worm next to it.

Soon, a falcon carrying a phone bug was sent to the boat of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Let the Straw Hat Pirates group be puzzled.

"Everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates, if you don't mind, you might as well come up and give a comment." Robin's voice came from the phone worm.

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