One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 534 Earl’s Luck【Various Requests】

The sun is setting.

Before you know it, it's already afternoon.

There is a bit of coolness on the deserted island, but the war on it is still going on.

However, it has been replaced. Fujitora is obviously impossible for Kaido's opponent, replaced by "Iron Bone" ~ Kaien-T-Asa.

"Ming hoo hoo--"

The wind is raging, and the sound of breaking through the air is more than just -.

"咻咻", -"Boom boom boom

The fierce and unmatched giant wind blade continuously tore the atmosphere one after another, bombarding the bulging and exaggerated physique of Kaido, the beast.

"Oh ha ha ha, such a physique is really enviable." Asa stood on the ground, Jie Jie laughed strangely.

He really envied it. If the bones he made had the defensive power of Kaido as unbreakable as the immortal body of the beast Kaido, then it shouldn't be too strong.

The ground under his feet has become a dense bone at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The fierce red eyes flickered, Kaido Kaido directly raised his right hand and pointed it at Asa in front of him.

"call out--"

Condensed with dazzling light on it, blazing and dazzling laser cannons blasted out.


A huge bone shield rose into the sky and stood there.

But most of it was melted directly by Shengsheng, and the violent heat wave raged wildly.

Countless rocks were entrained by the air current and flew out without restraint.


The beast Kaido rushed to him.

The ferocious aura leaked instinctively, and the huge fist wrapped around Haki, directly blasting towards him.


The giant fist rubbed against the atmosphere, turning red like fire.

"My old bone can't stand your monster power."

Asa did not choose to go head-to-head with it.

Decisively turned into a blue breeze, and retreated violently in an instant.


The red fist wind distorted the atmosphere and formed a terrible shock wave.

The crushed ground collapsed and cracked, which made people irritated with cold sweat and numb scalp.

next moment.

"Swipe it"

The white bone spurs rose up into the sky in an instant.

Haki, whose tip was wrapped in pitch black, slammed into Kaido, the beast!

"Boom~~~ Rumble~~~"

Senbai's bone spurs were directly broken by blasting!

But Kaido, the beast, was blocked from moving, and a large number of huge bone spears rose from the ground, entwining the tall and incomparable black figure.

"Ming Hu Hu", "Boom Boom Boom"

A terrible storm rose to the sky, raging unscrupulously and violently.

The black and crushing wind enveloped a radius of hundreds of meters, and countless wind blades carried a large amount of rubble, completely submerging the beast Kaido.


The sea was surging and boiling, and the surging waves could not help but hit the shore.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

However, dazzling laser cannons burst out from the center of the storm one after another.

The figure of Asa was locked tightly, but he could only penetrate his body directly, because he was a Logia capable person, and he was not afraid of the wrong shot.


Large areas of the ground collapsed.

Senbai's huge bone spur was violently broken.

The fierce and terrifying figure rushed out of the storm and directly blasted towards Asa in the air.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that the effect is okay

The substantial dark eagle lay across the sea, and Isabel turned her head and smiled at Iji.

In any case, it just erased the original personality, a weapon that absolutely obeys orders, and it is impossible to expect it to really display its original combat power.

Previously, even with the advantage of gravity fruit, Fujitora was directly suppressed by Kaido.

And Asa just relied on the speed advantage of Logia-the fruit of the wind, easily dodge the attack of the beast Kaido. Although the offensive power of the Gale Fruit's ability is actually very strong, it is not too long for Asa to obtain the Devil Fruit's ability, and obviously there is still time for further development in the future.



I basically confirmed the level of Kaido's combat power, and Iji, who was still satisfied, said directly: "Aren't you and Smoky want to fight it? Then you guys have a try!"

Head-to-head, Kaido is still very powerful.

………Purchase flowers 0…

After all, the monster-like power, speed, defense, and resilience are not decorations, but the combat consciousness has dropped a lot, and the reaction ability cannot be as good as the original him.

But even if it is suppressed, it is difficult to kill this monster.

"Even the attack of Asa's intensity can't leave scars on that body. It seems that the immortal body is really more exaggerated than the mother called the "steel balloon"."

Smoky said, slender and sexy legs, and rushed up on Moonwalk.

The faint blue light flashed, and Onimaru Kunizuna, one of the supreme sharp swords, was directly out of the sheath.

Perhaps in the future, she and Isabel can be a powerful sparring team.

Night fell.

The moonlight is dim and the sea is shimmering.

When the "Iron Bone" Horn T-Asa, Smoky, and Isabel fought fiercely against Kaido, the beast.

Far in the middle of New World, in a certain sea area.

The red earl Ryder wolf fox rushed out of the sea and landed on the island.

The wet red cloak was taken off by him.

"Cough cough"

The pale complexion became paler.

Wiping off the Bloodline overflowing from the corner of his mouth, Red Earl Ryder's eyes became cold: "Charlotte- Linlin, and the jumping monkey, pray that you can take the opportunity to kill the old man right away, otherwise there will be no next time. Such a good opportunity

Tiger Luo Pingyang was deceived by a dog, and guys like Polusalino dared to make trouble for him, which undoubtedly made Earl Red a little angry.

"Hmph, I really have to thank you for trying to drive the old man into desperate situation, but let me get this on the bottom of the sea!" His left hand held a grapefruit-like shape with a weird pattern and dripping wet Devil Fruit.

He had seen Devil Fruit's illustrated book, and he had already distinguished what Devil Fruit he got.

"Unexpectedly, this Devil Fruit actually appeared on the bottom of the sea!"

Without hesitation, he took a bite and threw the rest of the fruit into the sea. The Red Earl Ryder walked directly to the dark island.


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