One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 516 Kaido I found [Various requests]

It took less than two days.

Before Iji himself arrived at Kaido's site, the madman couldn't wait to take the initiative to find it.

The huge black figure looked like a demon, and its ferocious aura made people tremble.

"Vinsmoke- Iji, get out of Laozi!" The huge mace rushed out of the sea and slammed into the war house.

"Woohoooo--" The terrible wind pressure, even the parasols, tables and chairs on the bow of the ship, were all agitated.

Nami, Robin and other women couldn't help being frightened, and almost slumped to the ground.


The blood-colored figure swept away in an instant!

A punch came out.


The atmosphere was shattered.

"Smell crack crack". The dense cracks couldn't help spreading.

"Boom!!!" The violent and unmatched force suddenly rolled out, and the huge mace, together with the beast Kaido, flew out.


The sea was rough and the waves rolled.

Even the giant sea Katsuyu was so humane that he showed a cold sweat and panic expression.

"You guy is really messy. Even if you want to fight, you can change places, right?" Looking at Kaido indifferently at the beast that fell into the sea and splashed with a huge wave, Iji said faintly.

He also had a sense of war in his eyes.

It's not that I want to use the advantage of ability to suppress the opponent, but I want to use my physical strength to head-to-head with these monsters and try to force my own potential.

This is the biggest reason why he really wants to enter the New World.

It's not just Kaido, BIG-MOM, Red Earl Ryder, Redhead Shanks, and even the revolutionary dragon located in South Blue. He didn't plan to leave any of them.

"Fuck! Then just find an island near here!"

Beast Kaido was very simple, and jumped straight up.

The huge and terrifying body fell heavily on the huge war room, shaking the war room endlessly.

"For Laozi to go straight over there, and I just saw an island there when I came."

The huge mace sticks on the deck of cement and alloy steel plate, and cracks begin to appear on it, pointing to a certain direction and viciously toward the giant sea Katsuyu.

Iji stood there with his arms folded, and didn't mean to stop.

Katsuyu nodded directly at the pitiful, teary eyes of the giant sea Katsuyu who did not dare to move.


Katsuyu, a sea of ​​tears, ran wildly with fright.

A huge splash of water splashed on the sea, advancing in the direction indicated by Kaido at an astonishing speed.

Robin, Reiju and others subconsciously moved away from this violent monster and stood behind Iji.

"You guy entered the New World, not just a fight with Laozi, right?"

Kaido Kaido looked at "small", but Iji, whose powerful aura cannot be ignored, asked directly.

Warlike and warlike, wanting to commit suicide twice in three days, it is really good that there is a problem with the brain circuit, but it does not mean that he is mentally retarded like Weibull.

"In addition to the two pieces of red road sign historical text, how many other pieces of historical text did you collect?" Iji didn't sell it, and walked directly to Kaido.

"Are you also interested?

Beast Kaido Tongling widened his eyes and became vigilant.

He didn't think that Vinsmoke-Iji could kill him, but it didn't mean that he was really not afraid of the opponent's strength. The power that directly crushed those strong in the World government that day was absolutely terrifying.

"I'm not interested in being a One Piece, but Germa also has a few rubbings of stones in his hands, so I can make a deal with you.

Of course, Iji was not so kind and helped Kaido to translate the historical text.

Even if they are sincere in helping the other party to translate, they may not appreciate it, they can only make this guy stare at Robin.

"Laozi doesn't understand that thing. Why do you want to trade with you? Besides, after your kid could not trade with me, he ran to trade with the woman who would only have children. Isn't Laozi the empty glove white wolf a big loss? "The beasts Kaido bold and grandiose sat there, Iji sneered and spoke.

He is not stupid.

I want to deceive the text of history from him in a few words. What are you kidding me?

Although I don't know what is recorded on it, I won't be so stupid to give it to Iji.

"What if it's the message in the text of the fourth signpost?"

Sitting on the big chair that Isabel brought up, Iji was a little playful and authentic.


The beast Kaidowu stared at Iji, and asked in disbelief, "Do you still know the news about the fourth red stone?"

"I don't know the specific location, but I know that someone probably knows it, and he even interprets the historical text."

Iji shrugged: "Make a deal and give me the rubbings of the historical text!

"Interpreting the text of history... Damn, what a sinister guy!"

The beast Kaido's pupils shrank sharply, and immediately glared at Iji, and said directly: "How do I know if you will be the first to take the lead and rob that guy in front of Laozi?"

The news of the fourth red stone made him somewhat moved, but it was still impossible to believe Vinsmoke-Iji directly.

"Do you have any other way besides trusting me?"

After spreading his hands, Iji was not worried, and said, "Speaking of which, if I hadn't told you that the red stone was in Zuowu, you wouldn't get it now!"

"If I trade with BIG-MOM, I believe that woman will definitely agree!"

Beast Kaido's eyelids jumped, his already swarthy face was as black as the bottom of a pot, his fierce gaze made no secret of his murderous intent, and he glared at Iji fiercely.

The atmosphere fell into tension, and the two eyes collided in the air, intertwined with invisible cold light.

"Fuck it! Are you threatening Laozi?" Kaido Kaido has terrifying eyes, and Iji's scornful gaze caused him to explode.


He swung his mace abruptly and slammed it directly at Iji who was sitting there.


Right fist condenses the halo.

Without showing weakness, he swung his fist to meet him, and banged on the pressed mace.



The horrible collision was deafening and discolored.

The atmosphere in front is like a fragile mirror, constantly cracking!



The red lightning intertwined, the sky seemed to be split in half, and the violent wind could not restrain it.

A monstrous wave rolled up on the sea, almost overturning the huge war house and rushing towards the depths of the sea.

The women such as Isabel, Smoky and others couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically, and they hurriedly took Reiju and others out to violently retreat.

It directly shook the sea Katsuyu in the past, leaving only the power of the turbine and the wind shells, and the ship's speed instantly slowed down.

I saw the sea ahead.

An uninhabited desert island is in sight.


"Whatever you think, press the topic just now, and then talk about it after a fight! ""

The terrifying vibrating power swept out in an instant, and flew out of the war room with the huge body of the beast Kaido!

"I'm afraid you won't make it. If you can kill Laozi, what about giving you all the stones?"

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