One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 543 You are welcome to accept [Various requests]

The German capital, St. Vassan.

In the magnificent palace, on the top floor of the magnificent office building, inside Iji's exclusive office.

Wearing a luxurious and generous white dress with a golden Djerma empire badge on it, the sexy and charming Reiju looks at his desk, reviewing the documents, looking very focused.

In the past few days, Bacara, Kalifa, and Deliya have all taken Robin and Nami to wander around and play on this island, which is far larger than Alabasta.

Perhaps, according to the pattern of this sea, strictly speaking, the island where the capital of the Djerma Empire is rooted should be regarded as a continent.

Because it is too big.

There are many large-scale towns and urban areas alone, and the population is even denser.

And in the gorgeous hall opposite this office.

The whole body is red, on a luxurious and expensive couch.

Smoky smiled, sitting there with a glass of red wine and tasting it, seeming to be in a good mood.

White hair, not so fair skin, these did not affect her beauty, but added a bit of health and beauty.

"Chameleon" Gamenio? Copy the fruit?"

After hearing Issa 817 Bell's report, Iji, who was directly resting on Smoky's sexy legs, couldn't help but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Even Smoky looked at Isabelle with a little surprise: "Cameño? I remember him, as if he was once the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and later left the Whitebeard Pirates for some reason."

"This is the news from Pod, and it seems that Five Elders has left that guy specially after the Shichibukai meeting. I'm afraid it's not that simple!!

Rarely without practice, Isabel, a beautiful maid in black and white maid costume, stood there, her golden hair shining shiny.

On the beautiful face, there are delicate and indispensable facial features, and the eyebrows are slightly trimmed.

"Hehe, the world government and other forces want to figure out the mystery of becoming more Demon fruit power, and it is not a day or two. I don't know how many spies have been caught for a few months."

"Duplicating fruits, even if you can't directly copy the ability and body structure of the Demon fruit power, but Gamenio may have copied some special Devil Fruit abilities, and you can directly scan or see through the body of the Demon fruit power to help the world. It’s not surprising that the government has figured out the mystery of more Demon fruit power

"Or, directly copy Op-Op Fruit's ability."

Iji sat up, playing with a gold coin issued by Germa in his hand. It was a bit of a playful taste: "As for the capabilities of Op-Op Fruit, I think the World government should know nothing more!"

"Either let him help sneak into Germa and find out the whereabouts of D... Vegapunk

Isabel nodded, and at the same time said another guess of her own: "After all, the determination of the World government to take back the scientists like D.. Vegapunk and the scientific research team that destroyed Germa has never changed!"

The ability to copy the fruit alone is enough to make people guess many directions, but it is not 100% sure.

Previously, in order to prevent any problems with the scientific forces, Iji had asked Miss Bajin to take Weibull and personally protect the safety of D.. Vegapunk.

"If that's the case, once he sneaks into Germa or the frontline army and wants to grab that guy, it's not easy to "put down the wine glass, and Smugi, who knows a little about Gamenio, can't help but frown and say directly:" His ability is not only the ability to replicate the target's Devil Fruit, but also directly replicates the appearance of the capable person, and there is hardly any difference.

do not!"

If such a guy acts as a spy, it is really difficult to find him directly (bhai).

If the ability to replicate the fruit is in the hands of the enemy, it is relatively too dangerous and we have to guard against it.

"It's okay, if the fellow Gamenio continues to keep a low profile, maybe I really ignored this Devil Fruit.

The golden coin flew up, spinning in mid-air, and finally landed on the palm of Iji's palm, showing the logo of the eagle pattern of the Vinsmoke family: "Since it has jumped out and has the ability to replicate the fruit, I will not You are polite!"

Paramecia. The ability to replicate fruits.

It is not as strong as imagined, because it is difficult to deeply develop any ability that can be copied. If it is weak, it is exaggerated to copy the ability of others at will, and it is not limited to one or two.

But if you want to use the copied ability, you must maintain the appearance of that ability person.

For example, Gamenio once copied Whitebeard's Shock Fruit ability. If you want to use Shock Fruit's ability, you have to look like Whitebeard.

According to the record on Devil Fruit's manual, if you copy the Logia ability, it cannot be elementalized. This can be said to be the biggest limitation.

Otherwise it's really heaven-defying.

"Contacting Blue Python, wanting to lock that guy, and to confirm what conspiracy the World government actually has, I still need his ability."

As for the task of finding Red Earl Ryder, the Blue Python only needs to behave. At his speed, even if Polusalino summoned suddenly, he could rush over in the shortest time.


"Right, Your Highness"

Isabel, who was about to contact Blue Python just now, remembered something. With a different color in her beautiful eyes, she directly added to Iji in front of her: “There is one more thing. Yue cooperates with Marine to execute Buster Call! on the "Emperor" Boa-Hancock who has escaped from the Shichibukai sequence without authorization.

"Nine Snake Island?"

Iji was taken aback for a moment.

Three years ago, he had specifically searched for the island of Nine Snake in Calm Belt.

Because it was not very important, I didn't want to waste too much time on it, and then I lost that thought.

Now it is not difficult for him to find out the location of Nine Snake Island.

"I heard that Boa-Hancock, but what about the world's number one beauty, someone wouldn't be indifferent, right?" Reiju, who was hardly able to get a breath of air, just finished his official duties and walked in with a smile.

Some Noo stared at his bad brother.

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