One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 532 Transformation Fruit [Various Requests]


The firstborn with special horns, like a demon-like body, stepped over on the ground.

Let the earth move. Except for those cloned soldiers who don't know what death and fear are, the generals, officers, and scientific researchers couldn't help but swallow.

Faced with such a behemoth, and once one of the Four Emperors of New World, it is impossible to be without pressure.

The main reason is that most people subconsciously think that transforming monsters like Kaido into a weapon that is absolutely obedient like a pacifist. Some fantasy is always afraid that this guy will suddenly run away.

"Tsk, Your Highness, it's really exaggerated."

After several months of nourishment and recuperation, even if it has not been cured by Man Shirley, the mental state of "Iron Bone" Horn-T-Asa is obviously much better than before. No less than 70, and now it looks like he is in his sixties: "Oh haha, if it is spread out, I am afraid that even the Four Emperors will guard you!"

Asa's words are no joke.

At the very least, BIG-MOM must be wary of Germa.

No one hopes to be attacked by such a force, and then transformed into a kind of inhuman and ghost like Kaido, without a personality of their own, only knowing the weapon of fate.

If you have the ability to destroy Germa, maybe you have to unite.

"Even if the fighting consciousness cannot be compared to Kaido, the beast himself, and Conqueror's Haki can't be played, but with that tyrannical body alone, it can crush most powerful people, let alone load. On a large laser cannon

Fujitora held the black sword Qiushui, and carefully looked at Kaido, who was expressionless in front of him, standing quietly on standby, shaking his head and saying.

"Let's go, to the deserted island without anyone,"!"

Iji did not delay the investigation, and directly said to Fujitora and Asa: "Fight against him, verify how much combat power this guy has left, and check whether there are any omissions and defects in his transformation!"

Dr. Vegapunk's technology is constantly improving. The transformation of Kaido is different from ordinary pacifists. Both Observation Haki and Armament Haki can still play out.

This is why he specifically called Fujitora and Asa over.

Kaido is different from other strong men, with terrifying physical strength, exaggerated defense, and not weak speed.

Fujitora and Asa were specifically called here, because both of them had reached the level of monsters in terms of their attack power alone.

In particular, Asa, who has already obtained Logia-Grant Fruit, is strictly speaking a monster-level powerhouse.

It's just that the exaggerated copper skin and iron bones can't be broken by ordinary strong people.


The huge demon body, at a very fast speed, could not help swimming on the surface of the sea below, setting off a huge splash of water.

The violent aura that was revealed invisibly made countless sea beasts tremble and tremble.


Iji, Isabel, Asa, Fujitora, and others, all have huge bodies above them, flapping their wings and flying high in the air, condensed from substantial darkness, and on their backs the entire body is pitch-black and infiltrating.

"It seems that the beast-like instinct is still retained. The violent aura that makes the scalp numb will be revealed involuntarily when he acts."

Smoky, standing next to Iji, whose long hair was messed up by the wind, stared at the beasts below, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Some are eager to try.

Relying on "Onimaru Kokuzuna", one of the twelve swords of the supreme sword, coupled with his not weak Armament Haki, I don't know if he can leave a wound on this guy.

Anyway, the resilience of this monster is terribly strong, so there is no need to worry about it being destroyed.

"If you want to fight him, you can!" Iji nodded.

Fighting with different types of strong men will be able to test which aspects of the beasts are inadequate and need to be further strengthened.


Like a black giant eagle from the abyss of hell, there are two scientists who seem to be weak and windy, and a solid dark wall blocks the raging wind for them.

The purpose is to collect and analyze various aspects of Kaido, and report to D.. Vegapunk, who has been so tired because of leading the transformation of Kaido these days, and is resting in the scientific research base.

". "Your Highness, I want to try too"

Behind her, Isabelle's teeth were crystal-clear, with jewel-like green eyes, looking at Iji earnestly.

"If this guy's body is waiting for the sea, your black flames should have no effect on it, which means you can only fight him with physical skills.

Iji didn't mean to stop, "but you are a little weaker now!"

"This is equivalent to the best training partner, and as long as you don't order, he should treat me as a deadly enemy?"

Although Isabel is smiling, her eyes are full of stubbornness and determination.

In the past few years, although her strength has been continuously rising, she is getting farther and farther away from this highness, which puts her under a little pressure.

I am still too weak, and I must go through a more cruel temper!

If in the future even "Big Tiger" Boris and Horn-T-Asa can't hold them back, how can they follow in the footsteps of His Highness (Qian De Zhao)?

"Can "

Iji shook his head helplessly.

How could he not know the thoughts in Isabel's heart?

Even Niji and others are willing to give Logia Devil Fruit the ability. For himself, a maid who usually works hard and wants to follow in his own footsteps, Iji is naturally not mean.

If it was said that Luo, Vegapunk and others were male and still had some grudges, now he has no scruples.

In this world, it is not just Op-Op Fruit that can make some incredible changes to the human body.

Reiju just got news that Djerma’s army got a Devil Fruit yesterday when they successfully captured the Kingdom of Ainil.

According to the record on the Devil Fruit illustration, it is Paramecia-transformed fruit!

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