One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 517 Are you looking down on Laozi? [Various requests]



One big and one small, the two figures directly collided with each other without any scruples.

The violent air currents, accompanied by dark red lightning, couldn't help intertwining and raging, covering the entire sky.

"Woohuhu, wow!"

On the desert island, the sand, gravel and vegetation around the two figures were all swept away roughly by the strong waves visible to the naked eye.

The surface of the sea boiled, and waves of big waves rushed directly into the depths of the sea.

Over the island, two terrifying cloud currents are confronting and squeezing, as if the sky is split in two, which makes people feel a little nervous and uneasy.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!".

In an instant, the most intense and visually striking collision appeared on this island.

Large tracts of ground collapsed and cracked because they could not withstand the force of the confrontation between the two, and the cracks continued to spread and increase in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Collision of Conqueror's

"What a fierce confrontation, it makes your scalp numb when you look at it!"

Reiju, Isabel, Smoky and other women stayed in the war room, far away from the sea, and they could feel the terrible pressure.

No matter how confident they are in Iji's strength, they will not underestimate a Four Emperors who are rumored to be unkillable.

Beast Kaido's demon-like body symbolizes unparalleled defensive power and extremely exaggerated strength, and the recovery speed of physical strength is also quite amazing.

And Robin and Nami, the first time they saw such a terrible confrontation with their own eyes, were already shocked and speechless.

"His Royal Highness, he didn't use Devil Fruit's power at all."

Staring at the terrible collision on the distant island, Isabel's beautiful eyes were shocked and worried, and she guessed Iji's plan: "I plan to verify myself with the beast Kaido for this period of time, and continue to beat the body with the power of Shock Fruit. , Is it the result of continuously breaking the limits of the human body?"

Since the battle with Kaido of the beasts on the island, that Highness has never used the Devil Fruit ability, not only Shock Fruit, but even the Eudemons. Neither the abilities of the vampire form nor the abilities of the Dark Fruit should be used.

From beginning to end, just relying on his own continuous breakthroughs, the already extremely terrifying physique and his own bloody battles over the years, constantly improving and improving the powerful physical skills, and the monster Kaido constantly heads up head-on.

"Call" ""

The sound of breaking through the air continued to scream.

The huge mace screamed and slammed.

Pieces of extremely exaggerated, horned dragon-like muscles, contain indescribable terrifying explosive power.

"brush "

The figure looked like a ghost and disappeared in place.

Even when Devil Fruit is not used, the speed is as fast as lightning, and it swept directly above Kaido, the beast.

The muscles are tight and rhythmic.

The fist rubbed the atmosphere and banged straight.


Kaido slammed another giant fist suddenly, instead of slamming it hard.

Accompanied by the powerful sonic boom, the atmosphere seemed to be distorted, and the surroundings seemed to become a vacuum.


With long bloody hair flying, Iji stepped on the ground.

A shocking huge pit was left, and that terrible force was easily removed.

"Mom, it's useless even Devil Fruit's ability. Is this underestimating Laozi?" The beast Kaido was terrifying and stared at Iji, furious and threw away the huge mace. Slammed his fist.


The pitch-black giant fist rubbed the atmosphere.

It directly became blazing and red, driving a terrible shock wave and blasting towards Iji.

Obviously, it is no longer reserved at all. It is completely different from the first time the two confronted the Gulan Tezolo, and it was even more violent and terrifying!

"It depends on whether you have the ability to use your abilities, Kaido feels the changes in Kaido, and Iji's eyes are blazing with a fierce fighting spirit.

"Then let Laozi die!

The incomparable scarlet fist blasted down like a hill.

Kaido, who was furious, didn't mean to be merciful. He just wanted to make this arrogant fellow regret that he even dared to despise him like this.


Fight fist!

The earth collapsed and cracked apart.

One after another exaggerated cracks continued to appear and spread.

The red figure was directly blasted out, leaving an exaggerated track on the ground!

Without using taboo methods such as burning life or using Devil Fruit's ability, the purest physical power alone can directly match the guys of Kaido, the beasts. I don't know if I can find it out in this sea.

Even BIG-MOM won't work, the title of the strongest creatures by sea, land and air is by no means for nothing.

"Is it still worse? But, the gap is not far away. Without the slightest anger or unwillingness, Iji has only endless fighting spirit.

He can appreciate the great progress he has made during this period of time.

Even if he didn't use the Devil Fruit ability and the state that was equivalent to burning his own vitality, at the level of pure physical strength, there was still a gap between him and the beast Kaido just now, there was never that big distance.

Put aside the invulnerable". "Copper skin and iron bone", his speed has already overwhelmed the opponent, the difference is only strength, and the gap is not very big!


The violent red fist didn't want to give Iji any gasp, carrying an undisguised killing intent, and blasted up again!

"Yes, that's it, get me a little more excited, Kaido!"

Iji, who was blasted out again, had a crazy and excited laugh on his face, and the bloody cloak and shirt were torn off by him directly and violently.

The perfect ratio of muscles contains inestimable explosive power, and it is constantly moving.

"The whole person is like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus. The moment the ground collapsed, it ejected in an instant.

"bring it on!!!"

With his fists wrapped around Haki, the rubbing atmosphere became as red as fire, and he shook together with Kaido, the beast.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!! (for money)

Two figures that are completely unequal, confront each other for life, fisting to the flesh, simple and rude!

The ground couldn't help cracking, the dust in the sky was directly washed away by the strong air current, and two black clouds in the sky couldn't help but squeeze and collide.

Power is at a disadvantage, but speed has the upper hand. No one can do anything about it.

Even the beast Kaido was shocked by the terrifying power and terrifying explosive power hidden in the opponent's body, and yelled like angrily: "Want to beat Laozi in power?"

"Laozi is a beast Kaido!!!"

The huge scarlet fist burned and burst out wildly.

The exaggerated giant fist crazily squeezed and tore the atmosphere, forming a crimson shock wave gauge.


The huge shock wave that made people change color crashed on Iji!

With awe-inspiring eyes, Iji's muscles all up and down, and the violent fists blasted out without showing weakness!

"Day Tiger!!!

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