One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 533 Fujitoravs beasts [various requests]

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

Above an uninhabited desert island.

One big and one small, unmatched figures collided violently.

The ground collapsed, dust in the sky swept, and fierce air waves raged.

"Gravity Knife-Tiger!" The terrifying horizontal gravity directly blasted the beast Kaido's body, blasting the fierce giant body out.

"call out--"

The beasts flying upside down Kaido has no expression on his face and his mouth is open.

An extremely blazing light condenses out, which is far more dazzling and dazzling than ordinary laser cannons.

Fujitora's complexion changed, and the whole person didn't even think about it, so she swept across to the right.

However, Kaido's huge head also locked his position, and his neck turned.


"Om rumbling"

The terrifying laser cannon blasted out fiercely.

Large swaths of matter were directly vaporized by the terrible high temperature, causing a violent explosion.

The fire blazed into the sky, and the terrible heat wave couldn't help but madly rolled away, and it would directly submerge Fujitora's whole person, but it was rolled back by the strong lateral gravity.

At the same time, the huge demon body fell heavily, shaking the ground, the cracks were shocking, and the sea was surging.

"The reaction to those pacifists was that Fujitora, who was almost hit by a laser at 817, was not at the same level, and his eyes became awe-inspiring.

The huge eagle condensed by the substantial darkness, flapped its wings and flew over the distant sea.

Iji, Isabel, Smoky, Asa and others stood on it, looking at the fierce confrontation on the island.

The beast Kaido is huge, and the laser cannon loaded on it is strictly speaking a large laser turret.

"The power of this large-scale laser cannon is not as exaggerated as the ordinary laser cannon under the blessing of Momo Fruit."

Looking at the battle on the distant island, Isabel said in surprise: "But it should have been more than ten times!"

"And his ability to react is really amazing!"


The roar resounded like a beast.

Hundred Beasts Kaido rushed up, like a huge ancient beast.

The huge fist rubbed against the atmosphere, turned red like fire, and bombarded Fujitora, whose complexion had changed greatly!

"Big Tiger!!!"

The black knife couldn't help swinging.

The terrible horizontal gravity distorted the force field and bombarded Kaido wildly.


The violent blow was blocked.

Kaido's attack did not stop, and he kept hitting Fujitora with his fists.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

With Fujitora's swordsmanship alone, it is impossible to compete with such a monster, and can only use Devil Fruit's ability to fight without considering the consumption, while constantly evading the opponent's attack in embarrassment.

It was impossible to leave any scars on Kaido's body.

"Hell Journey!!" The huge gravity suddenly exerted on Kaido, the beast, pressing it crazily to the ground.



The ground was crushed to pieces, and instantly turned into a bottomless pit, Kaido, the beast, was trapped in it.


Fujitora roared.

He couldn't help braving the purple-black light, apparently increasing gravity.

"Om" The black knife slammed to the ground.

The more terrifying gravity constantly moved from different directions, forcibly crushing the earth except for his standing.

"Boom boom boom"

The huge pit disappeared.

The ground in a radius of more than 100 meters sank more than 20 to 30 meters, and Kaido was sealed under the ground.

The huge "pillar" less than two or three square meters wide in the middle stood alone, with Fujitora's figure standing on it.

"Huh, at this level, I guess it can't help that guy at all, right?" He took a long breath, and the rhythm of his breathing was a bit rapid.

Fujitora has already learned how strong Kaido's body (bhai) is.

He blessed Haki's black knife, and slashed it with all his strength, leaving only a white scratch on it, which was an exaggeration.

"Can you directly control gravity? It's a terrible ability!"

Robin and Nami couldn't help feeling a little shocked as they looked at the ground that had collapsed hundreds of meters in radius.

Unexpectedly, the man named Fujitora has such an ability.

If he is right, it is estimated that he will be directly crushed into flesh by the terrible gravity, right?


At the next moment, the originally silent ground roared and trembled.

The earth trembled, and could not help being braced roughly. A huge shocking crack appeared, and the tall and incomparable body rushed out from the inside.

"Woolen cloth."

It fell heavily on the ground, raising a large swath of smoke and dust, shaking the earth to crack.

"At this level, it can't help Kaido."

With a calm face, Iji's eyes stayed on Fujitora for a moment.

The ability of Gravity Fruit is indeed very strong, and the prospects for development are also great. In the future, it will definitely be recycled.

Fujitora is no better than Sand Crocodile Pod, and its own potential is limited.

After returning to his original body, some of the Devil Fruit in the Djerma Empire let him choose, so that he would not be treated badly.

The Thunder Fruit of Blue Python is naturally no exception!

The ability of this top Logia Devil Fruit once made Iji, who already owns Dark Fruit, feel deeply regret, because he knows the potential of this fruit very well.

To be honest, although Dark Fruit's abilities are also very powerful, out of personal preference, he is more inclined to get Thunder Fruit.

Not to mention other things, just that Observation Haki combined with the powerful heart network created by the electric wave, it is destined that Iji cannot leave this Devil Fruit to Akin.

The ability to monitor the target silently and directly in a large area alone.

It can be said that this is never allowed by any ruler Kabuto.It has nothing to do with whether you are conspiring to rebel or not.Just your words and deeds all the time may be known by the other party, making it unacceptable!

Iji thinks he is not stingy, but he is not so magnanimous yet.

Regarding the Paramecia-transformation fruit, Lemei has found a suitable candidate from the outstanding female students in the Djerma Military Academy.

It's just that she wants Master Paramecia-the ability to transform the fruit will take quite some time, but she also happens to follow Luo to learn medical skills and the transformation of alien structures, anyway, she is not in a hurry.

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